Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

BRISBAIS ART GALLERY * D tTES PROM 1895 * TOWARDS the end of the last century a small but enthusiastic group of people realised that Queens- land needed a National Art Gallery. Ntniniy th,ffigh th hued and deemated lot In Ne11,011 ()tiler ,.1,. It. clocitiry i(c1;,1,ii,1:1,. tens appuuned 1lunora 1. Godfrey Rivers,Gallon' Curator undrr a Roo rd Su. James 1.11.1. was opened by I be Trustee -ti The collection - ;lot A tilVt,i lun her colic - GOl'ee1101% 111',1 1,11, Illade Norman. on \larch '20 tore, and 1111::1111111- Hat? 1)e 11305, tit the Ohl Town Ilan, already belonged to the State 4°,9.1" ' 01111 a Ptiltl- in Queen Street. 11 Inch into tern 111111,,..(1 net tut :on:laded It, Inc (metro, Toin.rt,,,t,,. The buil& , PLI//'/ ug,-, 011111,1 10, )011111111 r 1. In 19115 (,1!, 'WIC Nam ir:insterreci to 1,T the t ).1.,1 41. -1'.1111 1',1 ,,9d iiw n' of the 3 111-1-111111111,11i, 1311,1. iP1 i1 1,1 Inc 1 111- 1111.:.1 C.0111,111111 tad very beautiful Fsecu- :1111 1..111 '.,1J In 11121 t'm,d. cold:Muted live iiiiiirunc \ air ea 11, 19:5. the liaid 'rile late Jain. n.01 ,ppoieii th. ;it 1:1112 NV;111S. Sall ill Ille '41311'1 '1 11111'11, -1pw,h,.., In acted Ils (.11111Ine for man., her 1,1,,t,ine. 01.10, 11e11,11.,1 11 11, hi 11,11 iii ,...'100 "1 o hr xpe,,f1,1 i.1101 tale £500 To cover 0.1 ,,". i"u,1"0,0 V71'. H De Valli nahm. owlow,..pci on 'V1:1111. 1111. ensland A ":,. I. Inc a crnnp of tinoressinrust THE new gallorN 11,18 01- Iris,, -,I,.; ,), ; 1 1 1111101,. Inc 11.1.1111.g TIC11111 p.::,'1:1opened by the o.i,.',, e.. pi, , and (lovernor, if Inc 1,1 ,;in Is 1 110 .1 11, ballet paint me for Ott December IA. The Hoard Th, Piemler. A '1"!fiT,5 of Trustees was dissolved and the Gallery cern^ directly under the control of e the Chief S retary.e In 1899 the Govrnment !named the Clattery (5110 co rnyrr all expenses fur the year. and to poichaso works of lilt. 111 11198 it \vas raised to 0000. Later It was re- duced agani, and finally w it lid raov alt tate( her. In 1112.11 11 1311111(1 Of Tr11S- (VI, 1311.9 111)11011111111, lulrl it small grant voted, because it wit, decided that the Gal- lery would have to be moved trout the Executive After 1110 111111111e11011 of 111l. C11' 111111, 1110 1...N11111111011 C11111,1'1 /lila at Bowen Park. \vhich housed till' 01111111 f)re.ail at present In the City Hall. and where Madame Melba and other visiting rrlrbritles performed in Ihnsr days. was converter, 1111. I Ile Queensland National Art Gallery. Most modern THE Otfit.tol ottehli'v mote till Rth April, 1431, Later, It Was re- modelled, and, although it nnicli too small, It Is re - eartied us the 111(151 111/-10 - del Nati,mal Gallery tr. Anst rah, (iraftually. the (Iffverit-' mem and the imblie 101111 Gallery more Ff`11- 1111 111111 111 14.111 \1 1. 131/1/1.13 (71t1111111131 tills 111111111111131 the 111'..1 (1111,11/F. Ile is 11011' 1111 1,1,1 111 itieL; ittortal Art hdler.v ut..tioulli Australia. Gov, tintent grant In 19..11 11.., 1 :,red 1,1 C3750. 111111 1'11.11- inereii,,ed In Limo li, Ii OS it \va; again Inc ,1,131 111 11111.0013 '111.,, 11111 3 M`11111 11111111.811e s11111. 111.1. afire Ihr -aliirles of the Imector and his stall Imve 1)(..,11 met. rusts Ipl 11/1' I1111 1)1111(11111'. aml works at art in the ('ollee- Hon plod, there 1, still 11f,t great 110111 01 money avail able ht buy works of art of a lala Ili coita):111111e 111111 1111,,, 111 111.11',. 1,./1 1110!.,iy. the hick of :irleouate twirls has beer, o:1 -et by the generos- ity ot m1-11,1'1110 benelaelois In 193,i jolt]. 1):iritell made itolioest 01 (5111111 to the Gallery no entirlit Inn that the public contributed a 11111 11,,r ..10.(inti After mien Paid a hotly 'if art ivorker% the 11101109 was raised. . The tnt[trest from thisi One of Australia's top art critics, Kym Bonythan, of Adelaide, is favourite for the 30 -lop world's speed - car championship at the Exhibition speedway on Saturday night. Sonython won the South MS1.1'1111/111 speedcar Derby in Nlarch, then a week later finished third in the Vic- torian Derby, and on April 4 drove to victory in the 50 - lap Australian Derby. At present he is produc- ing it book on A It s t r allan paintings, the I ost s tt c volume at- tempted In HI ule \ 131 ishane he is c 4 1 I K trottrtholt I to 1.,tor of the Queensland Art It; iNti. B. Haines, and leading Ilri ham. a r, Apart Hon, Ms hobby of speedear tionython on May 3 set a new South Aus- tralian Verleri 111 his nets 211i1 . tuignied speedboat of fla Bonet lion tares a strong field lit the big race on aturdav night.