Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

especial Crieteloartre THE COURIER -MAIL MONDAY MAY 11 1959 17 ART-*---6*EaR*s*L`XN*15**** PAINTERS GROW IN STATURE . By C. M. B. Van Homrigh FOIL thefirst 20 years or so after separation from New South Wales in 1859 the new State Government and the people of Queens- land were too busy with other matters to do much about encouraging painting and sculpture. Any works of art that slid exist were in private collections. However, to the credit and fore- sight of some of our early lenders, :40Me rine buildings were planned and erected SO that at least the art of architecture Was DELMIIT to the: given some incen- eye are viler . ye. colours like this.. b ait p a o I." 0 Parliament House. by Kenneth: used for the first Sfortitc,,,,». n/ r time by Parliament Millaterratt. s on 4th August, 1868, c is still our of our finest buildings. The his- torical style Incorporated in the building is French Re- naissance, a style particu- larly suited to our climate. It was designed by Chillies Tiffin. the Colonial Archi- tect for Queensland . Government House, com- pleted in 1862, and Wet used by the University of Queensland, was a fine ex, ample of Early Colonial architecture, and is worthy of restoration to its original beautiful appearance. In 1883 Isaac Walter Jen- tier 11836-19021, who had practised successfully in Falkland as a marine painter. arrived in Brisbane end settled here. In the follow- ing year James Laurence Watt.9 11849-19201, an Eng- lish sculptor, arrived, and Inter became instructor in modelling In the Technical Colleges et South Brisbane and North Brisbane. Memorial to war dead QUEENSLAND'S notable uonurn painter, l'ida Lahey. Brisbane, who painted this picture, is also regarded as one of Australia's best artists. She has studied in Alelhaurne, Loudon, and Paris, and is represented in ninny public galleries, after studying at the Techni-, cal College, went to Herko- nter's Art School in Ene- land. After exhibiting at the Royal Academy. he re- turned to South Brisbane in 1899. and carried on with his painting and teaching. Another native of Queens- land who did well abroad was Derwent Lees (1885- 1931), born in Brisbane, but educated in Melbourne. Most of his pictures fire small romanticised land- scapes. Edward Colciough, born in Brisbane In 1866. studied un- der Clarke at the Brisbane Technical College. A gallery trustee HE became a trustee and honorary ceme- tery of the Board of Trus- tees of Queensland National Art Gallery. He is repre-,. rented In the Port Adelaide Gallery and in Brisbane. In addition to sculpt° already mentioned, we hat Maria Kuhn, who creator the life-size bronze of tt late Mr. Benton at tt Women's Hospital: Leona' shillam, who won the £2f prize for sculpture to be it collimated in an extensi to tile Public Library fa centenary Year: Kathie(' shillam Marguerite Welle and Erwin Guth. Provincial art groups OUTSIDE of Brisbar artists have forme (troupe in various parts the State including The To, woomba Art Society, Rockhampton Branch of th 14 Q.A.S., the Cairns At Society, the Bundaberg A Society, the Maryborous Art. Group, the Tr-m*11mill Art Group, and the Sta Biome Art Club. All th: activity is extremely ennui mine. and augurs well fr His large water-colour paint- art. was the late W. G. the future. HIS best-known work is ing, "When Lengthening Grant. In los later work he the bronze equestrian Shadows Fall," in our developed a very free styler An article by Mr. Va statue erected as the South Gallery, is typical of his.of painting with vigorous liomrigh on the Queens. African War Memorial, work, He died in 1950. brush strokes, reminding us land National Gallery somewhat of Van Gogh, and will he puhl'shed in a later which now stands in Adc- Born In Brisbane In 1895, the ofaues.., Special Centenary Issue. laid° Street at the entrance Lloyd Frederic Rees studied o Anzac Square. Another at the Technical College. new arrival was Oscar Fria- and then precneded to Lon - 11856-19181, who hailed `Inn' During 1023-24 he d in Europe and from Sweden, where he had travel:0 exhibited In London, Paris, studied at tile Royal Art anti the U.S.A. In 1937 he School, Stockholm. ,,. was awarded the Slicer The Presuntv of t""' Ntrcial. Paris, and in 1941 resident artists helped to the cidh.e, Rivers Bequest give the right impetus. In Prize in August. 1887, the Queens- ' Brisbane, land Art. Society was estab- He received the much - »shed. in 1927 it became the coveted Wynne Prize for Royal Queensland Art tile best Australian land - Society, scene at Sydney In 1950. He The first art classes in is a lecturer in Art, lint - Brisbane were commenced :versity of Sydney, a member 'under the auspices of the of the Society of Artists, the 'School of Arts in 1881, the Contemporary Group iSyd- first. art master being nevi, and the Half Dozen Joseph Augustus Clarke catnip of Artists, Brisbane. t 1840-18001. From these, classes the Governmentsequentiv esteblished the Painter and sub- 'rechnleni College. Richard riectfiev Ittvers'a farmer beceme Chief Art Instruct at the College Bonn 1000 to 1015. In 1003 the Qam.adintd .s presented in all livry parch:I:4,1 his largethe principal Aust oil painting "Under the Man galleries and et Dune- Jacarancltl for 100 guineas., The picture was painted m New Zealand. tine Botanic Gardens and A Victorian by birth. hos minced over t he Years Kenneth Macqueen settled to be one of the most popu- near Nlillmerran shortly tar pleb. 's in the Gallery. after the first World Win. and over the years has Taught art divided his time between painting and farming. I His water colours are a delight to the eye, having a 'rich. decorative quality with MARTYN Roberts, born their beautifidly handled luminous colour misfit's, ex - at Plymouth, Englund. In oressing a feeling of seven - 1871. came to Queensland in ity. .11e is represented iii till 1883. He taught art. subject:, the principal A last rattan at the Technical College for itelteries anti in the 5 ,tro- ionir thirty year, stici.ved- pOlitali Museum Of Art, Inn (iodireV lovers heart Niiiv York. In 1015. tie was responsible A yi.iy (mum. figure ill r"1. the 001.11. trauma' n of art circles in Brisbane for Nom',_ men us'''ers. many years was P. Stanhope Trilvls McKie, Leonard Shil- nlite member. past DouglasInn Call, nohdy 1 Fir was Juni Francis Lymburner, prrt:ulrntof bath the Itnyal end a host of ether artists ,,,,-, lieen-latitt Art tinciet v and in college in this State. At present he the Q,,,-,,,], Anl hors :ctrl is living in retirement at Cheimer. pa'.: . :1 ir . Despite our lack of amens- 1,,d ties for training artists and 1,,,ae,,, for art education acnecilliv many Queenslanders have Medals for (itemised In In t ship two silver medals. and a bronze medal. In 1023 the gold medal for sculp- t ire and a travelling scho- larship to Rome were nwarded to her. Roy Parkins,m, born in Brisbane in 11101, studied drawing at the Technical College. but was mainly self-taught in painting. His water colours haven (audit* of their own with clear-cut transparent washes beauti- fully handled. For ninny years Queens_ land's foremost landscape painter, Wilburn Bustard came to us front Englund. where he had studied at the Scarborough School of Art, and in London, and had exhibited at the Royal Academy. He is represented in the Queensland Gallery anti in many private collections. William Rubery Bennett. born in Brisbane In 1893, is still painting very fine land- scapes in oils. He now lives hn Sydney. Another Queensland painter who was Influenced by the modern movement in,