Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"ADVERTISER" r`. " Adelaide, S.A. IN OTHER CIT Transport Tirane -Tables : £100,000 Morgue I rota, A stannat tho,o,,,,,,,,,,,. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,moomm, 00000000000000000 , 000000 ,,,,,,51,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BRISBANE, NI,,y 20. II RISIBANE LETTER Guy.k T Ell I IrAmliP llllllllllll 11111111111111iiiii$411111111 lllllllllllllllll 111110111811111111111 llllllll MI llllllll I lllllllll COY CIIIIIWil, WiliVII, this regard Is the failure A campaign is in pro- nto,: d. ,.0.,, -iifietliecltxrcilmt,,,,,ii,e-geistotarlel gi,,,,,,,,s,, ntrhatpetztatiid,erevtgee as its electricity and the win*, 11:41 to be punched their decision on the mor- trams and buses, as well water train crews at various cue. If this is not success - sunray, Its sewerage b': and its roads, broke new points along each route. ful the, building of these theground this week, when it y kept the running tun edifices in the same began inviting the public times up to schedule. neighborhood will certainly One school says the be an epoch-making Can- to make suggestions for coo- You building pro - the better running of its ell is not in epat cd to rect. transport services. risk the disapproval of Gold Good the Tramways Union byy The giant "suggestion bringing the clocks back Alderman Ernie Hartley box" idea wits launched "gain. Mayor of Queenslancrs with colored posters an- nouncing, among other things, that the trams and buses belong to the public. Working on that inter- esting thesis, and keeping in mind the way fares have increased in post- wer years, the public is expected to respond with gusto. And the council, no doubt. will have to sift the wheat from the chaff among the Ideas put for- ward. Like public transport in most cities everywhere. Brisbane's trams and (told Coast, sees not lung Costly Morgue unlucky about Number 13. Unless official obstinacy In (act, he almost regrets yields to common sense. unit the nroehumnion of Brisbane seems likely to the Gold Coast as Queens - have a novel line for its land's 13th city was issued future tourist publicity. on May 14, not May 13. Perhaps "See our Art Gul- The Gold Coast is the lery and our Morgue, all in name given to thetourist one breath -taking glance." resort stretching lking 30 The State Government miles of Queensland south has decided to build a coast beaches. In its new new MONO city morgue st his. its 401 square miles in the Domain-on the make it Queensland's third north hank of the main largest city area-after city reach of the river, Brisbane and Rockhamp- close to the botanic gar- ton. On a population baste dens, and within sight of it will range from second the central trans -river place to sixth, according to bridge. the season. buses run at a loss- And, In the same Do- In peak holiday limes its though the loss Is less main, the Government pro- population rises to 100,000 than it was a year or so noses to pick a site for the (second only to Brisbane). ago. But .in at least two new Queensland National Its permanent total Is aspects Brisbane people j Art Gallery, about 35,000. can claim that their public transport more than bears comparison with standards elsewhere - in the design and appearance of the vehicles and in the cour- tesy of most of the tram crews who still wear Foreign Legion -style white caps. Most likely request by the public will be for closer adherence to time -tables, which, too often, are scarcely more than approximate guides. One thing that has long t am atrons in "COURIER MAIL" .10 Brisbane, Qld. Gallery head Queensland Art Gallery's new haunt of nastree has elected the State's Senior Puisne ,Sir Roslyn as its president. Vire-presidents elected are the Lord Mayor 'Alderman T Ctronin. and Asso- ciated Chomben. of Com. merce nt Australia president (Mr. Leon Trout,. "WEST AUSTRALIAN" Perth, W.A. EXPERT URGES EXTRA SPACE 'FOR GALLERY The Art Gallery of W.A. needed to he in a new handing entirely apart and ler separate maim ! front the Ylusentn, the N.S.W'. Art Gallery deptsty-direetor, .1. II. Tnekstin (pictured) said yesterday. 111r. 'ruekstal has been studying i 0.1eries in 1Vestern Australia and will 10 Sydney by air tonight. Like her nal lona I galleries I hroughotil Aust ;ilia. the Perth gutter)had out grown its pres..ill aecommoda don, he said. It did not have enough room In display and store Its collections adequately. All Auslialian Slate galleries had expanded greatly in recent > ears. Since World Vl'ar It gallery space hail be- come acute. In Sydney, for Instance, the gal- lery was able to exhibit only (me -sixth of It a 91111 ' 11,11.11 ion oil paint - rigs at the one time. New galleries were nv being planned In Queensland and Vic. tittia. and other States expeeted to expand their present buildings. A new building for l'orih should have suf. [Hunt ,pilee to exhibit the collection to the hest driv.,ntage and to stow ImIntings proper - I, and sa fely. II conic' have sliding 'mks In hold paint' g for study when not on general vlet.v, of flit' space for the profrs. stone' staff, modern workshops for realm a Don work and frame making, and room for further expansion dur- !ng the next 211 years. Inc sold. "COURIER MAIL" 27 to, Brisbane, Qld. the Courier-Mu1j Oar Liberty depend, on the freedom oj the prelim, and 111111 r.uuurf be finale(' with. can being 10111.-Jellerann. Noble's folly THE Government's decision to proceed with the building of a morgue on land taken from Brisbane's Domain is deplorable. The building and equipment of this misplaced morgue are to cost the State the fancy sum of 1100,000. It will be well named "Noble's Folly" if the State Minister for Health (Dr. Noble) has been res- ponsible for fixing the Gov- ernment in its determination, Dr. Noble says that a new morgue for police use is urg- ently needed, No one questions that. But why insist on putting it in a place where it will have to take Its grim traffic close to a public park in an area that is to have a new State Art Gal- lery and other cultural centres? Dr, Noble says that the Domain site would be handier to doctors of the State Health Department, but surely they have the use of motor cars. He does not contemplate building a jetty for the new morgue because bodies re- covered from the river could he landed at the Water Police jetty and conveyed to the morgue. Water Police could convey their tragic freight over two miles or more just as easily as over a quarter of a mile, River fatalities are rela- tively infrequent in Brisbane. It is understood that the State Health Department wants facilities at the new morgue for demonstrating dissections to medical students and that is why it is to cost so much, though this is not specifically admitted by Dr. Noble. Yet the site selected for it, with- out any regard for the wishes of Brisbane people and their responsible local government, will be far from any medical school or public hospital. Already there are three morgues at hospitals available for students. Dr. Noble promises that the new morgue, architecturally, will be a credit to the city. He must he planning something that will add to the attractions of a visit to the State's new gallery! The Government, in fact, has made a decision that will he a calculated affront to the people of Brisbane and a waste of public money.