Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

,Centenary Record This being the Queensland Centenary Year the motif for the calendar for the ensuing year issued by the National Bank strikes a new note in such publications. For each month contains an admirable reprd-I duct inn of some historical as- pect of Queensland as seen by Its artists over the century. The :ccompanying historical notes along Mtn the prints were made possible through the Commonwealth Notional Lib- rary, the Mitchell Library, the National Gallery of Victoria, the Oxley Memorial Library of Queensland, the Public Library of New South Wales, the Pub- lic Library of Victoria, the Queensland Art Gallery. the Diocesan Ftelstrar, Brisbane, as well as private people. In its way the bank has set an example In reviving historical Interest which could he profit- ably followed in the other States. Art on the cheap SYDNEY. - The National Art Gallery in Sydney last week de- cided to get rid of some of the unwanted paintings stored in deep recesses in its sub -basement. II reasoned I ha I son,. - where among the 2,nnn.eon people in Sydney Inezht be citizens who wou:(I iikr 14ft - square pictures of faithful hounds licking the ears of dead mediaeval master fallen on the field of battle In the CRUSe of Justice and right. Fifty of these mid-vie- lorinti paintings went tip for [nubile auction. Some had been I glit by the ' gallery lad century for up to L2000. Whol would the publu pay for them 2 The answer is now known; 37 of 11), offered panto ktindoll flown a, On al PS age of en, 11 Hach.. hid wn. for a filmy , oIn "Le :1111 till Cole Jean linntlate Olive. In 1913 trustees paid I2.420 Int It The .1.D.C. grabbed ,rv- Prol. not for eultural ptir- pos. s. but for use as hark - drops in TV show,. The xi paintings Whinny cuss the ',alien. more than (lit 000, but t take last wee MEMBERS of a 10- ik men group who yes- IF terday inspected an area near old Govern- ment House, at the end of George Street, for a new Art Gallery alto. Discussing the Art Gal- lery plans in this picture were (from left) the Lord Mayor and Gallery Trustees Board member (Alderman Groom), the Chief Architect of Works (Mr. E. J. Weller), the Education Minister (Mr. Pizsey), Town Planner (Mr. A. A. Heath), Gal- lery Trustees Board Pre - :::ant (Sir Roslyn Philp), Art Gallery Director (Mr. R. Haines I, and beard member Sir Leon Trout. "BULLETIN" Sydney, N.S.W. DR. NORMAN REIIAN, born at Normantoa (Q.1 anti a vradatac of Queensland l'aiversily, is now in pit Vale prwlier ill licit bane and Eithititt ,iirtteott to the .Voter Hospital there. a trustee of lite National Galh Cy and a airaiber of the University Senate. QUEENSLAND'S new Art Gallery would not be built close to the morgue, the Education Minister (Mr. Pizzey) said last night. He said any site do- iiTer.nodeetsion had yet isit In make way for the ,, He said the gallery would' The Lord Mayor Alder- cided on in the Domain been gallery. would he "right away be built in a setting "equal man Grotto., who also in - from the morgue. .to anything in Australia."!spected the sites, said the Yesterday " I0 -"m" fled themselves that there any new buildings in the Yesterday, officials mitts- rotated was Interested in nnittlp itispecled possible was sufficient. land in the Domain. which might af- sltrs Domain to build a gnitery feel future developments. lover feic ; i!lieiei.Ntthe f GeorgeRni' Stare. in a magnificent setting. A proposal to continue They Included represen- It would allow for expan- George Street as the ap- tatives of the State Gov- proarli ton new river erti ment. City Council, and ' '° " M. r. Pizzey sold several bridge Wss being investi- Art Gallery board. temporary buildings, some gated. Mr. PIZZO' said the new of which were now being It was this possibility morgue would not hr seen used by the University,. which made a new gallery from How-, would have to be dernol-±site necessary. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. Holm need1 3 for new gallery The Director of the Queensland National Art Gallery (Mr. Robert Haines) will speak on the need for a new art gallery at the an- nual meeting of the Lady Mayoress' Social and wel- fare Committee. The meeting will be held n the Lady Mayoress' recep- tion room, City Hall, on Tuesday, June 30, at 7.45 "MORNING Sydney, N.S.W. ART SHOW ON Ilt:FORER 26 ne animal e hibilion Ismilenis °I the Urban art studios will he held at ilk Department .1( FMK:a nr go I lery Irnm Getoher 20 It No, ember 2. Itc,cat a' km by forme. inchaling John (ll. lohe Ughtn n. \Ln cat I incl.. Im I s , \l,..flonal.1 and I waid, sill it.,, he on show,