Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

IS 'ART' WA Can you pass this modern art test! TEST F'OR READERS: Who painted this picture? WAS the artist American, French, Australian, Italian, or English? After examining it, can you tell what the artist has intended tn nor - tray PAGE '1 la -DAY STARTS WITH A LAUGH . . . NO PINTINC TODAY Rear in mind that it is a more true-In -life picture than sonic of those painted hy the artists's con- temporaries. If you're still stumped, the. -answer is at the foot of tli' !mgr.. "COURIER MAIL," Brisbane THIS IS Will 7 GIRL STUDENTS enjoy a very abstract "modern French pointing." It foo,'d hundreds of other students and visitors at 'he University, St. Lucia, yesterday. UNDERDONE "Parisian" WAS born too long ago to understond it" - the old gentleman shook his heed. In front of Mtn was one of those puzzling "French panitings"-on loan, it said on the typed slip from the querns - land National Gallery. 'rite old gentlemtan was paying ri tntirint bus cash to the Darnell Gal- lery at St. 1.111111 Univer- sity. The painting was an abstract railed "Le Petit DeJetiner.' but the only sign of breakfast was what seemed to he a slightly -underdone fried Other sigh) - seers gathered round 110111., - moon IIIIShand looked al the artist's name. "Traria() Ansoni and whispered: "It's Parisian stuff." "Cedrigo Ansoni" - ('edric Ilampson, third - year 14111' 111111,11i sl- enrd with a winked smile. soon the news was through the University. Two French paintings were on glow. "Terrible murk," said English lecturer Mr. A. K. Thomson. nut hundreds .non were taken In, "Primitive Some tried to explain colour. harmony, and proport ion. The other painting, "PIPIM Passes," by "Jean Gerdin" Maw student John Gordon' showed a nude on a hieyele In "fitiMIthr" style. '1'111. "artists' claimed the pictures were as good as mane in the French in exhibition. and an - noun( ell tits, would offer them to the University art ecillection. It 1 ',HAM. IAYI Liked French art 1 had heard so malty uncomprehending mut del ',aye vontinents :inch -Ortittiarv" .25.4.53/ ;Mout the French art ex- it:lotion that I went atom! and in cometmenee %%mild like to say sonic- ritimi in its favour. 1 think most people go Montt with a fixed idea m 'heir minds as to what Is tit, art of I'm Ow most Part 1011eihne,, pretty which no exertion upon Ihlll par; to inter- im ei such ;1, /ills (IISPIAY r lit milli; for I admit though. in t hen defence. Dint some of ii instilts the inte1118- t.iict A glaring example is /dm- Won- Ki's "The Mountain." But very 1200(1 t'Xi1111PleS. I thought, o; them type were: Nitro's "48." 1.1. C'orbiader's Woman with n Book." (hiests of Areiwil," elm et "Crucifixion." liatioltant's -Butcher's Shop." I ;11tit) enjoyed the clean beauty of 1..e - [nine's "Samnal. Castle," ce!,.t f "The Forest,' and last but not least the superb artistry of the working of Lur- eat's tapestry "Great Fear." - IttrA.) LOR- RAINE SANDELLS, Gor- don Park. TELEGRAPH. SAT., A1'12. 11, IN ffr E ill .lame ffii It 11' Pi ( Ai s _I E Dir Iii 17P B rorseelg (he I'reovvis l'aitititift t..vitibiliolt it( the %sit' 1 (inflow!, Deis titres tired 1.1111Id irrenst. near Silltel rifts fitaller!g 111111.111111111.i. rfelorelx. ,,,(I ,nd th, shim,rail rtlnly I I pfd in Mr It S NIffiy ,,1;, .1 in rje ILnclhorny I %mild ,ay on,ii T,11111 rvt. tram repro- Fin iie; ;1;nt of the Paint - 11111f I) 5 not and daily manilas: Inc, me.in something !until .\1,n ihe %kw \ tAijwy ,who few :ire outstantlinv 'I'M. could 111,1m 'In,. III. (;,k1Irry -stnt- I tbm t i.o arty hra4ly Iii help fir., U',.1.1' 'ttilrr- ('mmmtnu't':,Ilh all I's i111,1i a creative '11' ,'!ier.; ::uuulur sir is 1tculrn Ho , L. Ihr pliqui.o.. .101o1 of Cur- 11111 A11'.11:1,1,, the "Slwvied 11". ST "Inn IV "1"."'till" " ;011,1u1El;:i1(1):11 1 .1 Frrnrh (:"1' "It Tile esitibitton 'A N(.1.(ly 1..111 ' I4, silt h7 Bl'INI)1011` II) tarn Lit, r in immediately In. 11,1, (lone lit eshilution I;e3 mem. lint (la, critics were. i they arc itb.dral , plcl v 0111(1 -plit into thi classes, yitibolic .1 I ; ver.t. of MI111111:0 e. nil crust in corn- rut I irr '11.11) .! . 'It lti France, lie quid. !It'd Mill NCI 11,t11,11S,