Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

tLeading (tamers of the Royal Ballet. Donald MacLeary Deft i and Anne Beaton admire Seultpure Project, June '51, one of the paintings in the ex- hibition of contetn- porary British Art at the Queensland Nat- ional Art Gallery to- day. With them 1.1 Gallery Director. Mr. . Robert Baines. The exhibition opens to the public tomorrow Mr. MarLeary, I; a will dance the part of the Prince In to- night's production of $wan Lake at tier Majesty's 'Theatre. Nineteen - year - old Canadian prima lial- krill:1,, Lynn Sey- mour, will take the leading double role of Odette-Odile. AiF,or hq/,,,Ic.. Rvie 76 1111,11.'11.1.1: IIIT511011 A selection of portrait and landscape paintings from the entries submitted for the Queensland Centenary Eisteddfod Art Competition is at the Queensland National Art Gallery, Gregory Terrace. The exh.bition is en-.. couv.etint and should' themselves over to the wove stimulating to cult of the ugly, load painters. I often wonder Into wit:a trouble a writer r'aItIii.t. ll:(1)11111:1.41- Brisbane priAtt, Betty 05111- ,t.-1 if in writing took S111.11111' 111)1.1'11I'S.111 Pa arust has captured in. a ,tie.orotis manner 1.110 .1_ .. characteristics of her "I.' his 1""-Pli tuns. sitter, Dr. J. V. Duhig. , John Rigby does not Robert H.,,,,,7,,,,Ittypar at his host In Self Her Portrait. ,dEtres not gam Ion Molvla and Bron- of the qualities found in wyn Yeat es iie disturbing 'leer successful painting. in their depletion of their subjects, Russel Clip - Girl's work paidge. Esq.. and The romising Lady Mayoress of Bit;lisia- p lAautr.. Mrs. T. R. Ciro , John Dalton shows a Brtsbane Archth,ct in a Iwo -eat semi -abstract fashion and Maryke 1)ateits has preserved a likeness in Jon MitivIg. Esq. Gay Forrest. aged 15, shows Promise with Lance A. Jones. Esq. member of Brisbane Stock Exchange., Andrew Sibley's Mr. A. Spooner. F.A.S.A., F.C.I,S..1 Nlanager Tully Co -opera - 1 tive Sugar Nlilling Assoc.I Lid.. is rather overpower- ing in its outlined planes., Margaret McNeil and Betty Quelhurst have caught the nature of their respective sitters, Vida Ifittol;),( 1 !.;.MBE. and Augusta Gabrielle DillowaY's C.. A. M. Reid. Esq.. of Lone Pii,e. and Beth Peddies Canon W. P. F. Morris.' 0131.:. MA. Lire honest al tempts, The traditional works., K M.uolterson. MSc.. MIJ ISN ()Id by Nora II,, -tettAtor Da ate. WInktn. 1)13E. 10v I ol..1 N1,1;',:ttuil:Iticl: the ;11 Ion Ken .1. NIturts \ILA. 1)r 1, 11 v Bennet' of l',liiuticemland Minister of 1.1;1,1111111' 11(1 111(11.1,111'V. ;111(1 11'11)111 V-BP11111.11.. E. q.. by Henry A. Hanka though, ,.total likenesses,. Wier stiff tti getarsi 'is;":t.:Fie of th, purirmis