Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

r THE CRITICS ARE BACK PANELS FROM SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE W ILL PROVIDE LIVELY TALK ON FILMS, THEATRE, BOOKS, MUSIC PATRICK WHITE 18 F E 1 N outstanding Australian novel-Patrick White's Riders In The Chariot-and a film starring top Australian actor Leo McKern, will be discussed by The Critics on their new program on ABV-2 on Tuesday, March 6, at 9 p.m. 111 the Cliariod is about people - a lonely anti poor sphiste.. Jewish refugee, 0 N110111(' alai ;1 half-caste .,o I whom has a mystic vision Of a OM) a:1. The Day 'The Earth Caught File. slmws what might happen :1 two nw. 11.1' teals took place simultancotal,. Ml 1<,-rn plays a newspaper's SC1C1c-C c, n The trines will be presented fort- nightly, will he ;them:duly reroorded In Sydney and Melbourne. There will be Iwo panel,. w:th Aticlaide Poet, critic and publisher Max Dorris as a 111111ther 01 b0111. 'the Sydney panel will / < I g.= yd- Dvamer. veteran Sytiiii and nationally -known 110C,3.f1,1 I I tioti,e; Laurie Thomas. Director of land Art Gallery and a to,' Cti(, drama critic: and Cyril Po al I. f Wild Men of Olney ho Members of the Melboui no, ranal ill' Dr. Jean Battersby. sac:0101;1,A and wtll- known NIelbourne personality: Erie st- brook, Director of the Vi torinn Art Gallery. AM T. Inglis Moto c. nut hor, anthologist anti Associate Prclesoor of Australian literature at the Australian National University. Sydney, N.S.W. V _L-IIRST chore of the Sydney panel In th F new The Critics programme will be t review Patrick White's latest novel, Riders the Chariot, and the film The Day the Eart Caught Fire, in Which Australian actor Le, McKern has a key role, The fortnightly discussion programme covering literature, art, music, theatre and films-produced alternately in Sydney Melbourne and circulated to all Statesand - returns to Channel 2 on March 1 at 9 p.m. Cyril Pearl, author and editor, and col- umnist Syd Deamer, of Sydney; Adelaide Laurie Thomas, cr of t Queensland he Art Gall. y, are odirn teheto Sydney pane/ . - .1 1 Nt'litt,S% [. T1aL1tO1 (;11.t)W.:; %)re1. tliits I 11nti" /1.11) 1 ..u. r fttinilies *IP 41..; ft'so...1 LEO McKERN Max Barri- is es, tlitor w:th (1,,,tirev 1)1111011 anal 131.\11 Data's of the saga/tae A11,111111:111 Lotter:, and Harris and Dutton edit Aikfi'alian Book Review. III PI I I he was a figure in Australia's most famous literary hoax - the Ern Malley poems. The poems. Treated by the poets James McAuley and Harold Stewart, wen, sub- mitted Haan' the name of Ern Malley in order to hoax Harris and John Reed who published them in their literary re- ViV1V. AngrV PCIlg The ABC Assistant General Manager I Flogramso, Mr. Clement Smaller, says. "Our aim is to have a panel of experts. ,imilar to the BBC Brains Trust. "As the program becomes established we will invite critics iron' other Slates 10 appear and ask visiting celebrities to appear from time to time. Our plans also include the telecasting of at least two programs from the Adelaide Festival Haring March." Est. 1904 litenet MU 5131 Ant. Press Cuttings Agency Melbourne, Victoria TV at GALLERY IN April IS:15 ( morall Martens, the artist soon of a I. Ion merchant settled in SOM.% to pairot and to teach art. The Iles( Important artist to paint Australian 1:111tIsraprS, many Of his water I.olors ;ire now hung hi %lair:dhoti Galleries, $omie of them will be ...1.11 in the hoe 1044%14 from Itrisbane .%rt Gallery oto 1Veditestlal-, March 7. at 8.211 Intern fewer %Writhe t I loll .11(11 gallery director 1.atirie Thomas are lining up a program 1111 111e 1111.1011, :111,11%111:10 art for tile seemool telecast from the Ga nerve lio.olaloos 1111.11 Fire OOP Odium Is one of the works that will be seen during the 20 TV TIMES, March 1, 1962 From "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, 0. ,J61 tDON GREENWOOD Uc chalt'tnlllt for the :n Frldny Mr will Thomas. Laurie land P.,It solicIto.. B. Queen. "I e Cr preside) itdeetnn 31113,nair.eryti:eemnsi.