Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

EXPERT COMMENDS FRENCH PAINTINGS From t s'i: t I I' Mtn 1.1i. Don't worry if you can't understand the modern French paintings to be shown here next week-some of them aren't intended to mean any- thing. The Director of the schools of art in the past all just ,:millet human All Ito tot ii,, wage Ili:.,( Queensland National Art 50 years such as the being -to things ta. Sou ;I a .;.1 Ithtiewill, paintea itni Pa r:i GallerN .m1 Robert cubism. abstt*sictionism,seen or experienced y.r Haines. said this. ,surrealtsin the primitive will find the exhibition Ills colours had the Mr Hattie.- said that or naive painters. and stimulating." he pre- effect of stained-glass dieted. windows and his work the paintings were pure those of "Les Fauves- abstract - I hey were lor -11u. Wild Men " i : The "Brisbane Tele- had .1 moving emu- pleasin, the at stivssed graph" had a preview of lions! quality. least. to 501111. rye, Just that a cross-section I the exhibition today and One of Rotiault's work, as the shape of a bowl. 'modern French art was '8". - -The Road is Long or a beautifully coloured .shown. A etwork of black shows what appears to hi and designed fabric Younger and expert -'and blue strokes labelled a street scene in thi moonlight with a ma mental painters were - ' 3rd of D . ember - t.nd two boys represented as well is the A terrifying apPari-, The most vuluabli famous and good non with an overhung ',mut mg. in the 000.00 Mr. Haines explainen .brow and a. fishbone for exhibition are those o that the exhibition would a mouth-"Lady Li with i I I e, t he "modern old mast ev bodice." could be pleasing. The superb use of colour should please almost everyone. lie SSW Some of the most. fain- not appeal to those who, ous living artists were were concerned with only A design resembling Our general summing represented in the ex- outward appearance. aboriginal rock paintings up of the preview: Wet hibition. "If. however, you are called "The Bull Fight." be going back for snothe Works were included interested in the reaction' Mr. Haines said that look-and we think yo "COURIER MAIL," o who is after some of the most signific-'will. too. Brisbane, Old. 1PENGUINS (FRENCH) ARE SO MODERN . PUZZLING OUT the artistic merits of "The Penguin" is Mrs. E. Clifford, wife of Alder man Clifford, of the City Council, who was one of the guests at the opening of the Art Exhibition at the National Art Gallery last night Oriental art as help in understanding French THE Queensland National Art Gallery is dis- f playing- examples of Polynesian. Negro. and Oriental art to hell) visitors to tinders and the French modern art exhibition. Last night I he French C 0 s I - General (M. Strauss formally opened thr 4 x1111,111.11 which will 1. ,,n from to -day until Milt' s. "Had influence" 1,. li'.1 a t.11:11). :!, N,Qiriii. (initica II, Id I V iiiri,i111 marl" I ii ot nitric] tiellitio I ,vork, of art had ball ii i.. rii ninny of the 'inn cr, n 1)re-eta ea in tht -x1111)1,1,41 1.1-1 molt - !erect 14,4 the Ile -1 lino, throte,11 miaole anti ...I.,. door, of the '41,11ery Then t Itromit 111 rritaitimii toyer and 'argaret ()11ee mural of the ',Place Ile 11 Coltrurdr. p1 rk. ty es in art xlr Hal Nth-int:ham, (merlin of the New South IWa(les National Gallery ,L.piaking at the opening cerrinfol*, attacked the Ides that there %vie. only One in, rentable styli- of art. lie 'mil most Australian !art galleries had been built AM -totted during !he 'wor-t period of late Vie - toria 0 aft T111. WU, only ,,yle of tort nrinv irolla lioew ,11 011 tr'i'll Police I:0,1 111%111 1/1",;:t1. :I 11,11,11 401 lilt' eS- i111)1111111--111,11i iI 1.4t Mon I to0.1051 it Art Rush fh the 'art rush" in the f 11,'S the lintrIV-,gruel modrial net rtibitiOn is fhr draWrnra 101.(1., and for gaper. rlike Last Smolat, over 11.11011 people suttee,ctl through the Oneen,lantl Art (;aller% fifiliiFir hours. It tea:; the gnIlti'v's biggest ,nnnvd et er 1'1, previous nne-rin v record it a, about 1,000 in Ihe Commonwealth Jubtlee Art Exhibition In hla I. The French works are M- I:acting a wide range of ViMels -and lust no-' wide ut ranno. 01 comment. The week - end crow,' tonged fr. socialites who recited extraets 1: fan current critiques. to ,;11burim nu es who pursed I 111/` and made nn runt do'rn to the three- , ea: odd ii Ito reckoned they -Very good photos." Si) I r, notiorlY hug "shooed and stamped ran.- But more Man 9 few have come ow Puzzled ART t;ALLERY (71()SED .1 N,,t_ - :11;111° 'l11:1 r: ' Uur 11::,: ;§ 41.1)11-11/1!1-.11jl. tall 41' 1,7111 Ina " "%Tic Ii4irt p,.,,. te I Ili/1:47:11111' nh now. which t Nunn an Itrisbane, Old. Entertaining, bu *If Hitler had visit the French Art exhibl Ilion he would have di missed It. no doubt, "decadent Jewish art New Australians tel that the Nazis haii show in Munich call the "hltiscum of Decade Art." in which were di played horrible and gm' tesque paintings sculptures of the "model school." Beside the e amples were framed wri logs by art critic. of ti day referring to t e pieces of the show in g ill;! I iccall that a Sydney- ite mode a lot of money showing Epstein's swollen "Jacob and the Angel" at Blackpool Beach. Eng- land. about 10 years ago. He charged 6d. per per- son. No doubt it is all en- tei'Iainlnti. Out so was Hyman Apflbatun 'the vangelisti and his trom- one--played hymns in he Valley in 19471-J.R. UNCHLEY. It-;osinc, old. . IART GALLERY CLOSED The Queensland Nat- ional Art gallery closed olapsetnnolghr!,may1nc,,0. will re- This is necessary fo packing -up of th French art collection preparing the gallery' n af0n the exhibition of lo from BrIsba privatepaintings collections Wh will open on May 20ich