Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

I 0 0 10 0 0 P.E11.,!..,.! ! Ilnii:1. hi h: p n n 0 i h: Used for the 1 list (II fl:N.SLAND'S notable w 00000 au painter, Wu Lahey, of Brisbane, who pa ..es. i hiurflurogli 0J f time by Parliament this picture, h elan regarded as one iil Australia's hest artists. She has si Alillinerran, : on 4th August. 1888, in Melbourne, I. 1 0000 and Boris, and is represented in many public galls I is $1111 one of our lafter studying at the Teeltill-iship. two silver medals, and! In addition to set fittest buildings. 'She his- cal College, went to Berko- , a bronze medal. In 1923 already mentioned, we torical style incorporated in tier's Art School in Emt.rthe gold media for scalp- Maria Kuhn, who ei the building is French Re- land. After exhibiting at Lure and a travelling sell.- the life-sizr bronze c taissanee, a style partieti- the Royal Academy. he re- 'arsine to Rome were lain Mr. Hanlon a' larly suited to our climate. turned to South Brisbane in awarded to her. It was designed by Charles 1899. and carried on with Women's Hospital; Le Tiffin. the Colonial Areht- his painting and teaching. Roy Parkinson. born in Shillala, who won th test for Queensland . Brisbane In 1901. studied prim for sculpture to 1 Another native of Queens- drawing at the Technical sorporated in an eat Government House, cons- land who did well abroad College, but a as mainly to the Public Library pleted in 1862. and later was Derwent Lees (1885- self-taught in painting His Centenary Year; Kat used by the University of 19211, born In Brisbane, but water colours have a moles Shillala Marguerite V Queensland, was a line ex- educated in Melbourne. Ilan of r own with clear -cud and Erwin Guth. am le of Early Colonial M arc atreture, and Is worthy {must of his pictures are inianaren.1 washes beats - of restoration to its original sea es small romanticised land-. fully handled. For many years Que. I. - Provincial beautiful appearance. sword coloongb, born in illlid h toremust landscape In 1883 'sane Walter Jell- Brisbane In 1866, studied tuns art groups painter. William Busts's! tier 11838.1902 i , who had der Clarke at the Brisbane come to us from Ennhimi practised successfully in Technical College. where he had studied at England as a marine painter, the Scarborough School ot ( )1"1.8111B of Bri Relived in Brisbane and A Art, and In London, gild artists have ft settled here. In the follow- A gallery had exhibited at the Royal groups in various pa tug year James Laurence and Academy, gid the:i ash sculptor, arrived,i woomba Art Society later became instructor in , the State Including The Watts .1849-192511a" Erni- trustee He Queenslandis represented Gallery modelling In the Technical many private collections. Rocklinmpton Branca c and North Brisbane. 11 and became a trust e William Rubery Bennett. R. Q A.S., the Cairns Colleges tit South Brisbane honorary secre. still born in Brisbane in 1893. s, Society, the Build/Ono seams in oils, lie now Ines Art Group, the Tow painting very fine land. SneletS, the Marybo Memorial to fury of the Board of Ti -Its of Queensland National iii Sydney. Art Group. and the t war dead Art Gallery. He is repro -1 Another Queensland thorpe Art Club. All twitted in the Port Adelaide painter who was Influenced activity Is extremely en Gallery and in Brisbane.' by the modern movement In using. rind augurs wel His large water-colour paint- art, was the late W. a the future. 1 11t3 beat -known work is ins, When Lengthening 'Grant, In his later work he the bronze equeittrinn.Shadows Fall" in our developed a very free style An article by Mr, statue erected as the South Gallery, Is typical of his of painting with vigorous llomrigh on the Que African War Memorial, work. He died In 1950. somewhat of Van Gogh, and will he puhl'shed In a I brush strokes, reminding mil land National Gal which now stands in Ade- Born In Brisbane In 1895 laide Street, at the entrance Lloyd Frederic Rees studied the "feuvea'" Special Centenary ass to Anzac Square. Another at the Technical College, arrival was Oscar F sals15, thenproceeded to Lon- newtrom (1856-1918., who hailed "'"' During 1913-24 he from Sweden, where he had travelled in Europe and studied at the Royal Art leasnitibited in London, Paris, School, Stockholm. the U.S.A. In 1937 he The presence of these was awarded the Silver resident artists helped to Medal' Paris, and in 1041 give the tight impetus. In the In ane. iv Cle Rers Bequest Prize Bridfrey sb August, 1667, the Queens- land Art Society was catnb- He received the much- lished. In 1927 it became the coveted Wynne Prize for Royal Queensland Art the best Australian land- 13miheety.fIrst seape at Sydney in 