Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

. _ I h Wit s (.(Hincil I \ t' ii R,E(Tvl .1) 1'1.A'0.5' /3) s' Ell* V 131 1/1. 11 .11?'11' "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Aid. 111:1111.1)1Ail.:11 schoolgirl. Helen findgors, nl :;tallord, took (imam view of one of the moro mnistial paintings, tannin Fi,;;Itte." of seven flritisli artiste at the National (;:111, ty "I just don't fP-I it," Ililen said "NOT A CLUE... WHAT A WASTE.., INSULTING ... A MESS" SUCH A RUMPUS4 AT THE GALLERY1 WEST Australian Mr. E. Avery waved his art catalogue angrily in Brisbane's National Art Gallery yesterday. 'Tm . whole thing's a tumbling buildings), a terrible %/isle or Me1110111111P woman said : 111011e,-110 reps in "I fell like crying when % it at air' he said I came to look at "Look at Mk- Queensland's art eollec- .. 'Image of 11011 and saw such ad 4 Wilal nonsense!" tangled mess of paint." o' % Gad" is one of MI Gallery' director ('Mr, "win" In n,in Robert Itittnes), who is of recent works by seven also organising director British artists, opening for the Australia-wide % to -day at the gallery. exhibition said : "These painters are do- ing mach the same kind of thing as musicians- experimenting with new forms. "This Is nut an Irresponsible exhibition. It has been sent by the British Government through the British Council, which appointed a distinguished panel to . select the p..intings." Thr exhib:tion was:, officially opened last ; night by the Rev. A. P. Mr, Avery is staying B. Bennie. with his dattgliter.inAaw, Art review-Page 2 :t1.s. .1. Avery, of Therm -e^%'-^^ side, and went to the, eallery yesterday to see the permanent collection.. :. * air. Avery was our of .1 half a dozen visitors, most from other Slates, who had an unexpeeted pre- view of the exhibition . yesterday - and came awav mystified. Their comments ranged from "Frankly, I haven't a flue what It's all about," lo "Some of them would make gond wallpaper de- signs." Others. like Mr. Avery's. came more to the point. "Instead, I found this," he said, Pointing at walls.. tined with paintings hear- ing such titles as "Green Vertical Landscape." "Al- tar of the Moon," and "Blue Triangle Enters." "The exhibition is an. Instill to one's Intelligence a nut to the gallery," Mr. err said. "There are better paintings In kind-, ergartens." Pausing In front of . "Landscape with Flame": at shadow, form with a, background resembling. 9 FER 19C° CONTEMPORABY art ex- hibition at the Gaiter,' by British pointers seems to have left a lot of people a little numb, But the cafe - explains what those Weird lines mean. We quote: "Those of Merlyn Evans are built up of intellectually enntrivt d rli ment,,,. While Sot herland's presences are formed from the minutiae of nature. Flans' seems to be com- posed of fragments from the foundry or shipyard, but they re- main automatons living in it dark world of their own makinii. in the shadow of Wyndham Lewis' vortieism." Now you know?