Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

tti "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. cr-t) Members appeal for Gallery gifts GOVERNMENT and Opposition speakers joined in Parlia- ment yesterday in urging the public to make substantial gifts to the proposed new Queensland Art Gallery. Only discordant now thus ensuring continuity ot OHM from Mr. Power lisIN's (n the' hoard Hie Bill ironies lot The Education Director- ( (1.1..P., Ramona ) who it statutory endowment CP1114'111. Deputy Director, called, "House the people aided General, 01 II director of Lrlorr you menu l:' buyiug 43 ',PIM. 01 C(111,101011 Louse art'' art and meetinif ?Ile lath tric.tee, A BM altering the linnet V'S distinct :mitt and Ille plesItlelil %n Wild be Mministration was Intro- actual running cosLs-iii- 'lined ht liar trustees, Mr. Owed by the Education stead of the present annual Pizzey said. Minister iMr. Pizzey, and gram of 1:12.000. The CioVel :intent was passed the ,net reading. The word -national" has allNlo'IS That the gallery it is boned [hat MIMI'S, been 01111Iled trout Ow --Medd do everything to take lexandra will lay the :ninety, present title, which nit to the country, finery's foundation sumo at becomes the Queensland Art (Alicia' branches of the she lower end of George (kale/ y gallery could be established -reet during her visit to Ntr. Pizzey said the greater in country centres, thereby tiettnsland this near part "I the money tar the extending the gallery's ac - New title gallery atom(' not come Mates the Government. but The Hill !tom lite people. trust..., from io l'i. Winks of art which value divides the trusters Into in,, to the State as n legacy groups of six. and appo...., should be housed in ti fit each group for four yrio,. and proper manner in a plate Retirements are staggered where they could he enjoyed at intervals of two years. by the greatest number. and ART "NOT SAFE" IN GALLERY Art works valued at thousands of pounds were housed in a semi - wooden building at the Art Gallery in Gregory Terrace, Mr. Tooth, Liberal, Kelvin Grove, told State Par- liament today. Partitions were wooden, and the ceiling appeared to be hessian, creating a dangerous fire hazard, he added. He urged tile quick construction of ;. nent home for the gallery. He supported it Bill in- troduced by the Minister for Education, Mr. Pizzey. to urovidt for changes to gallery administration. The new measure plans to increase trustees from nine to 13 in two groups of six, each being ap- pointed for four years. The 13th would be the Director -General of Edu- cation, or one of his deputies. The State's annual grant of £10.000, now embracing all the gal- Street, Ilene IL, '1, lecys requirements, would col College be Used for special P111' HP Said pose.; as distinct front -the greater the normal running of M.: would not gallery. front the GoVel'11111,3,I The stall would De 11111, from brought tinder the Public1 reentlially, he said. I Service. television 1101'111 tct.i No "national" an important oar' in in title the to become more art -con- : scions. Tile Hill also nroposes , pizzry 60 delete "National-'hopedhat people th front the title. South who made their ite gallery to futi,re, '11'illey to (411, eh 1;0,1 klIOWN 3, 1r...wn,dd (.31111. III It 11h 1".',1 ,1:3:111E3' I31 Mr P.r.zry Jut the piateet of the new caller- would The Bill u....sed be in lamer George readate 1111. I IIr/111 he an inspiration to teachers and students alike. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, QId. COUNTRY MAY GET ART NOW ESTABLISHMENT of the new Queensland Art gallery is expected to foster the growth of "branch" galleries in country centres. It Ls also expected auto- mat ically 10 attract substan- tial gifts and bequests from the public and private in- divtduals. These expectations were stated yesterday by the Queensland Art Gallery director (Mr. Robert Haines.. On Wednesday a Bill altering the gallery's admin- istration was introduced into Parliament by the Education Minister 'Mr. Piney. and passed the first reading. Mr. Haines said yesterday such country centres as Bundaberg and Townsville already were interested in forming district, galleries and in being associated with the Brisbane gallery. The general policy of the Brisbane gallery would be to send pictures out on loan to ,district galleries, and en- courage and (osier them In It heir Individual growths. Four bequests Mr. Haines "A new and flourishing gallery may always be expected to attract donations and bequests. "At one time this gallery had very few bequests, but In the lest couple of years -we have had four bequests ranging In value from £2000. to moon- ' The proposed site for the new art gallery is at the' lower end of George Street.. near the Botanic Gardens. and adjoining the Domain and old Government The seven British artists' exhibitino now at the art' gallery will close al 5 p m en! Sunday If will then be transferred to Sydney, is vg tt NEW ART GALLERY iN BRISBANE and Que, eIleo, , (11111111: tile: innI .1 rit a Bin ,..1 ellaitto, tic attutoilstration - leo% of Itic art malleiv. 'I'1'. Got moreitt plan, to have a new rW Wine!, built in the, rthaiie Domain. "lire loom must of the moue) Ittilltling the art gallery will I clone hoot tinontions and lint rim, GUI 07'11111PM funds," said I r 11/./1- . The howeser. matte ;11,1- '13101i hp. .IatIllOry endow- ment, by .fie Government, tot tip imirmase of storks of art. He said Ilse present Ant pro- vided for a Government. grant of f12.000 annually which had to meet normal gallery run- ning expenditure as well as the purchase of art storks. It was intended to extend the operations of the art gallery to the cmintry. The Bin 'pas-ed the first reading. ANNOUNCED BY MINISTER oriNATitic: ;016111 BRISB.15,1. 1,. wary at25 -- An tt it.tt: th titthate :honey 'I f, tt a Ile.s ;alloy a as P. - far Educa, ; In Dar- `,N