Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

41. "I really think it's "I'm not quite sure trying to tell me whether I like that something." one or not ." 1111111111111111B11 MW . M- - QUEENSLANDERS can be a weird mob. 'the Prime Minister (Mr. Menzies) practically said as much after the last election. Southern visitors sometimes us of having a chip on our shoulders. What do we really look like? Artist Peter Harrigan, of The Sunday Mail's Syd- ney Bureau, has come to Queensland to ob- serve the natives in their natural habitat. For the nett four weeks his impressions will be recorded in The Sunday Mail. * * * Queenslenders h a r e their own paint of view- erets when it comes to art. No other State art gallery ever attempted to pot ILL its collection on display at once, as Brisbane's art gallery is now doing. Harrigan went along to see, and found the most entertaining chow of all was the one going on in front of the canvas. "My word, THIS fellow ie going places."