Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. ER MODEL "STAGGERED" JUDO A edam. girl was "discovered" by Queensland ri National Art Gallery director Mr. Robert Haines1 yesterday as a sculptress who "is going to de something in modelling one of these days." She Is Alexa Tabke, 15, of Brighton, who won the section, modelling In any medium, over 13 and under III years, at the City of Brisbane Eisteddfod. Using only common clay and water she modelled a model of two boys on a box trolley In less than two hours yesterday afternoon. Mr. Baines, the Judge. said: "It Is one of the best Metes I have seen anywhere. It Is stagger- ing. She has an extraordinary flair for observation. It Is a mature work and shows extraordinary perception." Mr. Baines requested Alexa to display her model at the National Art Gallery. Alexa Is a pupil at the Brisbane prizes In 1950 and 1951 in The Sunday Grammar School. She wan second Mall Child Art CompelMons. ALEXA TABKE displays her model which won high praise in the City of Brisbane Eisteddfod yesterday. "MAIL" Brisbane. Old. THIS picture-winner of the main section in this year's Sunday Mail Child Art painted by Brisbane Eisteddfod scuiptre ind", Ales° Tabkc, IS, of Brighton, andgate. She won first prize in Clii . 1 with this painting of a scene near her home. At the eisteddfod the National Art Gallery Director Mr, Robert Haines; described her as a sculpt rest, who "Is going to do something in modelling one of these days.' The Child Art displays will be on show in The Courier -Mall vestibule ns front next Wcrinrscinv. NI, ' tie More... Galleries are now exhibiting the water colours of George Crossley, a young Mel- ourne pointer who appears to hayc a bright future I art. i ..inn the art e 'son( t.ili ,,..' the Queen;land Gallery in 11-..hility, taste. anti : ail Mitt 1953 'rite exhibi ..;.lt. mitiship. Mr. Cro isle.; sat of old masters' print: 1.1!, irodliced some sery tom UNESCO, already 01 harm in pieces how. will also be distil:kw( Hew rks in a wet itimmer nom: this period .nd in Its way bring:: a do- The tisliery will be re-hunv ightful ftness to his efforts n time for the openthg of vhich a. e unspoilt by uti- hese ,',.t (l, 'II weessury clad. From /,2_ f. 0-Z The simi iettv of the 00,,,. trolly-suggi ...led "Wiri.iv .lay" appeal. strongly, as (1., ilso the q net. charm.' Fountain Sp tol Street." "Docks alio g the Yana" !lows tranquil beauty, and he lovely colour in pictorial miception of "Harbour Tug .iv a Wharf Stir. cer Street.. nukes out of what is normally in uninteresting s Joel nut- ter a picture which could be the ntost attractive, in the dhow. These poetic interpr lotions of the common seen place, lie painter well on his way in Australian art-EL- VILLE HAYSOM. 1'..17'10NAL (:ALLER). Eighteen contemporary Eng - ish oil paintings will be al iiighlight of three exhibition - to be lucid at the Queensland National Art Gaiter v 'intim Show week They will be on loan from 'he Victorian and New South Wales National Galleries and will consist of works by Wilson Steer. Sikert. Augustus John anti a number of other well - mown English painters The period covers from 1900 o the present time There will also be an ex- .abition of purchases made "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, TRAGEDY OF NORT INSPIRED PAINTING HE MYSTERY death of - veteran pony express med- ian, James MacDowall, in ape York Peninsula last ear, inspired this painting by Russell Drysdale. It Is included in (lie Macquarie Galleries (Syd- eY) exhibition at Finneys. Director of the Queens - and National Gallery IMr. Haines) said yesterday hat the painting had been eserved for consideration v the Gallery trusters. Is a true Queensland ainting." hr said. Drysdale was on a hush- css.trip to the north at Ice time of MacDowall's isappearance in June. 951. The story caught his magination, and he later eprodured his version of he rescue. He called It 'Memorial to Jim Mae- owall.' (MacDowall, alto spent years as a Gulf mitt- en, was found uncon- Mum on a lonely hush rack on the Coen trail. Ie died with the cause of As accident unsolvet1.1 "COURIER MAIL" excellent Br ERNEST BRIGGS /The Queensland National Art Gallery is featuring three outstanding exhi- bitions. "Ree.ent purchases of 1951- 52" is highlighted by the fortituous fall of light in Streeton's "The Bathers.' and by bold colour In the same artist's "Sunflowers." In works of McCubbin are vivid characterisation in "The Artist's Son." and subtle iridescent toning In "The Glade." The high standard is Mutable(' in works that include Tom Roberts, Boyd, ander, Meldrum, Quinn, Camel!, and Bessie Gibson. Turner works Twenty-seven engravings lid mezzotints of the works 1 Turner, presented by S. Courtaulci, of London rid New York, range from he charming miniature Loch Lomond" to the ichly-detalled "Chapel and all, Oriel College, Oxford." "English Painting, 1900- J," lent by the National Galleries of Victoria, and New South Wales, reach an impressive peak with Sic- kert's gravely - tempere. "Admiral Duquesne Dieppe," and Wilson Steer' strongly - unified "Ludlot A supplementary showing reveals captivating simplic- ity in Foujita's woodcut "Self -Portrait," and in foss Chinese Panels that predate "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Old. Gallery choices ,.i.i Tnhe torture under discus- us WAS disappointed that an ideal subject for the Brig - amnia; recent, acquisitions bane Gallery. tor the Queensland National As the Notional Gallen' Is Art Gallery that there was n public institution. I think no work of Russell Drysdale. ilio art loving public Is en - In The Cosier-Mail titled In .our rxphuwlion 52.t. there appeared a photo- why this ottst:ntding artist Ii graph of a painting by this not suitably represented in it, artist which at the Gnu: Was -Tont Parker, Forest Street, being shown 111 Brisbane by Mooroolot. the Sydney Macquarie Gal- leries. The reason for the publicn- don of title picture was that the trustees of the Art Clat- tery were considering its pur- rime, and most art lovers vits visited the Show were elated at the prosper! of hav- ing this utast:incline canvas In our own Art Gallery But evidently the picture was not porrhased. I under- stand that there must be a unanimous vole of the trus- tees before a picture can be acquired. This gives rise teen Important question-are all of the trustees riitneiently qualified to innke sloth tied-