Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

Esf. 1404 'Phone: MU 6133 ART -BY -AIR EXIII BITION 11th September -12th October "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. Art -by -air to six State centres It's an experiment LUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS Melbourne, Victoria "POST" Cairns, Qld. 3 SE' 1.967 TOUR BY STATE'S FIRST ART BY AIR EXHIBITION Thirty Paintings To Be Seer . In Cairns District BRISBANE, Sept. 2.-The State's first art by air exhibition will leave Brisbane on September 11 for a 2500 -mile tour of North Queensland. Thirty paintings, valued at more than £18,000, will be flown north to be exhib- ited at Cairns, Mossman, Atherton, Innisfail, Ingham and Townsville. The exhibition will be transported by truck to centres without an air service. The Governor (Sir I Abel Smith) will officially open the exhibition, being staged by the Queensland National Art Gallery, at ('airn)) on September 13. The exhibition will tour until Ortober 12. The art gallery director (Mr. I,. Thomas), who will accom- pany the exhibition, said the Paintings had been selected to represent all stages of Austra- lian art. He said the tour would give treople In northern towns ts chance to see some of the paintings owned by their State eallery. It the tour was tote- ect)sfill similar cora would he made on request to other Qiiermalallil centres. The exhibition 0411 thrincle works In' modern oil 1sts. eluding Dryadale. Dobell, McI- ntire) 011ey and Sydney Noll as well at paintings by Conrail Martens, S. T. Gill. Ellnl Grun- er and Max Meldrum among others. Et. 00.; ot.nnt, M IJ 5. AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS From /Aolbournu, V;ctoris "POST" G 1962 Cairns, Qld. Art Dlaplay for 5two,m,,,, The Douglas Shire hat reretven 'Mtn, that in - (leas exiffintien of Aft Au stro 1 la It DOI mgr. 111(11100M 'cure of the moo import am 'arks to the collection 01 !iv Qii optv. land Art Gallery. o he on dtsplev in the Shiro Hell. Yfreselolatt. 11,10 strotorolutr 7 in II' The dIrpttor of the P,I ormilory ''it he erermInntteinv the m1411111111, n at'll refill on ine pain) - Mgt Tit" exhintrino nr offir. Ile opened he the ChnIt - man of the nnini, Shirt' Council Wt. R. ist at 7 15 ri on Are ember lit THE State's first art -by -air exhi- bition will leave Brisbane on September 11 for a 2500 -mile tour to North Queensland. Thirty paintings, valued at more than £18,000, will he flown north to he exhibited at Cairns, Mossman. Atherton, Innisfail, Ingham, and Townsville. The exhibition will he transported by truck to centres without an air service. The Governor (Sir Henry Abel Smith) will officially open the exhibition, being staged by the Queensland National Art Gallery, at Cairns on September 13. The exhibition will tour until October 12. Art Gallery director (Mr. Laurie Thomas), who will accompany the exhibition, said the paintings had been selected to represent all stages of Aus- tralian art. He said the tour would give people In northern towns a chance to see some of the paintings owned by their state gal- lery. If the tour was sue- cesqu1, similar ones would be made, on request, to other Queensland centres. Modern work One of the man ob- stacles to a travelling art show-suitable hanging space-has been overcome by specially -designed. col- lapsible screens which can be set up in almost any available hall. Another problem, correct lighting to show the paintings at their best, will have to be overcome In each town. Mr. Thomas said a simi- lar art -by -air tour had proved a success in West- ern Australia when he was director of the Perth gal- lery. The exhibition will M- amie 'works by modern artists including Drysdale, Dube]] Margaret 011ey and Sydney Nolan as weft as paintings by Conrad Mar - lets. S. T. Gill, Elioth Griner and Max Alelehum, among others. SPECIAL TRAIN USED IN 1931 'rile last time n..11 exhibition of paintings had been taken to the country centres was in 1051 v.hen a hPCIO1 train had been Lattl. Tilts train had a library, an