Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

Reserve Bank's proposals, and It is possible that Australia-wide ideas for the square's design will be called. Dance hall A parking station will be built under the square. Some park development is proposed above it. The Vice -Mayor (Alder- man Buchan) said yester- day the finance committee :4, SQUARE mAri BANNED TO CARS Bus route plan By our City Hall Reporter VEHICULAR traffic will be banned in the ex- tended King George Square under City Council proposals for nearly doubling the square's rise. This insane that the King George Square section of busy. Albert Street would be closed to traffic. had Plane to recommend' The council: has the It would mean a re- tea ratedt bPerogvoetni ones In- squaret the extensionbullding o pro routing of the popular month lease of section of It will have to be de - Gregory Terrace -Botanic usethe Centennial Bhuaillld. Bank building.ing for molished for the Reserve Gardens trolley buses which run up Albert Street through the square to Gregory Ter- race. The plan would cause an alteration in the system of one-way streets in Brisbane. Traffic goes up Albert Street on the Tivoli Theatre side of the square and down on the City Hall side, Taxis park in the square on the City Hall side of the fountains. Lift level Another proposal la that the level of the square be lifted to the height of the top of the City Hall steps. This would mean steps would be constructed to the square from Adelaide Street. on the City Hall side and the Reserve Bank side. Some of the council pro- posals for the planning of the square are still tenta- tive. It is awaiting the, Square The Main Roads Depart- ment building site in Albert. Street, The Supreme Court site. He said he would head a Trustees' sub-committee which would seek an inter- view with the Education Minister (Mr. Pizzey) to clarify the Government's attitude toward a new Galle yr . "Has merit" ant a city art gallery QUEENSLAND'S new Art Gallery should be in the inner city, "where people, including young people in their lunch hour," . can have ready access, the Gallery Trusties' chairman (Sir Roslyn Philp) said lost night. After a meeting or- -- Trustees, Sir Roslyn said: "We are deter- mined to press ahead' with the move for a new Gallery." He said the Trustees would "try to arrange some definite project." He named three inner-, city sites which, he said the Trustees were consider- Ina.- Opposite the City Hall In a widened King George Mr, Pizzey last week in- dicated that schools, would get higher priority than a new art gallery, Sir Roslyn said the Trustees considered the move for a "Centenary Cultural Centre" near the Old Government House and the Botanic Gardens had considerable merit, "But it is a long way out of the city, and we be- lieve the Brisbane Town . Plan involves building a bridge across the river near this site," he added. He said the Trustees had also decided to ask the Lord Mayor (Alderman Clem Jones, for details on coat and site area at the King George Square loca- tion Alderman Jones had suggested. NEW BOUNDARIES of ore indicated by the heo ings which will hove to ore shown. Above the Bank is a narrow, elong (Alderman Clem Jones