Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

CHILD ART EXIIIDITION 1 - 11 November, 1962. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III Children will hold their own art show EVERY Saturday, 25 children gather at the Queensland Art Gallery for creative art classes. Tomorrow these child- den, IL of Kenmore, ren will hold their owu art Karen Fromyhr, 13. of display at the Gallery. an Ilendra, and Christine exhibition of 150 paint- Fitzgerald, 13. of Toowong. lugs and designs done in are pictured at work on a class mural. It's a large the past 12 months. The exhibition will be colorful painting of a opened at 4 p.m. by Dr. horse muster. H. G Watkin, Director The ages of the children General of Education, and in the classes range from will continue until Sun- 8 to 13 years and director day November 11. is Mrs. M. McNeil, of In - At. right three of the dooroopilly, an artist In exhibitors, Margaret Oak- her own right. ; t I tt.s rrttli territ 1101'04. 10. ul in 110. I 00 lournrrom 110111 ,.1 Mrs. meNell ik (1, rector rat the r;, rt Class held 11. allrry e1el's mama ming111111111111111 Est. 1904 'Phone: MU 5133 Aust. Press Cuttings. Agency Molbournit, Victoria r,, 1,1 11 ishrliiikillor. 1I. of 10.0rong. nnrl ,mire',II 'till, in.,.,/ ihtir /minting. which will In. ild ,,, 0/ I hilt!, -0., 'path,. Int 01 II,, 1.011,0-, p IOW/ line pupils 01 Ili., lint Cm ri and planes and gills ml. 1'I- Het Si punt' ,, bit their Arm 1. Milan at th -s. .,iv ripened lees tf.II I . and de1: v the Mech.. r (location in, "Mill''` 0111. -e I rildilP 1:17 tint, I base mei. IIInn 1411.1, ht III' will him In hr inte ,1 rt,F,' slut Mrs. McNeil. Mrs McNeil said ,and hr learn In hunk The balanrr is usually 1 croup work rat catistrlirtivelst u1 whatmer town In the tspr of I, I, I. like tile, the\ `/here he enters," Mrs. listings done. Boys like have to learn to work with MeNen said. WI` had Itte ernutt idea. nine -itri it, e '1.1vt,, if A , .,, ditesn't o,. .. 5111 -Moll 1111'111- is, , II, Milboums, Victoria Aust. Press Cuttings Agency Melbourne, Victoria THE SPACE AGE Inspired this painting of rockets blasting off by 10 -year - old Lewis Davies, of Windsor, which was admired by Glen Norton, 13, of The Gap, yester- day when he visited the cqubition by pupils of the Queensland Art Gal- lery's Saturday morning creative art classes at the gallery yesterday. The young creators of 100 pictures, and draw- ings, are now enjoying their big occasion of the year - - their work has been "hung" in the Oiteensland Art Gallery In, public ..how till November 11 Then evlobition was officially opened in the palters, yesterday by Edu- coheir) Down,- - General 1Dr H. G Watkinl, who ot.o a gallery trustee.