Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

Est. 1904 'Phones MU 5311 Aust. Press Cuttings Agency Melbourne, %floods From "ADVERTISER" Adelaide, S.A. BRISBANE LETTER More Buy Houses From A Special Correspondent BRISBANE, October 31. Queensland's State Housing Com- mission this week came up with the healthiest news since the wiping out of post-war housing camps: for the first time, more Commission -built houses are being bought Bunn rented. IN the past 12 manila authorities read that the Adelaide Festival of Arts just over 2,000 had rejected "The Ham lams% were hnilt Funeral" as unsuitable, or the commission: 1,447 they asked to be shown f tl,em were sold not an advance copy of the rented(. In addition. script. Ore than 108 houses built arlier were sold during Claiming that they e same 12 months. would have no time to book another hall if the church decided against Over all, 57.6 p.c. of the them, the Twelfth Night ommission's houses have leaders didn't wait for the ow been sold, compared answer; they switched the ith 42.4 p.c. rented - a play to another theatre. atio which has been com- pletely reversed in less One (probably inevitable) than five years. result was a spate of publicity beyond the Weekly rentals vary ac- Imaginings of any group ording to a series of of amateur players. greements drawn up by the Commission in differ- But by no means all the nt years. The averages comments were favorable, nder these agreements even from some of those ange from £3 2/2 to f4 5/ who admitted they had week, gone along only because The reasons for i - reased owner - purcha "Amateurs" nclude easier avallabilit of finance, but they al Meanwhile, the Board of reflect the commissio 's Trustees of the Queens - ability to Increase t e land Art Gallery has com range of designs for under fire from one of the houses, and to get awe , city's leading art dealers somewhat, from the reg and private gallery owners, mented appearance o Housing Commission area . He declares that most of the directors couldn't "Ham Funeral,' recognise a piece of creative art from a seed Brisbane people her catalogue . . . one-third been learning that life I of the 11 trustees were the world of the arts is no wise, but the rest were always tranquil. "amateurs with an appall- ing knowledge of art." The reason for this blast by private gallery director Mr. Brian Johnstone was the trustees' rejection of two paintings by Brisbane artist Miss Margaret Oliey. (Last week. Miss 011ey And churchmen who own et a new record for an one of the city's best- ustralian woman artist, known public hafts decided by' selling 38 paintings for to check the suitability of £3,000), the script of a play to h staged there by a leadin' Trustees of the Queens - amateur dramatic society land Gallery include a Supreme Court judge, two The play was Patrick university professors, a White's "The Ham Fune sculptor -artist, two medi- ral," billed to be produce cal men, three lawyers, by the Twelfth Nigh and two public servants. Theatre Group in Bris bane's Albert Hall. The chairman J - de- scribed by Mr. ohnstone But the hall is owned as being one of the by the Methodist Church trustees' wise men - has and when the church declined to comment. Over the past week or so, for instance, two-thirds of the trustees of Queens- land's Art Gallery have been dubbed "amateurs with an appalling know- ledge of art.' ti Est. 1904 'Planes MU 5133 Aut. Press Cuttings Agency Melbourne, Victoria Front "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Q. 1y62 Paintings by gifted children 11, Dr. Gertrude bugger ONE could only wish that headmasters and teachers could see tl paintings, drawings, an.: lino -cuts done by child pupils of Mrs. M. McNeil. They are on view at the ueensland Art Gallery ntil Sunday week, Novem- er 11. One has repeated again nd again the value of this ork under the right guld- nee. in the development I creative personality. What the child gams tirstly through snontaneou xpression and secondly, hrough a self-imposed dis- ipline when his feelings Ile involved is inestimable. Freshness What is astounding here s not only the freshness of xpressinn, but the often title remarkable skill ap- flied to the work, though Its, McNeil assured me hat technical minters are lot brume mentioned. There is tin inediction 'hetlwr auv ol the chil- ly:1 lime will Onelsin into dolt artists. mi tine mulct no be surmised If hey beeallle creators in toy nerd they selected. Ammo: mo nets Is a Ian, wonting. 'Inch depicts noise, iu till miner of mov,ineiii in a anclseftpc, This is the ennt- Ined work of childron rom It to 13 yearns old Shows feeling Ross Drew., a ;titled tile fellow of Is. shows title a feeling for corn-, position in "Datic,int Vase,- and in :in abstravl he handles lice Minis with. radiant:ding maim ily SIIIlle mat ne said about n mooing ht. Mita.. Atoll -ea II, who also shows no Hiatt with his poilrini of the teacher. Mrs, NleNell. Among other gifted chit dren ere Christine Fit: cat - aid. Stewar;itWittrilitylthill.i=s, Karen Froth Summerville. Lots White -I oak. and Margaret Onkcien.t uopmous s Est. 1904 'Phone: MU 5133 Aust. Press Cuttings Agency Melbourne, Victoria From "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, O. Enjoyable art shows rue enjoyable art ex- hibitions are being pre- sented in Brisbane. One reveals the early attempts at creative ex- pression no the Dart of the child, and the other the result of a life -time of poetic appreciation carried Out with faultless craft- menship. The first deals with the work of children attend- ing classes conducted by Margaret McNeil at the Queensland Art Gallery. and the second, at the Moreton Galleries. A.M.P. Building, Edward Street, is a collection of beautifully carried out conceptions of natural loveliness by Tom Garret. Both displays are im- portant in that they illus- trate splendidly how great a part art, in one form or another, plays in the life of sane community living.-MELYILLE HAY- SOM. a era Called 'Fiddling' Queensland Art Gallery director Laurie Thomas last night told a Perth Art Gallery audience that it was ridiculous for Perth to have such a "riddling" little gallery, lie said this at the joint opening of the Perth Prize exhibit ion of paint- ings and ll British Court. ell colledion of recent British sculpture. He urged the audience to do what They could to persuade the Govern- ment to start building a new gallery cons' strait with Perth's growing sta. lure, Ile said that there had been a great Improve- ment In the lace: gallery shire he had hest seen it. However, there was still not roan, enough to hang enough pictures, "Time situation Is ab surd," he said.