Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

-TELEGRAI)1-1" "MORNING HERALD," tL For art pane Recite 4?.r r r! ! G1,011 THE: n, w' picture MI a. I .. .1 Qiii .!1 Me "Brisbane '!'rtes graph- art panel is a (; ,I:. Ile 1. m water Putout., "Float:, this Oahe, s lu II as by the late W. O. (truth in 11,e Mille ,,.1,, :on which haa been lent by at the thane: ny ol the trustees t)I Ina Queensland and the Queetedand National Art roaclars' I ration:. Col - Gallery rollection Born in r3ri,bane. Nit With mite. MI. Grant sautiesti ni .tlit. Grant twined one ur Col- Quer-it'd:old', artistic lege. He Wit, a life mem partner-Inns For his bee of both the lioysit sonny, to art lie au.; III Queensland Art Soviets, 111:17 1:.,e II...intent of and the Victorian 'Madre and 11)11mi-won Artists' Society. Iii' wit, medals. "SUN," e ,: 1953 . Portrait ack-with face lift THE well-known por- trait of James Wardrop by Sir Henry Raeburn is back in the National Gallery - with a face lift. The portrait. one of the ost popular pictures in the Gallery, had been sent to London. Wnere it was cleaned and restored by Mr. Horace Buttery, who has worked on many pic- tures in the Royal collec- tion. A Dobell portrait, The Cypriot. loaned by the Queensland National Gal- lery, has been placed on exhibition in the Buvelut Gallery. . roe, Vic. "HERALD," Melbourne, Vic. Portrait back In Gallery Sir Henry Raeburn's "Portrait of James War - drop" Is back in the Nat- ional Art Gallery. after being cleaned and re- stored in London. The poralt, ohe of the most popular pictures In' the gallery, was specially treated by Mr Horace Buttery, who has worked on pictures in the Royal collection. Also hanging at the gal- lery now is William Coheirs "The.Cypriot," It has been borrowed from the Queensland National Gallery for a month. "COURIER MAIL," N.S.W. AUSTRALIAN ART DISPLAY ABROA hll I lull RNE, Fri- day. -1',Aniim2, of 11 will be 51101,11 till, S1.11 it Coro- nation displays in Lon. don and Venice. A member of the Corn- plo's to -night, said the oio,. lions would gne art "its biggest boost m 11. tory." the Prime Minister. Mt dad the Waist) Art Council had .,,Led lor lh inormealth Art AtIviso0 oi 12 Meth,l,,,a 10 I, Board, Mr. R. Campbell, who situ,,: at announced details of the sire artists %%ill Pc sent abroad - I heir paintings will he on display in London during the Coronation anti at Britain live biggest provincial cities. Later, the courts %sill P.. shims at the a ill Id- farms, Biemmalce International ;VI 110i/igloo in cope:, SIr. Campbell said the 12 artists, it ho mould be told nest seek that their work, had been chosen. arc: William WWI. Russell Drysdale. icy Nolan, Llosd Ronald Friend, Justin lean !Weft. Conu.,11:c Stokes, Arthur Boyd. Godfrey Millar, Frank Hinder, and Ralph Batson. Dobell, Drysdale. and Nolan will each haye 10 paint- ings exhibited abroad, and Boyd six. The artists had been select- ed by the gallery directors of all States at the request of the Arts Council. Ten of the artists chosen now live in New South Wales. The other two, Constance Stokes and Arthur Boyd, now live in Victoria. Mr. Campbell said tha Imlay of the pictures chose had Peen lent by private co lectors and the others ha bcci, chosen front naliona "COURIER MAIL,' Brisba NE COURIER -MAIL SATURDAY APRIL 25 1953 3 /1111 OBELL ART I LONDON SHOW AN oil painting left Brisbane by air yester- day to become port of Australia's Coro- nation exhibition of contemporary art in London. The painting was "ri,' on The Courier -Mail art Cypriot." a large portrait panel. by Archibald Prize-winner Gallery director (Mr. William Dobell. In the Haines) said yesterday Queensland National .%rt "The Cypriot" would help Gallery. - represent present-day art The painting is one at in Australia to the world. the most valuable In the After the Coronation Gallery and has been in- exhibition in London. "The stared for rt000. Cypriot" would he shown It created great public at the Venice Blennale when It was shown next year. "COURIER MAIL," Brisbane, Q1d. Clausen oils on Art Panel all th rhry I 'II, .Acr1111r. n; landw :1111. N1'11(1.11 a port Si,:, .1 .h Ipto L,1111 1 sari er Brisbane, QId. Art of 12 Australians to be shown overseas MELBOURNE I by teleprinter I -Paintings by 12 Australian artists will be shown this year at Coronation displays in London and Venice. NIL a "HIP al I 11 i, bard rilv1)11,4 "1 lit1 ro,111111..11- `elrrlPa I" rlirk,I kds I ,"0 Art Aid. AI' tio ., t Ten in NSW P:Itia. . and the Mitt,.1, ',omen Karl 1'2 Send 56 works son 111111 C4111.- 1.. hill' , it ,