Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

1'HE State division of love the Children Fund is starting on ort competition for vouths between 12 and 18. One subject will be Christmas In Aust ha. 'the winning entries will be printed into Christmas cards and sold privately through the fund. The entries will be Judged by The Courier - Mail cartoonist, Mr. Ian Gall. the director of the Queensland Art Gallery. Mr. L. Thomas. and Mrs. E. T. Steller, a former art teacher. Particular may be ob- tained from 4BC and at the Y.M.C.A. Closing date for entries will he July 9 and judging will take place soon after this. Est, 1904 'Phone: MU 6133 Aust. Press Cuttings Agency Melbourne, Victoria "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Q. Governor at art opening The Governor iSir Henry Abel Smith) last night opened an exhibition of reproductions at the Queensland Art Gallery. The exhibition has been arranged by the Queens- land Art Gallery Society. and will later tour at least 50 Queensland country centres for the Australian Arts Council. Aim of the exhibition is to reflect the development' of painting as eitemplified by various masters during the last 100 years. 'Phone: MU 6133 Aust. Press Cuttings Agency Melbourne, Victoria 4DAY JULY 2 1962 7 AcomEcTioN of 61 prints of famous paintings, which took two years to collect, will go on a country tour of Queensland this month. The Governor Sir Henry Abel Smith, will ope thr exhibition at the Qune ens - and Art Gallery tonight at 8.30 o'clock. The exhibition and coun- try tour has been arranged by the Queensland Art Gallery Society. Reproductions President. of the society (Dr. Karl Langer) said the Prints of human figures, still life. and landscapes were reproductinns of old masters and modern paint- ings from European coun- tries and the United The collection would enable Queensland people to see at least. a very good reproduction of a painting ninny of them would never seer The exhibition still he on display at the Queensland Art Gallery in Brisbanii until July 16 when it will go to country centres. 1.4. THE COURIER -MAIL THURSDAY JULY 5 1962 EXHIBITION OF PRINTS. 'Phone: MU 6133 Aust. Press Cuttings Agency Melbourne, Victoria Wt. I NU If Ifs. until,. t, Islir, or hen ttttttr, who He thr Ort y rorkirsil ports this Her!, in 1101/1 Ihr n1 /kin' opening sr/ tin rxIsibl n/ PIP prints nt dor Vurrnstinni fel Culler.. The es hibilinn was f soppier', by the Gar rrions, Air Wits, 41tri Smith.