Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

Take it away THF, State Govern- ment is persisting in what looks like a macabre joke. In the lace of a new protest by the Lord Mayor (Aid. Groom t this week it says it still wishes to build a morgue costing 000,000 in the Domain. At the same time it has announced the appoint- ment of a new board of trustees for the gyeens- land Art Gallery. One of the major tasks of this hoard will be to help the Government establish a new art gallery in the Domain area. This means that the art gallery and morgue would be close neighbours. It also means that the morgue would inevitably become a conspicuous part of what is intended to be an area for public recreation and a cultural centre. If this were a joke, it would be the most appal- ling joke ever perpetrated on the State of ,gueens- land and its capital city, Brisbane. The proximity of art gallery and morgue would surely give Brisbane an international reputation -for absurdity. Any attempts to give the capital a town plan might as well he aban- doned if the Government is going to indulge In such a bizarre fancy. TO persist in this pro- ' posal would be pure obstinacy on the part of State officials. It is hard to believe that the Cabinet can feel convinced of the need to spoil a cultural centre in this grisly fashion. Nor is it likely that Cabinet really wishes a combination of morgue and art gallery to stand as its monument of cen- tenary year building. It would be poor testi- mony to Its taste, Nevertheless, the whole Government will certainly be identified with this monstrous project if It allows it to continue, The 'meth. Is simple. 'ratio the morgue away.