1950. He art classes in is a lecturer in Art, Uni- T Brisbane were commenced versify of Sydney, a member under the auspices of the of the Society of Artists the School of Arts In 1881, the Contemporary Group (Syd- first art master being neys and the Half Dozen Joseph Augustus Clarke Group of Artists, Brisbane. (1840-1890,. From these sequently established the Painter and classes the Government sub- Technical College. became Chief Art Instructor a farmer Richard Godfrey Rivers at the College from 1890 to 1915. In 1903 the Queensland Gallery purchased his large oil painting "Under the Jacaranda" for 100 guineas. The picture was painted in the Botanic Gardens and has proved over the years to be one of the most popu- lar pictures In the Gallery. Taught art 14E is represented in all - the principal Austra- lian galleries and at Dune - clan, New Zealand. A Victorian by birth, Kenneth Macqueen settled near Millmerran shortly after the first World War, and over the years has divided his time between painting and farming. His water colours are a delight to the eye, having a rich, decorative quality with F. MARTYN Roberts, born their beautifully handled at Plymouth, England, in luminous colour washes, ex - 1871, came to Queensland in Ft y. ressHe ingis represented in all a feeling of seven - 1883. He taught art subleets.the principal Australian at the Technical College for galleries and in the Metro - some thirty years, succeed-politati Museum of Art, log Godfrey Rivers as head New York, In 1915. Ife was responsible) veryA , for the early trainingoffamiliar figure in art - circles in Brisbane for such men as Lloyd Rees, Douglasmans years was P. Stanhope Annand, Ian Gall, Hob ay (1879-1951i. He was Travis McKie, Leonard Shit- a life member and ast lam, Francis Lymburner, puuuresident of both the Royal and a host of other artists ilueensland Art Society and in this State. At, present he t e Queensland Authors and Is living In retirement at Artists' Association; also Chelmer. Despite our lack of unseal- past president of the ueensland Wattle Day ties for training artiste and for art education generally. League. many Queenslandera have Medals for managed to achieve success in various fields, but In most cases had to e elsewhere &- for their tuitio -I i °. her sculpture One of the first art stud- ents in Queensland was A NAME t Harold Parker, destined to will never be f" leading sculptors. Parker ar- trallanArtigs forgot of become one of Australia's rived here in 1876 from Eng- land, aged three years. After Milder. Born in Toowoonus studying at the Technical in 1881, }Bider was educated College under Clarke and at the Brisbane Grammar Godfrey Rivers, he went to school. After working as a the South London Art School under W. EL Frith, where he clerk In the Bank of N.S.W. studied sculpture. in Brisbane and at branches In N.S.W., lie studied In She was born Sydney tinder the famous Julian Ashton. In Ipswich nHer asl inrn Sented Ga all rthse, and a set of his Illustrations t 0 "My Country" thole BESSIE Gibson, born at nerothen Mackeller, Is In the Ipswich ewer ninety years Mitchell Librery, Sydney. He ago, Is considered to be ono died tit Hornsby In 1016. of Australia's most dis- Regarded ns Queensland's 'Anguished women painters. raremost wrens n paint er She left Brisbane wade still wide Wiry Is one of Arts - ii her teens, and spent most tralla's best artists. of her life studying and painting in Paris and In She exhibited at. the Park Italy. Salon, the New Enalish Art She returned to Brisbane Club, the Empire Exhibition shortly after World War II, ^f 1935, and M. the Part' In.. 'stational In 1937. Her Alison Greene was another work has been included ill Queensland student who did hen travelling exhibitions well abroad. She exhibited Australian Art sent to the regularlyand s elected Associe of' at the Paris Salon U.S.A. She is represented in Ithe Societe des Beaux Arts many public galleries and in in 1924, and Sicietaire In private collections 1926. She also exhibited at Laresyeciated with Vida the Royal Academy, Lou-ver the years is an- don. returning to Brisbane inother very distinguished horn at South Brisbane in the Technical College in studying pplinnet 1946. Queenslander Mayo. After 1869, Richard John Randall. Brisbane. she won the first Queensland Wattle Day ...................................s. League Tral ening Schein r - C. M. B. Van I I orririgh ship in 1914. is senior lecturer in art and Owing to the outbreak of was net able to craft. Teachers' Training ,viattrir she the Royal Academy College. Brisbane. and member Scheel of Sculpture in Lon. of the Board of Trustees, don until 1020 Here sir , National Art Gallery. iwon a Landscer Scholar -