Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, QId. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Ald. "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Qld. 'Morgue not' prior need to Gallery' w..1' spend 1100,01HI on a city morgue when the money could he used for an art gal- lery? This question was put yes- terday by Queensland Art Gallery trustee and Queens- land University senator (Dr. Norman Behan). Dr. Behan was comment- ing on the closing of ten- ders for the building of a new morgue In the Bris- bane Domain. The tenders were called by the Public Works Department, and, prices ranged Around E100.000 "Filching" Dr. Behan said: "Why spend all that money on a morgue? For E20.000 you could build a beautiful home. "Putting a morgue in the Domain Is virtually filching gardens property, and I do not believe It is necessary to have a morgue near the river. "The north aide of Bris- bane is catered for by morgues at the Children's and General Hospitals, and on the south side there a morgue nt the Sout Brisbane Auxiliary which i. Incorporated in the Univer aity'a pathological unit. Can change "It is not too late yet fo the Government to recon shier its decision to bull this E100.000 morgue." Dr. Behan said. "The decision conies at a time when money is needed for a new National Art Gal- lery. The projects of gal- lery and were em- barked upon before the establishment of the town planning council. "The question arises whether the proposed build.. Ines should not be submit- ted to the new council. It might not be desirable to have an art gallery near n mor ue." 12 MAR 1A1D COUNTRY ART SHOWS Provincial centres inter- ested in Forming their own small art galleries would be encouraged by the new Art Gallery Trust, the Education Minister 'Mr. Piszey. told Parliament yesterday. Ttli ti,ili.11:11,111 (1(,111. I,. s)lyftet0Ilt. nit. beyond H11:1- 00111' 110011(.0 also to till Itaill,ty WOlk. III' said. Sneaking on the second readmit of the Queensland Alt Winery Bill, Mr. Pnvey said public co-operation would 171` sought tor the building of It new Alt Gal- lery. The Bill pa the ,er- mid reading and committee tage, without amendment. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. 14 MAY ICICn Stop this vandalism THE Lord Mayor (Alderman Groom) is making another appeal to the Government and the Minister for Works (Mr. Heading) to find some other site than a parcel of the Domain for a new city morgue. He deserves to he hacked by all Brisbane people. The Domain is on the way to becoming again, though the pace is still slow a public park and playground - an extension of the Botanic Gardens, Here is to be the setting of a new State Art Gallery, round which should grow many cul- tural activities. There is plenty of space In Brisbane for hiding a morgue, even though it is to cost £100,- 000. There is no reason what- ever why it should have a river frontage on one side and a park frontage on the other. A firm Cabinet instruction to the Department of Works to find another site is all that is needed to save the State from starting a new century with an official act of ghoul- ish vandalism. "SUN" Melbourne, Vic. (P.111111111 gallery itresiderit Fri -- " Queensland Alt Gal - !1% new 1).tavd nt tru- 11;, elerIL.c1 the State', :1 Philp, as ii, presi- dont VA, - president:: elected are the 1.0Id Mayer, Al- tbn.m.in T R caChnon'. aud - he As,oia ottibers of ('nolotetr ot Aus,11.1f1 01,`,141(011.. \t1. Lem, Trout. New morgue site urged The Lord Maser. MIL (:roans. said today he hoped that the Govern- ment %scold find an- ' other site for the nen nuirgue. Hr said he chit Out think the site in the Domain %sus suitable, particularlx as the it 'w Art (taller} %l as to be built in this .tri.;k. "I understand the nuttier is not yet diked." Aid. Grown said. Some months ago lie had sent a letter to the Minister for Works. Mr. Ileading. asking for re- considuration of the pro- posal, he said. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, QId. `Great need' for morgue I )lt. Norman Behan, is ' Queenotand Art Gallery trustee. sold on Sunday that a neo morgue should not he given priority over a new art sanely III/5/191. Having been pathologist to the Brisbane and associated hospitals for '18 ea and to the Coroner to De- partment for six tears, I mould like to point and that these is no morgue at the Children's Hospital. And anyone familiar with the conditions would knot% thal the morgue at the Brisbane Hospital Is not only quite unsuitable for t'oroner's and Police cork. but simply could not serum- nuulate It, For the proper adminis- trillion of .police n neo and suitably -equipped morgue in or close to the city is an essential, 0101 actually a present urgent neeessitY. As such It warrants a higher priority than an art gallery. -Dr. J. V. I)uhlg, llawken , Drive, St. Luria. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. 15 M( A judge on new board for Gallery THE Senior Puisne Judge (Sir Roslyn Philp, and the Lord Mayor (Alder- man Groom) are among new members of the en- larged board of trustees of the Queensland Art Gal- lery. Members of the reconsti- tuted 13 -man board were an- nounced yesterday by the Education Minister (Mr Piracy Five members of the for mer nine -man board hay been reappointed. They are Mr. E. A. Fergu State Government Tnuri,t Bureau publicity and chairman of th old hoard. Dr. N. G. J Behan, of Brisbane, Protes sor iof architecture, R. P Cumniiion, Mr. M. S. Her ring. company director an treasurer of the old board and Dr ,of literature, F. W. Robinson. Two-year term With a new appointee. Queensland artist Mr. K. R. Marqueen. of Millmerran, iliev have been appointed trii,IN's for two years. Sig new trustees ap- pnmted for four years are: n: B. it Barrack of Brls- h.ine: Mr. P. D Connolly, M I. A.. a barrister. Alder- man T. R. Groom: Mr. J. Kruttschnitt. a director of Mt. Is,, Mmes Ltd.: Sir Roslyn Philp: and Mr. H. Leon Trout a Brisbane soli- citor and business leader. Remaining member of the new board Is Mr. IL G. Watkin. State Director - General of Education. The new board will elect Its own president,