Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

RUSSIAN ART cap- tured the interest of Mr. D. R, Price. of Kenmore, and daughter Pilo, when they visited the Queens- land Art Gallery yester- day, Vikl particularly liked the coloured lino.- Etirt of children wash - The exhibition contains a large selection of con- temporary Soviet art, Opening the exhibition last night, Professor R. P. Cummings said the Queensland Art Gallery was too small to cope with large touring exhibitions. Professor Cummings Is professor In architecture at the Queensland Uni- versity "It is most unfortunate when an exhibition as large as this one comes to Brisbane., that we can- not show dur own pic- tures, as well as the ex- hibition,". he said. The exhibition con- tains 146 paintings. Professor Cummings said the paintings were humanist objective art compared to the strongly abstract art in recent' English exhibitions. "COURIER MAIL" DESIGN WINNER. CHRISTMAS greetings, Australian -style, designed by Christine Mills, 18, of Hnwken Drive, St. Lucia. The design, In tones of blue, shows a kangaroo - drawn sleigh swooping into the heavens from Queensland, It was chosen last night by Mr. Ian Gall. of The Courier - Mail, and the director of the Queensland Art Gallery (Mr 1., Thomas) as the winning entry in the senior section of the save the Children Fund Christmas card design competition. Winner of the junior section was Wilma Tear, 13, of Toinewin. via MurwIllumbah. Runners-up in the senior group were Renee Dudd, of Walsh Street, Edge 11111, Cairns, and Miles Walker, 17, of ft uvicland Street. Wel- lington Point, Second and third placegetters In the limier section were Cassandra Slingsby, 14, of Reechmont. and Karen Fromyhr, of Ure Street, Ilendra. Prizes In each section are E5, E3, and EL Convener of the corn - petition (51ra E. T. Steller) last night said she hoped the contest would become an annual event, to he held its future over the Easter holidays. "We had more than 150 entries and we are very pleased with them. Some of them will he reproduced and sold as Christmas cards," said Mrs. Steller. CHANCE TO HELP She said that In Previ- ous years the Fund had bought cards from Eng- land, but some of these had not been suitable for Australian Christmas greetings. "We believe our com- petition not only gives us typically Australian cards, but Wes our chil- dren a chime() to help those young people over- seas who are so mach less fortunate than they," she added, YOUNG, OLD ART LOOK "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Q. CTRAIGUIT R W UOARD Or. Bruer) Barrack, OUP . j of 1111. Queensland Art rialh.ry trustees. carries in his wallet .1 typescript of a written a. confession which a famous old pa inter 5 has never denied . . . We quote : "By amusing s myself with absurdities I became famous. But sf s when I am alone I have nut the courage to think of myself as an artist in the great sense of the term. Giotto, Titan. Rembrandt and Goya were h'eat painters: I ant only a public entertainer ..." 5. The author of the confession? - PICASSO. Paintings show a link with Australia THREE traditional English watercolour paintings I which went on display in The Courier -Moil vesti- bule yesterday ore said to be of particular relevance to the development. of early Australian landscape painting. Queensland Art Gallery the' success during his life- time, his work has had a They were loaned by nut il August, 3. They are great. indirect influence and -W771-116- . OIT display on Australian painting. '.scene" 'by John Sell Peter de Wint, the. Colman), "Barden Tower. descendant. of n Dutch, \Vint) and "Carting Tim- faintly which emigrated to Yorkshire" r by Peter de her. Cutnberland" (by America, studied at the Sam Bough). Royal Academy schools in London and spent much I I Corm= is classed as one of his time t artists' most important through Britain recording of the so-called the landscape. lspent, most of his I I artist,hilt his work Sam Bough was a Scot- -Norwich School" and Norwich. Although he did clearly belongs to the Eng- not achieve great ntaterialiland watercolour tradition, L1961 Exquisite art work An rstahition of great 1/114 Tesi and of Ioler- 11.tltunal imperianee is on s.ieis al the lluceils- Lund Art fiallery, 1). Is a eollertinn of eon. couc.ro ty graphic art. :rem rhesia 'Flu, show e- a lilte,h- inc r 55(.1:4111. after hadn), had a and heavy diet of ab- ,irertionisill forced on IN (DV time. 'iii' enuilionol InaellonS nt Man to Ihr aurld about )11n1. both as In the I lima n and hat oral olio nor ii ria .11, tit (Ids Ir.aot dolly i.xtirrsseti ey exquisite elliftsman- There are no eitninats, rosol»inition of arralental et frets. er obscure s Hon, r sit:1111i- rariees to whu 1111. 'Pane m >earh nl ,Ihr SOT - I1.%