Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS Melbourne. Victoria From "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. ,.)Gd Picking a trust team IN to Ald. Pet - round White IC. -AI.. 1t ft ti2 i, those who ore spoi.oring the national trust and who have spon- sored the provisional organ- ism ion k nits II a, the National Trust Ati, OVID Ion endeavoured to ..elect 0141111 - kJ islls wound Ine re - pi esentative. as tar as pos- sible on a Slate -rude basis. of all the rations Uttered, which ty,tidd be Ill a national trust. These Interest, imitate local government Mane, in- stitutions of lea nt it m. re- turned servicemen. the Art. .Q1111VitY, the iirchuechoal profession: the Queensland Museum, as well as a woman's organisation, and a society representing histor- ical interests. Choice explained The list could not he ex - minded Indefinitely and 10 representative bodies were selected to be matched with 10 private individuals to make up a total of 20 to form the Mitial governing council or committee. It was not thought Proper to Include two historical societies or two women's organisations, and C011Se- intently, the Royal Histori- cal Society of Queensland was selected as the body which, by its status was Judged best. fitted to repre- sent. historical interests, and the Queensland Coun- try Women's Association wan selected as the body having trident possible rep- re.senta Hon as a women's. organisation. Vomen's inter(sis The Queensland k(Voinen's Historical Association 'Nati considered, but It was thought that us a historical association it could mit be preferred to the Royal His- torical Society of Queens- land, and as a women's or- ganisation It could not be preferred to the Queensland Country Woolen's Assoc -is. t ton. If there was any doubt as to whether there was In be a difterent organisation representing women's inter- ests, It would have been the National Council of Women. -Ray Cooper, Secretory. National Trost Association.; Ed. 1904 'Phone: MU 6133 Aust. Press Cuttings Agency Melbourne, Victoria THIS oddly-shaped design is a display of a new type of foam rubber. Arranging it at the Queensland Furniture Fair at the Exhibition Ground yesterday was Mrs. Peter Kul ley, of Kangaroo Point. WOULD like to see our art gallery and technical college collect a complete range of furniture from the Middle Ages to the present," the Governor (Sir Henry Abel Smith) said yesterday. Sir Henry Was °MatallYigood furnishings;' said Sir opening the second Queens-, land Furniture Fair in the This plays an import - Wool Court Pavilion, ant part in making a bare Gregory Terrace. house into a home," he He said that with such said. a collection our designers President of the Plum - could take much that %mime Nlanutacturers' Asm- best from the various elation of Queensland iMr. schools and use it in their N. K Dyer, told Sir Henry work. Ins association would sup - The Governor said:'nort his suggestion for It "With our heritage ot furniture collection. beautiful timbers, the "This is something that genius of our designers, we, too would like to see, and the skill of our crafts- and we will do what we men. wt could go in forican to further it," added traditionally -styled hunt: Mr Dyer. tore for the south as well', Admission to the fair is as making furniture for 3/ Inc adults and 11 for our own conditions. It will he open from 2 In the home lit.. to 10 p.m. weekdays. and 10 a.m. to 10 p.m, on "This is a very iiompre.. Saturdays. It will last for hensive display. hurl nw"10 days. industry has i:very reason to oe proud of :WilICV1.- "11:11)11illeS,, III hr rntnes to a. coosiderable 'degree from C111110111111elll. .and contentment Hum Mel 'pleasure imparted by the eomfort, attractive appearance, and leel of ntenh."