Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. PIfF.VI)1..\T . Inn nrirl,. fir. hart I nr - ger, and nl hard", ne the "'oriel, I', Ii ii ,ii fill' 11.'14.. l II, heornirt, I.,,,,, 01 u6i,h VI" I. II 'headier, 1110,I11 during ihr rr ruing. "SUNDAY MAIL" Brisbane, QUEENSLAND Art. (inllery director (Mr. Laurie Thoma.st will open in- ternationallyreputed art ,st, David BurIlluk's exhibition In the Moreton Galleries, A.M.P. building basement. Mr. Burliuk, from N,'w Yank. is on a six-week visit to Ilrisbane with Mrs, Burliuk. His work is exhibited in Art, galleries In major rules throughout America. Europe, and MIA, This exhibitinn will he nffirially opened at. 1.15 p.m no Tuesday. March 34 and will run for a fortnight. COURIER MAIL' Brisbane, Qld Our exhibit prominent at tdelaide From David Rowbotham ADEL kliw..-qt.",,,land 1 he hi ide FestiNal ul .111, special c- hihilion,, tthieh the Prime Nlinkter (NIr ipnries) opened ;it the South %us -Indian lewd 1 , al Ihe 4, I 'iii ' Ile! .,t at- All(11-1.`W ,1i. be hIr Work:, hour been lent by 131'1Vate colleens] 5, including Lady Tor,141 and Bruin Johnston, of Bre- bane Tin. Queensland artists Wpm:wilted are John Rigby. Arthur Evan Read. Charles Blatikman, .1on Niolvig. and Andrew Sib- ley, e.11 at Brisbane. Prominent on the well for all to see IS the Caaellie Instill pornr;ul of hat grand old man of edticat nal and P111)11C srfeicr.Mr .1. D. Storey, former Queensland I tIIIVITSIt V tine-ellatiVellOr. World-wide' Alt tutu, the fine spaci- ous South Australian gal- lery is exhibiting 580 pie - Ames and art works. from all taunts at the world. l'he special historical exhibition of 21(1 Ansli t- lino .paIntings, Irian tint- onial to contemporary times, is having us one and only Australian show- ing here betore going on till' Tate CialIVI'V, Lull - don A Iota' of 700 lainited goes' s I tom Smit Aus- tralia and t .'rutak. ni- t t be of f am' I opening. Mr. Menzies was limo - (bleed by the South Ails - Italian Gallery Chairlana of Trustees i Sir Lloyd Minn, P,M.'s views the filial I am, I conless that v, never understood he senn-abst ract painting, toda Mr. Menzies said Ile ultisseil himself us "5 roart tonal, aril rash! ion- lisi III aft nue oi tits historical pal:, tilt. ol especial t, t)Iu" n loud Is 7i pt , out Ric b.. lie done ill Conrail Mu., Si,tt. in 1'tbl it hie 11 ts.u. 1,111 for lie exhibition tu% tile Mo.- nI SV(Ille{.. to $--,1111,1`,,1 200,600 11,11111,u.e,I,tl Al1,111t111' 11.1..1,, Malt' ler opr.etilin: (-1 of the Festiva by t he evering- Cienera I Dail De 1.1sI1.i