Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

went Ileac ,ut April 'tti, ear it was finished. lie had lived fur ten the Inane ..f first (ho rrnment 'Ilydi- cal ottocr .Dr. Hobbs; -now Me deanery at St. John's Anglican Cathedral. The building cost about E10,000. '1'114. present Govern- ment Dome. I ern berg, at Banton, was built In ISO by 114. J. I'. 51.I..1'.. who liyed there ,..,111 years. The State floo ernment bought Fertilierg from a subsequent owner In It'll). STATELY portico at the entragee to old Gov- ernment House as it is today. .1.111111111111111111111111110111111101110.1111111011110101111.110.1111.011. 4,11111111....11.. Another site to be put to Cabinet today By Our Political Reporter STATE Cabinet today will consider an alternative site for the new E100,000 Brisbane morgue. It will be the last chance for a change in the Government's decision to build the morgue in the Brisbane Domain. It is tioderst I the is absent in the United new site stigeesteti is states. in a secluded section of 'rile Government's decis- Victoria Park, near the theIt )ournbuallind the morgue in General Hospital. has resulted In strong City Council anti Tile proposal to build the the demand for restoration morgue there has been public criticism. because of made quietly to the ernmenIptoptihe.eanDdomhaelneatitseo the days. t In the last few Gov building would be Some Ministers favour 17;lacrenstIlawnd PArratP(Taelli new G l ery'. an alternative site, pro- )1 contract for construe - titled it is acceptable to the lion of the morgue in the Health Department. Domain has been let to Ten of the II State Cab- John D. Booker, Construe - 'net Ministers are expected lions 1Q111.1 MIL hut to attend today's meeting. only minor, preliminary The Treasurer (Mr. Riley) ' work has been done. 0.1111/11111.111111/1110.1.1111/0111119owil iiiii $11111.1111111111. ,.111.11/111111110,1111.1111111111111.1 Queensland's first Government House will be completely rehabilitated, and restored to the original splendour of Its vice -regal days, The old vice -regal home will be furnished authentically "as a house of the period." Certain historic relics and period paintings will be housed there, but the Government is anxious not to "turn the place Into a museum." This rarely -seen old building will then he 6 kept open to the public as a historic spot and a tourist attraction. The sae for the new Queensland Art Gallery will lie it stone -throw from the 11111 - mem House, at George Street's lower end. New gallery's location will he between the old mansion and the river, on open land now serv- ing as a ear park for the Queensland Univer- sity, whlrh at present occupies old Govern- ment House. An arehltects' test may hr staged throughout Australia for the new art gallery's general design. The I nix 44,41 is W(- 1/1.141.11 1.1 Surale 11111 611V1.1.11111(.111 House in about t,,, Sears. Iltm, ever. it is likely that a i.11nm Mete survey of 1111. 111Staril. 111111111111: will he made before them Arehltects will then work out plans for restoring the struc- ture. Although it looks dil- apidated notable, ()s- emis have told the Government that the building is strurtinally "very s I." The first Governor (Sir George (Suomi moved into old Govern - An exhibition of between 00 and 50 paints by con- troversial Australian artist 1Villiam Dobell has been arranged for Brisbane. The exhibition, from August 10 to August 31 at Finney% will be officially opened by the Governor (Sir Henry Abel Smith). New South Wales Art Gallery director (Mr. Hal Missingham) will come to Brisbane from Sydney to give addresses about the paintings. The exhibition has been arranged by the Queens- land_National Art Gallery Society. Proceeds will go towards the new Queens- land gallery. Exhibition organiser (Mr. Alan Shield) said yester- day that the paintings were being assembled from collections throughout the Commonwealth. 111911111/ 111/1011.11111111111111111111111n111111111111,111M A SPECTA BRISBANE SAGA IN between her 011111y fa. iniver,..y st mina,, have tidal Centenary Year pub- .spent months 01 reset el. lie engagements. the Lady to C1181117. ailthent I city of Mayoress of Brisbane 4Mrs scenes. These w:II include R. G. Groom. is Inlaying the flood, bread riots. herself with Mr Queen Victoria's Jubilee "Brisbane Saga.' which will Ball, vivid scenes from two he held in the ray flail world wars and the story trout July 21 10 23. of the CO' Hall from foam- ,dations to completion. The Saga is an authen- tic history In pageant and The Lady ' Mayoras' song, depicting the rise Roams, piled high with do- or lirishane from a strag- svfns n n d nuttensils gling town Into tilt' pro- ga4hered from all neer the gressive city of in-day. city. are the centre of a - r the to ov for hard-workine onitnit lees. the Lady bane City C011111.11.:. C1.11. I I hution In Queen: fold 1" Ynress. 8°l' Iand W"I- PCerjol(teven(11:3.e.tiTliel;)..1, a It I II, At 'irrtes DC:ni Illn!Cnoll;n7nsit :11)1(1(.1 the the new Art. Gall. production is by /gm Wollner and decor and cos- unes by Mr Robert lit Ines Director of the Queensland At': Gallery,. Country visitors to Bris intim are ensured lit ;5 lets hours' delightful enteriai it_ men! which will be pre - ,VIII eel wit 1. pr..fe.,sionat .,mon. 111 a raid of .111,1'. 11:111 141 WI 1.e to the Lady .r.f rtninlY, flit nrikhi.n.., or tel..ohon; 32 02.11 lot I like', °peo- nI -. I. -oilmen% preform - Ina iferformanee 11111'S TO - n n (.1 7 ii