Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

avour' Victoria Bridge site now for morgue By Ow City flail livitorief TIIE City Council ad- ministration is he- lievrd to favour the city's iiet morgue luting built on 1111111 nailer Victoria Bridge. A (111y Hall source ,does this was heruuse the III'S would he richt on the 11 CPI at deep Inlet' Ile said another sue lici ter than the present pro- pwert site itr Ihr f)..nudr was wherc the Alice Street Naval Depot was situated. The Navy Is to vacate in Connell adinitlist rat ion he heves the Illarrue motel h both on the section of th Site behind Parlianien House and immediately ad Joining Alice Street. Near Gallery It consider., that 11110 th, biggest disadtaintaurs the Cot ernment's prop.isiu morgue site in the rmintiii is that it will he close In Ihr praltrVi'd new riurrnslnnc National -Art Gallery to the Botanic Gardens. City Council in 1957 sag elect these sites es alter nal ivesi Near the int rrseetion u Boundary and Ivory street. city. at the foot of C:ee Street, arlineent to the our ferry landing: corner o NInrearet and Will an so reek; Wirier the Stun, Bridge at Kangaroo Point In Alice Street, adion nu_ thr Queensland (nab: at a hounded by Willi nu N caret. Short. and Ainr street,: between Short Slice and the river. EXISTING NiORGUE BUILDING ------- PROPOSED NEW ART GALLERY SITE - - Tins piootv shows Hr.i:co:,;, 's adjoining flit! l3ttanic Gardens. The 1) oni.ii t alrotil> housing s..veral buildings, also contains the existing morgue. It is proposed to 1)111111 a new morgue on Ih Domain as well as a new Art. Gallery. The sites proposed are marked, a 3.11 5. 'T. lg. 511:1 7'7'1 s - ;0 pir g 01, 73 ;1 2. c 6. p w '. "." 5.1 9 /2- I: ! ;" Fi t4; w17, - St az ,3' cl...7) t,t a. 5 - - e-. _ NW" X 7+1 C.. 2 - z - "01 rt, t:; E ' 1; 7.- '7" 3. 7 5";.-- 'M *j.i Fl 74. Of" M. s '5.- i E, , - -4 4, 5 - " = = ,;:. .:01 t' 7 la g.te ft 5. c- X EL r 3T -' 6.S.%:4 5 , 4 o c, w = m a 2 q a. IO