Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

I ?' . GOVERNOR OPENS ART EXHIBITION 111,15S, , Est. 1904 The Governor I Sir Henry Abel Smiths last night opened the Queensland Art Gallery's art by air exhibition in the Cairns City Council chambers. The picture shows His Excellency bat left' officially opening the exhib- ition. Seated on his left are the director of the Queensland Art Gallery I Mr, L. Thomas) and the Mayor (Aid. S. D. E. Chataway) . tetdt 6,2, Est. 1904 I 'Phew MU 6133 AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS Melbourne, Victoria From "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qid. i. 0 ORTHIRNIRS FLOCK TO SEE ART DISPLAY NORTH Q hinders are flocking to an exhibition of 30 Australian paintings from the Q land Art Gallery. The Gallery's director (Mr. Laurie Thomas), speaking from Moasman last night said: "I hope this tour is only the first of many. The people up here want more of them. The response has been very encouraging," The exhibition traces the development of Aus- tralian painting from the earliest examples to mod- erns. Mr. Thomas said he had been surprised by the num- ber of painters working in North Queensland, par- ticularly in Cairns, where the exhibition began its tour a week ago. "They are .struggling like mad - there Is no one here to give them a hand," he said. The exhibition will leave Mossman for Atherton this morning. It will also be shown In Innisfail, Tully, Ingham and Townsville. The Townsville Daily Bulletin, Thurs., OcI. 4, 1962 ART EXHIBITION COMING TO CITY S011141 of the most Im- portant worke lu tin Queensland Art Gallery will be on dhiplay for four down In Towntivian next week. The works, by leading Aus- tralian pointers, are, in- cluded In the travelling art exhibition which is touring the north. It will numb Townsville on Monday when the exhibition will he nfliclally opened by the Mayor I Ahicrinan Angus J. Smith) at 8 p.m. The display will ho open from 10 it in. to 5 p.m. rind 7 to II p.m. front Monday to Wednesday and on Thursday morning until noon. The director of the gallery Mr, Laurie Thomas) will, give lectnros to Interested groups during the exhibition. The gallery authorities have stressed that this will ho a nest clans exhibition of Autitrathin paintings, in - eluding some of the most Im- port:int works In the gallery collection. The exhIbition'ic lout writs inallgunited rulrns by the (lovern°, ISi, Henry Abel Smith 1, 'Phone: MU 6133 AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS Melbourne, Victoria From "POST" Cairns, Qid. QUEENSLAND PEOPLE SENSITIVE TO BEAUTY Belief Expressed By Governor The belief that the people of Queens- land were sensitive to beauty was expressed last night by the Governor (Sir Henry Abel Smith) when officially opening the Queens- land Art Gallery's aerial art exhibition in the Cairns City Council chambers. He said he had found that Queens- landers liked to hear or see music, opera, ballet and fine works of art. This was due to the fact of the people living amongst great natural beauty, His Excellency said, This natural beauty gave "us all a sense and appreciation of beauty," he added. Sir Henry said it gave him unqualified pleasure to open the email but select exhibi- tion of works by Australian se fists of the 19th and bib centuries. Many of die artiste bad heroine famous I lirough out the world. The ex1111)1tint had beet, made possible be the imagina- tion and Initiative of the truss tees old director t Mi . L. Timm. of the Queensland Art Gallery In Brisbane. Because of the taintless of the State it was the aim of the trustees to bring the pictures to the people other than the people to the inures Sir Henry said he believed tdi hoped that the exhibition would he the start of a series of exhibitions being sent round toe Stale. A few weeks ago e had opened in Brisbane a selection of reproductions ot paintings by the great mast'''s. He believed the selection, nn from U.N.F..S.C.O., would be shown at centres throughout he State In the future. Sir Henry wild that he orr- SOliPIIV Wes "a worshipper al the