Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

PAINTED IN 2 DAYS BRISBANE ARTIST, Margaret °Hey. 211, min a mural 10 ft by 7 ft. after two days' work. It is a huge vista of the Place de Ia Concorde. Paris, and will stand Just inside the Queensland National .%rt Ifiallizres front 'edit:twee. Miss Gilley put in 15 hours' solid painting to make sure it was ready for the opening of the French modern art exhi- bition tidy Saturday. Gallery director (Mr. Robert Haines: suggested the mural to give visitors a "taste of Paris" before they entered the exhibi- tion. For Miss Glle), who lived four years in France. It was a labour of love. She painted most of the mural from memory. with only the help of a cmall painting of another view of the square. "I love every inch of It." she said yesterday. The mural shows a large ornamental foun- tain backed In a facade of the buildings %Odell surround the Mace de Ia Concorde. About Ut Ow 119 paintings in the exhibi- tion had been hung by Gallery staff yester- lay. REMINDER: Margaret Gille, in 19.19, was the subject of William Do - bell's Archibald Prize- winning portrait. "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane. Old GALLERY OPEN ileralea. ul In. e In1111 intern -4 to the lretieli ilir Nat astral Art Gallery a III he open Oil - day told n1 -lit Irani o'clock to 9:111 "MAIL" H I I. II I befell I richrtm (left) and lie. tho If ti /oohing at pit urn, to. ro.111111111 :20, Ihr h 11.11 ern, h Prelee I rap I it o ripe ilrel ill air e e el . I re II tl Noci ,,,,, lir Ira it I toilet. night. "MAII," Brisbane, Ol'ENING of the exhibition al the winch diseusseil Frenell paintings in the (tiveyslancl National t Gallery on Friday night dres a big crowd of art lovers. :11111 tapestries :ire rich enough to make nittst itflier things limk rather colottries.s, no vim! h les, 1 here were .same (la fir., nl mina!' In the ViSlint'S' :Ito; lit:: tit ,.(lih,i, .ilt,ts,toles midli sv wk. iii ,jewelhti roses (in the hair. iiti toicksi. and gala incsli chit c: NI: 'I' V. ti!tilap,-13roteli draped a 01151 I)Itie kink' "v..: her black a u t while le -silk NI: - I:rvom'c Li it fringed t1:11l 11111112.C. to such her black 1111! iv, Mt s. fi 4. Dive], liotvly's dahlia rect. aces ',1.11 ,11,1 I Sill' 111,11111Ni WM,. tt With i in !Val iI black faille. Talking of hat: artist ltarettret 011ev awl tall, brunette Mrs. Nett - brunt both larmirecl black feathered hats. In of a hat. Rhyne Hooper set two red velvet roses ahoy( the mate of her neck and owercd the rest of her hair with vellaig. * VOCIIJE for roses had a manias' of fogiayers, ut- chiding Mrs. Lorimer Walker, who had a Ova red one at the lapel of her white and black spotted (rot*. rind Nit's. Bob Ciregory, with spray of red roses on the oteket of her ,unior navy mlifCrtie (low's gold avers - :4111'4r, With her black !MT:111T and plumage blue skirl Included a pair of smart gold mesh gloves. Aft,. Leslie Dodwell's black frock had a white halter col -1 Ito as a dramatic finish Another visitor in black was Mrs. ale, wearin a salt and ()rest green h cl- !maga ittl. French art on view April 11 The controversial collec- tion of modern French )(Minims will be on view In risbane at the National it Gallery from April 11 nail Meg 8. The exhibition will be 'petted by the Consul-Gen- ral for France OW. 'trams). Comments on the silatiiigs will be given IV he Director of the NSW attonal Art Gallery (Mr. . Missinghom). The Art Gallery will tie lobed for the hanging and 'Tonging of the exhibition (corn Monday. April 5, re- opening on April 11. Hour. for tisitine the exhibition ,Il be 10 In, 10 5 om on *lee don 2 IL, 3 inn on Sundays. Tile CoA!!ft) 110 OM ellCh night ,rept Sundy! Iron Aprli 11 Until from 7 1,M 10 0.pm . 30 Brisbane ISBANL TELEGRAPH, MON. 1932 lie is angry Mr. livid ."Brisbane Telegraph" 17 4 '531 I.' quite correct when h assumes I tun angry with he French "modern art." I am. Every self-respect- AllS1211ilitil is i.111i11(11 1,1 be utory WIWII incnrtl 10 make a fool o himself by subscribing t this degenerate rubbish. Whilst there are Pos- sibly two items of merit Itl tho display, the out- standing feature of the school as a whole is the energetic and audacious salesmanship of the artists and their sup- porters. Mr. Reid suggests we are too close in time to fully appreciate modern, French art. This hoaryi argument only deserves! the respect due to great, age. It should have been discredited eighty oddl years ago when it was first used to defend this c11001 of hoaxers. It is Part of their sales talk. It' art is that aspect of man's Industry which contributes to more graci- ous living. this repulsive and provocative trash is in no way art.-C. G. C. OLIVE.