Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

THE COURIER -MAIL WED JANUARY 3 1962 - - MASS Exmernos of paintings at the Queensland Art Gallery's "stocktaking" display dwarfed diminutive visitors, Trevor Malone (left), of Rockhampton, and John Catchlove, of Corinda, who were among 'esterday's opening day viewers. The display Includes by the gallery trustees idea to let the public 750 paintings and 50 after an insurance re- see them at the same sculptures and carvings. valuation of the gallery's time." Their value Is estimated collection had been The 130 adults and 100 at more than £150,000. called for, children who went to the gallery yesterday testified In the success of the Idea. They represent the gallery's collection of paintings and sculptures from 1595 to 1961. Their mass exhibition Is be- lieved to he the first of Its kind by an Australian art gallery. It followed a decision Secretary to the trus- tees (Nliss K. Nlorrist said yesterday: "We had to get all our paintings and sculptures out for reassessment for insur- ance purposes. "So the trustees de- cided It would he a good "TELEGRAPH" S Jr\I Brisbane, Qld. USEUM COSTS NOTHING lieorce 1 Inc .1 Ihr (/111,111:1 \ I a very Scolikli 51111 --Ill I hr i .1 11.11 It, II,. 1i 11.1 MANI l' 11111,11,11 -SIMI' 111. %VI lia Ill'en ...I....4011 -2/- 1M adults. 101. for f iiiii I .. people 6:11, uulba .n ,I1..141 our priers." be .41111 11,11:,1 "%Viten III. 11.11 1 11.1 1 It .'051% nothing lo go in. filet lire unitehappy.' Ito Sir. \lack ',till iron, ' 1 of file .1 IMO 1101111,1)5, hr rxprclyd Irtiort till I isnot, 114111'. I III., 31411 nano. 5111,1, Icelt.re Iuwllt 11. ,I.11.1.11 MI 110011 1'0111i... 11111 if ...maim) 26. "I aunt the 411111111 lo 11 lital Ilse has burn free. and l--.5 111/1.- 11IIt Ill.." hr said. The display includes nearly 20 paintings nor- mally Mang in Parlia- ment House and Govern- ment House. Exhibits range from Picasso's La Belle Hol- landaise (worth 869.000) and Degas' Three Dan- cers (worth 127,000), to "practically worthless" pieces presented to the gallery by well-meaning donors. TWO MONTHS Many of the pieces had been In store for years and never exhibited, Miss Morris said the trustees would meet soon to decide the future of many of the paintings and sculptures. It was possible some would be put to auction. She said the display would continue for two months-from IS a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday to Saturday. and '' p.m. to 5 p.m. on Admission charge,. are 2/ for adults and 611. for children. FOOTNOTE: Four at- tendants guard the £150,000 collection dur- ing the day and Govern- ment watchmen patrol It at night. THE COURIER -MAIL THI JANUARY 4 1962 To ignore ,..dsyei 'i# public on ainlings UBLIC opinion would pill not be considered if the Queensland Art Gol- iery trustees decided to dispose of some of its 800 paintings and sculptures now on "stocktaking" i c display.Ilc Gt y director iMr. Laurie Thomas) said this last night. The Courier-Mail !dig- ested In an editiorial 'esterclay that many citi- zens would have views on the paintings to pass on to the trustees, Mr. Thomas said: "If it Is decided to dispose of any of the gallery collec- tion. It will be a matter entirely for the trustees. Public opinion will not be consulted." Seen by 460 He said suggestions that some of the poorer quality works would he riisposed of were "still only conjecture --the trustees could decide to retain the lot." The display of the gal- lery's £150,000 collection was sect; by more than 460 people yesterday. Mr. 'Thomas said the in- terest was "amazing" and a record far this time of the year. 'rite display will con- tinue daily till the end of February. in charges are 2' adultsfAotot'i and lid. for children. n THE COURIER -MAIL SAT JANUARY 6 1962 SAYS DUKE AT THE GALLERY A"LOT" of pictures in the Queensland Art Gallery needed "throw- ing out," the seventh Duke of Wellington said in Brisbane yesterday. The Bole" Its(' rat the fund had contributed hr . been a moat Import - I hr tnial enilril inn nt spent an hour viewint: tire Aernstownfgall-O stir 0111'. Present ptulrinperilune rtz: ....dOs"nre. o'r Ron paintings which the The nuke ',lid the gal- tritnl-enIC'ectinn gallery now has on lets' did have sonar fine Is that the gallery ., ,.: :: display. ,,k, i i,.m.,,,mm rt ill he able In form 1 ipoiii\c ..:: 1,- Ilk, ... ff. -MO ll is apparent that. "We want to see who wilile'ail, .iiiie eXcl'Ill Ill recent Year' We have got, how we ea ., I1', there has been on policy of build nn II, and where w purchasing for the g1111,TV are going." i, ,o, ,i,ii divn-, "In.lead. Inn many gift The Duk,. 76. was 4 ierald lye.- Met uir, 11;1%1, born He- trustee rd the Niltntlit teal, us Fund In F ,,..,,,,,,,,,,N,.;,,,,,,0,,,,::,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,.!,,:i,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,..::,7...i..1,,, ()Many, London, for suet ...'firiill H, the inn-i uninhibited. prierriri.ntfthl% III. II Wirl 0 he ,x-. SYDNEN', .innate, i.i make Ihik, ,,f Redford, will fir ,thin !loin all rive In Sydney next Thurl day for his first AUStrallal wn, 1, to "nil' ill nil trees """ ""." "" r le, and 1, silver dres. nld ina,ler,' topes 'wale preceded trim ''1 'h.' . 'llfi ii. Iteituoir (11,1 will also visit Brisbane . oisalosu the The fluke and Iltlelles. oi ,A 19110, -nth It'll by- tie r),1,.,, ,N,I,Prylh'ilrne. Laurie 11,0111.1s' . alft 'ell Australian, its his ,SL .hon. the collection and I mud Adelaide I 1,,,e, 1,-;11 1,111 I Mild III (tallrly flurelfir ille 710,Biff fV1.111011WWfaU-...f. orm policy First tour