Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

Aust. Press Cuttings Agency Wilbourne, Victoria MODERN JAPANESE PRIvTS 8th Jan. - 3rd Feb. ART REVIEW !by Dr. Gertrude Langer Modern Japanese prints THE Exhibition of modern Japanese prints at the Queensland Art Gallery, which hos drawn large attendances, is still on this week. The prints, which must, Western founts of abstrac- not, be confused with meets- hon. have beard executed antral repmdurtions, are with elegance n d licate created and printed by the prectsioh. A national cult of beauty and refinement is evident., The excellent Gen Yama- guchi creates most expres- sive symbols of conceptual things such as "Emptiness.. and "Permission." II.Ilagiwara's rule abstract "Phantasy in Red" transmits a sombre lyricism, artists themselves. In addition to the art of the woodblock prints, in which Japan has excelled. her printmakens ate now displaying their refined skill in etchings lithographs and it variety of other techniques. Some of the artists show the impact of outside cul- tures. A iiiini;inr of works which One enjoys It. Azechrs Titre the ,innearance of humour In colour woodcuts. AN t...nusual lithograph by contempo- rary artist Yuk hiso Isobe caught the eye of Mr and Mrs Bob Clay- ton of Too - Wong, at sirs exhibition of Japanese prints at the Queens- land Art Gal- lery this week SUNDAY TRUTH reporter Brian Johnston visited the exhibition of modern Japanese paintings at the Art Gallery last week - and decided he could probably do as well. One of these paintings is his, the ; office patio aunt a brit,li other is by a Japanese aribt and settled in t dank 1.0111..1" and began worth a fortune. Can you pick them' . :t splash Is is. a blob there. Here's his story of how the truntina In no tune I'd finished a masher - duel happened: . . well. I thought ur. any - Last week. with hold hi iislevoik way and a blaze of color. I burst Ipon Still. it didn't matter whist it looked art world. like. as long as at was silly enough ti. It happened quite suddenly as i draw attention . and dontili. was gazing curiously at the Japane,e Ot cinitie. I still havett'l had any exhibition. oilers, but I'm thinking of billowing T stood in awe and thought "II this up a risntor that Valor Mani. is ex - stuff is worth a 1111 ft1111., what, i tgt1(11111; lug C011itil1.111 hOlditl. me back '." Olt, by the way -- the one on the It was a snack. I scar!a"ii back to Iett t, mine The other k ftml Fort, the office and quickly borrowed ',tine by Miss Cluzuko Yoshida. INTRODUCTION to art for Deborah Emerson, 3, of Inola, who was both fascinated and perplexed by Chizuko Yoshida's impressionistic painting entitled "Immanence" at the exhibition of Japanese prints at t Queensland Art Gallery yeFt day. Ir