Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, O. Saintin wood Firil'ItE of a Saint, a Century wood carving from South Ger- many, Is on display In The Courier -Mail vesti- bule until Erldav, Feb- ruary lb, The statue, whirl, was lent be the Queensland Art Gallery, was carved in oak and then painted. Apparently part of an alter originally, it was brought to Australia by a New Australian, SORTING and catalogu- ing of paintings to be sold by auction in pro- gress at the Queensland Art Gallery yesterday. The final selection of unwonted paintings and sculptures will be put on exhibition before the sale. 1111111111111111111111101111111101,11111 "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qid (7, 99. 19E2 THE COURIER -MAIL FRIDAY MARCH 9 1962 Touring displays WARWICK.-Art galleries were likely to be estab- lished in about 12 Queensland country centres, if local authorities co-operated, Queensland Art Gallery assistant director (Mr. Robert Smith) said yesterday. First moves might he! tide this year, he said., The gallery also was considering using touring art displays to reach mailer communities. Mr. Smith, yesterday in- spected potential gallery sites in Warwick. Be said: "We have al- ways recognised that the art gallery in Brisbane is not really that city's, but Queensland's. Co-operation "If local authorities will co-operate-and we have every indication they will -we would be likely to es- tableh compact galleries in about 12 leading cities and towns." "Approaches have come mainly from local authori- ties, and these are being discussed at present." Mr. Smith said exhibi- tions of about 20 paintings at a time would be shown, with changes about four times a year. The only restrictions on the paintings that could ne shown would be where their value was too great for the local council to pay for insurance. The scheme probably would be implemented only where adequate well - lit gallery space was avail- able. Mr. Smith said country people had always shown a great interest. in art, and he felt a provincial gallery scheme would re- ceive wide support. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. It's all for art's sake 100 For auction The gleaning of the Queensland Art Gallery's 850 paint- ings and sculpt will start next month One hundred pieces will be sold at the gal- lery's first public auc- tion since its inception. Gallery director (Mr. L. N. B. Thomas) said yesterday that the sale would be a big step for- ward In clearing out paintings "unsuitable" for a notional collection. Other paintings with nistorical or local Inter- est would be given away Lo interested societies or organisations. Ninety paintings and 10 sculptures would be sold. The public would have a week to examine then), Mr. Thomas said that most, paintings to be auctioned would be val- uable additions to n private collection 'Well known' i'lte works or some well-known early Aus- tralian artists, some contemporary Austra- lians. and many over- seas artists, would be ncluded. The paintings to be sold were decided by the Board of Trustees 311 Wednesday night. No estimate had been placed on the money that would be made by the gallery. but Mr. Thomas said it would all he used to buy new naintines COURIER -MAIL WED APRIL 4 1962 Art for the country TRUSTEES of the Queens- land Art Gallery ran be sure of public apprnval of any practical help they may offer to assist the establish- ment of art galleries in pro- vincial rifles, But they have not sufficient paintings to furnish ether galleries. A few years ago a selection from the national collection was carried to most parts of the State by a train specially quipped for exhibiting it. Another travellinc exhibition is now projected. This should encourage provincial cities to acquire cnIlectinna of their own that would attract gifts and aid from the State. 111 Art galleries in country possible WARWICK. - If a room was set aside exclusively for painting exhibitions branch of the Queensland .1r1 liallery pos- sibly could he incorporated in a municipal library building of a provincial centre in Queensland. Director of the Queens- land Art Gallery i Mr. Laurie Thornast said this from Brisbane yesterday while speaking on the pos- sibility of the provision of imq metal branches of the Ile roe asked if such a 11.11e could br incorpor- ated in a municipal 116- ra:- Imitable to be built ni \\',irwiel: soon. Require grants that if ..11,111:41V al)(1111 dip 1./.1.,1r.11 lol art 101.. INV ni Na its applica- tion to the Queensland Arl Gallery wnuld be often Nyman' het Ic considera t ion by the trustees. Mr Thomas stm sc(1 however. that the sttal Government would have to be approached eventually for extra grants If a num- ber of provincial towns re- ceived permission to be- come branches of the Queensland Art [lottery. 'met, would make hearvl demands on the 'gallery's painting resources Mr. Thomas said there! WV a proposal now to, have a travelling exhibl-p tam to dolt provincial cen-i 1".Ftes.IWeen 15 and 20 shun., mainly in North Queensland. had nt a I rd they wilted to be included, in lids prratosed schemed hr Maid.