Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

10 THE COURIER -MAIL WIDNISDAY OCT II 19591 THE Tasmanian Art Gallery should be separated from the Museum to enable it to progress, three State art gallery directors said in Hobart lost night, The directors - Mr. R. They were jollied later by prise than to the Stales, Campbell, of the National Mr. H. Haines, of the Art the directors said. Gallery of Queensland, and Mr. Campbell said Aus- Mr. E. Westbrook, of the Art Gallery of Vicious :rattan boards tended to be over rat.tviu,, bemuse of They said the Tasman Ihry - Ian Museum and Art the kit edte",'"' \sere spending public rnoneY Gallery was the only State institution of its kind in Their resources were Itm- Australia with no plans led and they had no chance for separating. of 111(41111G for the higher. The South Australian gal,, priced masters lery was preparing to sep crate from the museum an all other State galleries had been separate for some time. It had been found that galleries "go ahead tremen- dously" when separated from the museums, the di- rectors said. Separation gave them freedom from boards that might be composed mainly of members more interested in museum activities than in art. All major Australian galleries would be far better If they were con- trolled by private enter - Art Gallery of South Alltt- tralta, Mr. H. Missineham. of the Art Gallery of Nets South Wales. and Mr. F. Norton, of the Art Gallery If West Australia - arriv- ed last night to attend the annual conference of State art gallery directors, which OCCills - - NOW ON SHOW AT GALLERY Notable new Pictures Trustees of the Queens- land Art Gallery recently acquired seven important paintings, which ore now on view of the gallery. Four of these paintings were presented by Sir James McGregor, of Sydney, who has been a constant bene- factor to the gallery over the last six years. Two paintings were bought from bequests, and one from the Government grant. With the exception of a major painting by Russell Drysdale (bought, from the Government grant) all be- long to the English School. Drysdale work The Drysdale painting. entitled "Northern Austra- lian Landscape," la his most recent work, and Is the first painting by this artist to be bought by the trustees. al- though three earlier paint- ings have been presented tr the gallery. .5 rented the following most Sir James McGregor pre. 11)() paintin.i% Important English paint ira togs: - "Sussex Downs," by Sir William Nicholson; "Flowerpieee," by Dame mei Walker: "Night Flowers." by Thelma Hul- bert; and Still Life on a Bamboo Table," by Wit- 100 painting tam Brooker. s which will be auctioned to raise I unds for Amater pa Int ing the new Queensland Art Gallery. -Flowerpieee." by j. B Man- The auction. organised by the 1959 Arts Beatrice Ethel Mallalieu Be- th(' Hall Committee. will he held al the City Hall son, ass bought from quest, and "The Village, al 8 p.m. on March 2$. Autumn." by ImPien Pissarro from the Annie Chisholm The paintings will hi, Wilson Bequest. shown at the art gallery the Queensland ery's first assistant ed yesterday by the r. Pizzey). APPOINTMENT of National Art Gall director was announc Education Minister (M The new post has heen iVen to Mr, Robert William Smith, profes- sional assistant to the Art Gallery of Western Aus- tralia. Mr. Smith will be assist- ant to Mr. Robert Haines the director. Mr. Haines is the second director of the Queensland National Art Gallery and took over from Mr. Robert Campbell In 1951 at a £1150 a year salary. Mr. Campbell. In 1949, was the first director of the gal- lery. Before then it was staffed by a curator. Mr. Pigmy said nt South Molle Island that the new appointment would give the director more time for gen- eral supervision and for special exhibitions. A spokesman for the art gallery trust :nid last night that Mr. Smith's work would be vital with a new art gal- lery likely' to be built, soon, art gallery auction. EA DING Australian artists and collectors have given for two weeks before the auction and a selection will hr on view on the lart panel in The Courier - Mail vestibule. On display Four air already nn show on the art panel. 'rises: ate: "0,1 the Bench. Lorne," by Amalie Colon - hoots; "Minimills 'Free, Conlin." by John Rowell; "Domain, Sydney " hs Joshua Smith. and -Hurry tie Waves, AIM' c Intel." bt A. D. Colgithouti. 'Files' will be shown unit Jammu 22, Nn natant caine line ye been plarerl nn tile paintings but a reserve price will b derided for the auction. COMMAND review at the City Hall Cotten Centenary Art competition opening yesterday, as Wendy Pape, of Boondall !left), thowod her picture "Warwick Brickweks" to Penelope Sharpe, of Hamilton (they shared second prise in the junior landscape section I, and Queensland Notional Art Gallery chairman of trustees, Sir Roslyn Philp. Galles will hold two more art compet itions, the company's Australian general manager iMr. C. G. lloidaway) an- nounced at the official opening. The company will spon- sor an Australia -wide art contest for the Royal Sydney Easter Show, 1960, and another for the South Australian Festival of Arts in Adelaide in March. The present exhibition In the Fits Hall will be open to the public daily from It a.m. to 9.30 p.m. until next Saturday. The company plans to take a hatch of the paint- ings on tour of centres In Queensland. KEEN CONTEST-PAGE 2 Mr. Robert VIII - ham Smith, who has been ap- pointed the Queens- land National Art Gallers's first assis- tant director, Mr. Smith was formerly assistant to the Art Gallery or m'estern Australia. He will hr assistant to Mr. Robert Illalnes. the Queensland Gallers's director,