Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"TRUTH" 'lb/ Brisbane, Q. 4.41.04 .4111..I. NIINIIIIIIINIINI PO410 BARGAIN IN OILS FOR A QUID! By JOHN ELLIOTT AUCTIONEER Mr. J. P. Love leaned over his rostrum. "You're a gamer man than I am," he said . And with a clout 01 his hammer he knocked down thk painting to me yes- terday at the Queens - land's Art Gallery'.: bargain sale of un- wanted treasures. Just lake one look at my prize and you'll see what a bargain I got. What blues and reds and golds and purples and brown and greens and blacks ...If only we were print mg in valor A puzzle It's called The New- born, but no one, not even the Art Gallery dir- ector. Mr. Laurie Thomas. Is quite sure what it's all about. I got it for a guinea. guarantee I could have bought it for a dol- lar - but a guinea WAS the auction minimum. II It's art, there's plenty of It-it's 7ft. high and 411. wide, so it cost less than a bob a square foot. And thal'a certainly a bargain. The painting was done by a Dutch contemporary painter Jan De Grant who lived in Brisbame for a while. Elaine he went back to Holland he pre- sented some of his paint- ings to the Gallery. On the pile The trustees decided to add them to the pile of paintings that have been cluttering the vaults and which they wanted to Ind up for auction. There was a gasp tivre my 300 fellow bargain - limiters when The New- bOril was hoisted on to the a Art 11/11 PAst1I. people put on sun glasses Mr love asked for lads. 'Mere wa., slience "Perhaps a, a Mother's Day present?" he situ- gested More silence "You could use it scare the devil out your mother-in-law. Mr Hive No haggling I slipped in my guinea MO There was no Itag.: ling The Newborn ati, mine Tot. v workman who elle/Led it nut lot me mainlined: "I'm not iorry to see this Mlle lot wane" in Gregory Terrace, a men waiting fur a bus spotted the lot number II. "You gal the un- t. CY t, SUNDAY Truth Feature Writer, John Elliott, looks at his bargain art purchase in all its horror -a serpent, an arm, purple flowers and a "floating" head. 111141 4' 11111111114. ,11111 In 1110 Valley 14 man coming 0111 of a hotel, ;looked shuddered. and !laced bark Inside But I've found I've gat all art bargain. even If So no one appreciates it. 39.- MAI*. ',VITtiiik:Okir. (v 1.11.1 1N..11 -1)o. IA 11 s ,1111111.1.1 un i. worth 30 - the,e days And is Hi - teeth an otter 11 a quid for the metal beading around it, mite thet era a prom of less fares -I In .M..4 If eau know a bit about ' all. V011 Call make a fortune at auction sales. Footnote: Top price at the sale watt 70 guinew. for a painting D. Creek Bed by Australian artist John :t A ,