Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

ilk, MR. Arthur Evan Road, who pointed the winning landscape, is one of North Queansiand's most prominent enthusiasts. Formerly from New Wales and Victoria. he moved to the north three yearn before he won the 1954 Wynne Prize for landscape with a painting of a Cooktown street scene. The only address he gave organisers of the Centcn- ry competition was c/ - Art Branch, Central Tech- cal College, Brisbane. Queensland National Art Gallery director (Mr. Robert Haines, said he thought Mr, Read was teaching at the college. Of the portrait compel - "COURIER MAIL'' Brisbane, Qld. .j I EU QUEENSLAND PAIR SCOOP A £500 POOL nUEENSLAND artists have won both sec- tions of the Queensland Centenary Eisteddfod £500 Art Competition. And the judges- Miss Vida Lahey, Mr. Robert Haines, and Mr. Robert Campbell - were unani- mous in both decisions. CENTENARY Portrait prize winner Batty Cameron cams home to Brisbane two years age-after five years' study overseas - with a promising reputation . . and a husband, In private lite, Miss to give her money on which Cameron is Mrs. Churehm of River Terrace., to live while she took out Kangaroo Point. the scholarship. Miss Cameron went over- seas in 1951 with a £300 travelling art scholarship given by the Younger Art- ists' Group of the Royal Queensland Art. Society. When, in 1952, she won a scholarship In the Royal College of Art. Queensland- ers subscribed £550 to a fund Opened by The Courier -Mail More than 100 entries from four Australian States have been received for the Queensland Con- I tenary art contest. Entries closed last night for the £300 nor-, trait prize and the £200 landscape award. Judging will start on Thursday. and, according to the Art Gallery Director Mr. Robert Haines, will take some days. First director of the gallery. Mr. Robert Cambel will come f, Adelapidel, for the judgroming. Other members of the panel will be Mr. Haines and Miss Vida Lahey. tion, the Judges said the general standard was good, and compared favourably with similar competitions conducted in other States. "It was disappointing that more interstate painters did BETTY CAMERON, 28, of not compete," the Judges Kangaroo Point, won the said. £300 Centenary Portrait ..The absence of works by prize for her portrait of premier Australian portrait Dr. J. V. Duhig. ARTHUR EVAN READ. 45, Painters was regretted." onetime Innisf ail grocer and 1954 Wynne Prize "Lively" winner, won the £200 prize for his landscape "North The judges said that Nora Heysen IN.S.W.,, Jon Molvig of Capricorn.' and Betty Queihurst (both Standard good (N.S.W., were in the Queensland 1. and Henry The Judges announced .4nal group for judging. their decisions at the n Queensland National Art They described Miss Gallery late yesterday after- Cameron's winning portrait noon. They said that as "a lively and authorita- Queensland artists won both tive portrait with strong competitions "despite corn- characterisation." petition front the South." The landscapes were more difficult to judge because of the large number of entries. Sugar town "North of Capricorn" was one of Mr. Read's character- istic views of a sugar town In North Queensland. It was a large mural -like painting, free In style and treatment. and full of colour and inci- dent. Among the landscapes in In her Kangaroo Point the final Judging were paint - flat last night Miss Cameron ings by Sall Herman, John said she had painted her Eldershaw, Maximilian Feur- prize-winning portrait of ring, and George Lawrence Dr, Duhig in January this (all of NAN.). year specially for the corn- The portrait prize was petition, pon sored by Mr. Ivor Mor- She said she was thrilled s s r Morris Woollen Mills, to have won the competition Redbank, and the landscape and the £300 prize, for which prize by the Queensland she had not yet any lens. Government. NORTH OF CAPRICORN, by Arthur Evan Read, former Innisfail grocer, is a colourful sugar town study which won the f200 landscape prize in the Queensland Centenary Art Competition. PORTRAIT of Dr. .1. V. Duhig, by Betty Cameron, which yester- day won the £300 por- trait prize in the Queensland Centenary art competition. It's good - he should know THE Queensland National Art Gallery Is still one of the most modern galleries in Aus- tralia, according to a man who should know. He is Mr. Robert. Camp- Epstein sculpture is the bell. director of the South, envy of every other gallery Australian National Art in Australia." Miller', who arrtved in Mr. Campbell said the site Brisbane vesterdav to incite for the new gallery in the entlies in the th00 Cent en - r;po,r,i.ittyliiie bCivarhrliemnsinwi,657e in - 11 IT art competitimi. 2 -Day judging Mr. Campbell. first direc- tor of the Queensland Gal- len' for ,Agliteell months "With the new gallon, the from 1949 to 1551 renovated Government has now reeng- and i-elovenated the nut -(If- used the art and cultural elate callery in Mr most part of community fife," he modern in AUNT r;111;t. He visited :he eallery with Mr camnbell. Mr. Haines, the nresen: director ,Mr and Miss Vid Lli a acv will R ri Haines. af.er his iii'- hider entries in I hr Centen- ri4 from Adelaide vester acv cOninet It lOn to -day and ds,...i..h, Qt,,i,,,! nailer, ton-ne's'i'i.1.;,.rire expected t.n he 1,, sun ohe of In, ih.,..I mod -Announced 114 -morrow night. 1 ern In A,aralia.- he said ,A nubile exhibuton of the "For example. the new entries will start. nn March 4. RETT) 1.4,11EHON who iron the £300 Centenary portrait prise for her portrait 01 Ile. J. nehig. THE official onetime of the exhIbit ion of painting, selected from m- ine, III lie Queensland Crn- t,'Ila !Zino Art Competition 4.11 he held en Mar', 4 in, Me National Art fig, it I. brute orgiine be 'he e m11111[11'r of the 61ith Queensland Centenary. Eisteddfod.