Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

Brisbane 11111.111111111100.111111.;:11.11114111.1.1111111101.011.111111111111111111111111111111111111111110iii110111111.11.1.1111... Art auction's a day affair TOMORROW'S auction of "thrust -outs" from the Queensland Art Gallery col- lection will he held during the day because such auctions are illegal at night in Queensland. Crider the Auctioneers.p;thtllnRs.etchings, Real Estate Agents, sketches and sculpture- Moneylenders, and will go under the ham - Motor Dealers Act, only tiler In the gallery's tobacco leaf and wool first -ever "spring -clean - auctions can he held hie.. of its collection. after dark. Mr. Love said that es - A director of the him- rept for a few leis. no (wary auctioneers, Isles reserve price had been Love and Co. Pty. Ltd. placed oil the offerings. (Mr. J. Lovei said They all had to tie sold. laid night that origin- Ile added: "The odd all, he had planned a thing is that we will be night auction, working under artificial Instead, it will start light anyway, Just as If at 9.30 a.m. it were really a night A total of 175 lots - ruction." 110111.1111.1110111.11111111111111111111111111111111111.11moimilliiitimuoliiiii..M11111.11,0111111 ill 1 "IT may he art, but I'm not looking," said auctioneer Mr. 1. P. Love as he turned his bashful eyes away from the revealing oil painting "Danae and the Shower of Gold" at the Art Gallery auction yesterday morning. "Danae" went for 30 guineas, after careful contemplation by the bidders. "COURIER MAIL" - Brisbane, Q. "Spare" art on display ClUEENSLAND'S art-lor- V. auction will be on public display at the Art Gallery from this morn- ing. the pa nit up, some diaw or..: In oil and rrnlPturn., will Or aut.- (pea' ri at the (ill lien gut Mo, 12. f nlinwim I e ill nl the hole t'nllcr 1 ion he T;:, pine. 1:11... Inc n-1 Mitt .P1 I Ile parr. The rn- mammy. Tare being ca in di 'phi war I. front I ill' prElllit I roll( et ion (he exhibit inn Is tree, hot caltilouttes tar the ani'ion will Vest 2 0. Arl- on,. am In the auction will be by calt&gue. the two-hour art auction - Brisbane's "First class," said Clapper Art Gallen' director (Mr. Lawrie "Nov see can Icily F1000 0, good paintings." The art nitric in, to clear the gallery of some of its oldest and largest paintings, began at 9.211 a.m. 'IIIE 1111111EIIS Pars here parked bumper to hamper outside as an oddly - assorted crowd pushed wain into the auction. some were dealers, some pilate lectors, other, univer- sal students wearing lorditinv 111111sers and hullo junipers. a few hung couples hoping for III fur- nish Iheir homes. the loom buzzed as NO people crowded thr room. Then silence as the bidding began, and the first painting. "Crystal It was art for rs sake BARGAIN -HUNGRY a r t lovers snapped up 173 paintings and sculptures for L1089/131- at the Art Gallery yesterday morning. Ridding was fast ('reek" by Travis and competitive for Ilehher, was knocked down for 20 guineas, The tempo in- creased as the prices soared -22 guineas. 30 guineas, 40 guineas, When the 20th painting, "Dry Creek Bed," a 27 inch by 34 inch canvas by John Rowell reached the auction stand the professionals stepped It was knocked clown to Moreton Galleries' Director (Mr. ,lamer. ienekeI for 70 guineas, the highest price of the day. LAUGHTER ... Some of the more bizarre pieces brought hoots of laughter Iron the crowd. "A shilling ci square foot." Imuted one man as a huge. garish De Groot wood panel rame up for sale. Every painting offered was sold and will he cleared from the Gallery by mid- day', Monday,