Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

I r Jill visits the ,141M111111/1111111/11111111111111111111111111,111 Art Gallery YOUTHFUL. acting director of the Queensland Art Gallery, Robert Smith, becomes a TV star every fortnight when lie presents his own seg- ment in Channel 7's Tuesday at One. New compere of Tuesday at One, Jill Edwards, visited the Art Gallery last week to meet Mr. Smith and discuss "Sculptors and Sculpture." which Is the topic for next week's program. During a tour of the Gallery, Mr. Smith pointed out the various pieces of sculpture he will use to illustrate next week's program. These include the famous Epstein bronze of George Bernard MUM. 10 TV TIMES - OCTOBER, 27 1960 LEFT : George Bernard Show will go up to Mt. Coot -the for the neat Art Gallery segment of the Tuesday at One program on Channel 7 (Nov. 1 ). This magnificent work is by the famous English sculptor Jacob Epstein. It's one of several pieces that Mr. Smith will use to illustrate his chat on "Sculptors and Sculpture," LEFT ! Queensland Art Gallery's most famous pos- session is Picasso's La Belle Hollandaise which r ly arrived back in Brisbane after a Picasso exhibition in London. For security reasons La Belle Holland- aise won't be able to make the trip to Mt. Coot-tha- even though she is insured for E70,000. BELOW : "This Maori wood carving has the same coloured eyes as I hove," said Jill. "We'll talk about it next Tuesday, too."