shrine of unsophIsticatel Inmate". However, he believed u W55 Important In every co:- 100ton or exhibition to include futuristic and "curious" paint - ices. for such works showed 1 phase and expression of the ueople of the times. In conclusion. Sir Henry said Australia wax building lip n hoot of artista of which II may well be proud. Some of their works were now on dis- play In Cairns and he honed her would bring a sense of beauty and contentment to the public. His Excellency n as In t re- duced by Mr. Thomas. who Ii Iris capacity as director of the Queensland Art Gallery, Is tra telling with the art-hy-air ex- hibition. "TOUR GA LILERY" MI . Thomas told his audience hat the Queensland Art. Ocher' urns "your gallery.' atilt 1110 the object of the exhibit inn was In allow "you a email mat et the collection whien you own." Iti proposing a vote of Lian!cs in Sir Henry. the Mayor (Aid. S. D. E. Chatawayu saId His Excellency's interest In all classes of art. was well known. The city of Cairns had mem. people Very interested In 1111. AId. Chataway. For the 1111111/4 festival in October, 11161. greet consideration was being el' en to the staging of an art exhibition. .ltd. Chnlaway said he haprti the present exhibition would he the forerunner of many more of is klnd. The exhibition opened on Wednesday and will end to Churns on Sunday Mr. Thome, surd into night the exhibition Ind been seen sty ri Int n, selinelehihnen. tin an armed In nn the next doy." 'Elle tele:Mance het: }wen good, but had tun been hectic However, he believed at- tendant...a would Increase neie. eat the (Wheal nponing had I.cen performed The exhibition n ill he °per. ti tun In a ee in In pm to-tiny, f ten to 11 01 10 A p m soft from 2 pm I p nt: Sunday. NIATTFR OF CONCERN' In the torn,. std ' ne f. A, Inane of he pv111111 r ton II stated It has :ntic 'teen amain of Innreril .n pantie 05115115i III Au xt Wes '1, , People meanie the ea Misr hose to se. ..in ruin, :11nt1 ate cnlinet1011h, Ls poiticularly Si to a *ast and largely decentralised Sta./ MINI as Queensland. "This exhibition of 30 pictures has been assembled to help overcome that deficiency by take log first-rate works to the public, no matter how for ce- ntered tram the metropolitan area," says the foreword. "Thera are many prnblerna involved in 5111:11 a %mama due to the nine, weight and fragile nature of some art works Nei ertheien, this exhibitinn has been de. stoned to Include the best and mom iepresentative exampies pohsOde. "'Die winks ['winded have been selected from the collection of the Queensland Art Gallery to Illustrate, la broad terrns, the de, clopment el Australian pointing during the past ISO learn." The estimated value Of tne collecilon Is £81100. "NERBE'RT RIVER EXPRESS T I i S DAV', OCTOBER 4. Chairman Praised Art Gallery Exhibition Value ART GALLERY authoritimf were commended bust night '-ty the Shire Chairman, Cr W. 0. Garbutt, for their current aerial art tour of Qdzensiancl. Cr Garbutt was officially opening the Art Exhibition in Ingham's Library Hall. He described the bringing of the " Art Gallery" to the pzeple of the comitry are;)' a F a wonderful thin:; wit i would have enormodit value. The exhibition of 30 AIL,- tralian paintings will remain at the Library until Saturday. Director of the Art Gallery. Mr Laurie Thomas, is amen- banying the Exhibition on its Ntoou:r.th.by air throughout the The 30 paintings trace the development of Australian art frrm, early colonial times to the present day. Contemporary artists sue:: at Otthell and Drysdale at: - represented. Mr Th, mns said that lb object of the exhibitinn was I. omit fling the (net that t Art Gallery belonged Queensland as a whole, and n ilea to Brisbane. It ions hoped that it wont, he the Mart of n continuer Faits of exhibitions. The exhibition attract ennsid"rnble interest ii night, and was visited I dozens of people. It will remnin open toql-' and to -morrow and on heti nights, concluding on &turd , a f t el noon. Value of the paintings is I` limited at over £18,000, wt' William Dobell's "Portrait n Youth" valued at 17500.