Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

Council's Town Planning Department has plans to continue George Street as the approach to a new river bridge. There are two ideas about the Kangaroo Point end of the bridge-Mlle. a high road to connect with River Terrace, or a tunnel to under -pass River Terrace and Main Street. It is NoT n stiort.-term plan. hut the Government Just wants to be sure. A 10 -man group tctl ;rink for a new Art Gallery site tins morning. 111!e111bers ... ()ended by Inc Deluca t on Nuuster Mr. Pizzryi will include President of the Gallery Tilistiies Board Sit Roslyn Philp.. Lord Mayor and hoard mem- ber IMr. room 1, bon rd members Sir Leon Trout and profe,ot of Areintectiire 12 P. Cummings. Art Gallery Director I Mr Naples,, Town Clerk (Mr. Slainzlitcri. and Town Planner (Mr. Gentili, "COURIER MAIL" 0 Au 1958 Brisbane, QId. BONNET WORKING BEE for Brisbane Saga-3Irs. Earle Lever (left). of Waren Heights, and Mr.. Pettit, of New Farm, working on n bonnet that will he worn in the production to he presented in the City ilnll urn July 21, 22. and 23. Both Mrs. Lever and Mrs. Pettit are members of the Lady Mayoress' Social and Welfare Committee which Is providing a daily , week -day roster for a month to make more than 100 costumes for the pro- duction. The Lady Mayoress Mrs. T. R. Grooms sold yesterday that her com- mittee members were also sewing the 12 calico back- drops for the production. The backdrops would be painted br the members of the Arts Ball Committee. She said many more cos - I tumes were wanted and gifts .if old frocks, cur- I tains, and especially men's suits would he greatly ap- preciated. "We are trying to make the costumes with a mini- mum of expense to In- crease the benefit to the art gallery fund." she sum. Preferential booking fur Brisbane Saga-a century In scene and song-is unit open :tad applications will be received In writing with cheque to the Secretary to the Lady Mayoress, City Ball. There will be a 25 per cent reduction for par- ties of 10 or more. 21 Jill "MAIL" Brisbane, QId. Plan new gallery site closer to the morgue? NEW CITY BRIDGE PLAN AT GARDENS Possibility of a new Brisbane River bridge, crossing from the Botanic Gardens to Kangaroo Point, has forced a 'change in the location of Queensland's new National Art Gallery. It was proposed to put the new gallery just north -cast of old Govern- ment House, now used by the University of Queensland, and in a direct line with George Street. But the Brisbane CifS'Ithe UntierSeeretary of Works IMr. Longiandi. and Chief Architect of Works (Mr. Weiler). Most favoured site may he rising ground between old Government House and the river, further from George Street and nearer the new morgue site. In ntusemst I;; 7,111,ettm Building near Ii Fishibition Ground, but this has always been re- garded as temporary accom- modation Mr. Piney said yesterday that the Government planned eventual'. to yen - tralise the Technical Col- lege In the Malik past Parliament House and to move the Commercial high School. It is also planned Iii shift all University buildings from the last block to St. Lucia. (ravine a cultural rentre at the end of George Street. with an Art Gallery and au historically - preserved old Government House. "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, IT'S horror time at the A Gallery-- tip. school hail - (Lin turn' started. We met worried gallery attendant. George Smith. who knocked that old idea of the caller.; bemo silent place Told its It's inclined to be n little bedlam when a troop of children 'scar i, skiddine around corners. Georo was holding n sword and n Wild West pistol. He had taken them from two small boys, alto would get them back when Hwy left You have to play safe. Gnomes told us-a small hot with a sword, anti a Billy 000 Picasso on the wall 'list don't m I !