an art gallery'. Unfortun- nrely the train was no Longer available but every effort. wauld be made to davit( some form of tram portallon to provide the ,mttry centres with an oppor- .. )); 10 see some of the paint - which belonged to the Ina Idea heltInd the tour of exhibits, said :qr. Thomas. was to permit the people 0110 were all Dart owr.ers. of these artistic treasures. lo see them He had circulated many coun- ty centres end the replies from Ole Cairns had been so oven).. he; 'tingly in favour of the tour Inn: ). boil been decided make illia re., the first on the -ropn)td :n u: Th!, ) ,.,( tr. Thomas. tined in ,),1, arrange t air; Iii nine' par's. of the St.tte I:, fact ;r could well happen tan there n (mid he two or titter rt.:a:hit:rots telt- :op the State all the 7.°W r,urd It was a method c f away the walls frenn 'a Queer.sland Art Gallery, wb.' 1 ",as situated so far lc, rah it was in danger of t7.. -; Br. t rt : ..1 Et 1904 'Phone: MU 5133 AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS Melbourne, Victoria From "POST" 2 I Cairns, Qld. 12, 1962 NINE FIRST ART -BY -MR EXHIBITION ARRIVAL LAST NIGHT GOVERNOR TO OPEN The Elliector of the Queensland National Art Gal- lery (Mr. L. Thomas) arrived In Cairns( last night with 30 paintings from the gallery. These will form the first ex- Llbltlun paintings from the National Glintp to be exhibi- ted in the North since 1951. The Governor (Sir Henry Abel Smith) will officially open the exhibition tomor- row night at 8.30 o'clock. Mr. Thomas said in Cairn/ last night that he hoped that some form of travelling art ex - Whitton would become a regular feature. The paintings will be hung in the board room of the City Council chambers to -day and would be open to the public at pan. Cairns is the first stop of the art -by -air exhibition and the method of displaying the paintings hes not yet been tried out. Mr. Thomas said that hs would be glad to receive help fmm the local art groups in the various centres where the exhibition is to be held to erect the display stands arid to relieve him from nine to time. He will he in attendance most of the time and hopes that he will be able to arrange a lecture of interest to the gen- era) pupils and especially the local art groups. This lecture will he subject to the avallabil Icy of time and further details would be announced later. The exhibition would be his- torical in that the paintings selected rented from the early forms of Australian art to more modern painters such as Cohen, Drysdale. S. T Gill and Mar- paret Oiler. Margaret 011ey is Brisbane painter who last week won tbe Redcliffe Art Prize. She trained tes Paris and returned to Australia ro produce work of the kind that has just Ton her the Reticliffe Prize, TOUR ITINERARY The exhibition of paintings would be on display in Cairns until Sunday night. It would rake the road to Mossman about 9 p.m on Monday and open there at 10 ant on Tuesday and would be officially opened on Wednesday at 5 p rn. by the shire chairmen (Cr. E. W. Ber- zinshit It was Planned to open in Atherton on Friday, September 21. at 7 p m and the ofticial opening would be at 8 p.m. by the chairmen of the Atherton Shire Council (Cr. C. H. West). In all centres. if the nubile Interest warranted tt. Mr Monte Karl that lie would be mate prepared to open the ex- .Inhitton on Sundays. The next centre to be lulled ho the exhiffitior would he Tolls'. The whoie exhihnion ttntild h- flown dnaus to Imals- fall and theme in Tots h7 load. This was a speri.11 Ir. Tenement. aid tin Tony Shire Connell had agreed to delta? same of the expert)), and pro- vide transport ol the painting) bs' road. The exhibition would mien in Tony on Thursday it in am It trOilld worn to lyn14-..11 ape Or1,,htt 10 sin I 0 mild depart in. no IVerlovettly by 'r A .A in''1111 0 lInT, it 5. Wild nn rr :1 at A pm. "tr. 'Prrn, ka!d that he ,,,as (IV rIF., 1'10 Iwd received r^'o), T A A 'who lied 104,1e tt tittle. with the directors of 'he National Prt. Gallery, lo 1";.e the exhibition to the