Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"COURIER MAIL," Brisbane, Qld. £23,000 PAID FOR ART, ANTIQUES MELBOURNE (by teleprinter) - .\ (2:Lauti record for a sale of antiques in Austra- lia was establiOed in Melbourne yesterday at the first day's auction of the collection of Lady Murdoch and the late Sir Keith Murdoch. Mont of the 3 28 niece! offered were bought by private collectors from MI ver Australia. Metropolitan rt galleries also bought The. Victorian Nal inns I allery paid 5111 guineas for painting "Grand Canal. enice" by Richard Sickert nd £320 for a Queen Anne randfitther clock. Queensland buy The Queensland National Mery paid 270 guineas for Portrait of Henry John" y Augustus John. Mr. Warwick Fairfax. of he Sydney Morning Herald aid £500 for a Hepplewhite ookease dated 1780; and nother private buyer paid 40 guineas for a pair of ookcases of the same eriod. Mr. W. L. Rockland, who aid £35.000 for Sir Keith urdoch's Toorak home last eek, bought a RegentY ureau bookcase Mr 0250, nd paid an ai crane of £20 nch for a series of 10 ezzotints of Enylish pith - teal and nasal suit mili- tary leaders. Old prints For the first lime In Aus- tralia, competition for auth- entic old prints carried the bidding to prives compar- able with those of London salerooms. What nre believed to be the only original engravings of the famous "Cries of London" in Awl ralki brought. 125 guineas and 10.5 Path, Mr. E. W. Hayward, a prominent South Australian ,ollector, and joint mantic- ng director of John Martin's Emporium. Adelaide, was the principal bidder for the pictures apart from the public gallery representa- tives. £861 Painting He paid 820 guineas for a small oil painting by Paul Signac, £560 Mr a picture by the French painter. Maurice WHIM. C100 for a water- colour sketch of n design for a mural it Australia House. London, by George Lambert. and 120 guineas for a small Metre of a woman yawning. by Russell Drysdale. Several galleries were In- terested in a small table made m 1790 from the first timber shipped to England from Botany Rav but it was knocked down to Mr S. Lipseombe. a Sydney antique dealer. for hr. private col- lectinn for UM. The sale will be contIn d Lo-da . )ITED DAILY CIS 'more IE TUESDAY APRIL 14 ialeXeliesttt GIFT P,AtNTING, "Whistler's Nut' Kul Art Gallery by the (lire( 1, .4 Brisbane, QId. 111nrdovti GALLERY'S 5 WORKS The Queensland National Art Gallery Director ,Mr. Robert Haines, said yester- day he had bought lire works at art at "vary reasonable prices" at last week's sole of the late Sir Keith Murdoch's collection. However. he would not re - 'cal how much the Chillrry lad paid. and said: "Prices lever indicate the quality of a work al art. I will say I got these work, for about raw -third of their London price Mr. Haines said the five works were: - "Portrait of Henry John." in oils. by Augustus John- 'a most important pur- chase." Important oil "LIndra. Wales." no oil by Derwent Lees. Lees IFti:,- 1931I was born at Queens. kind, and worked with Augustus John. Mr. Hahies said this was tine of the most. Important paintings m Aus- mita. Au all by Leslie Hunter. 0111ernpurary Sent' I s h and "one of t he Scottish wider. of Mc 201 h cen- "Girl liencline.- a deautin y Han groin pot A tall earthenware grain NA, belonging to the Hnn dynasty 1200 BC -220 .AD1. IThe Courier -Mail's Mel- bourne office reported last week that the Queensland National Gallery had paid 270 guineas for -Portrait of Henry John" and 150 for t% tall Jinn dynasty grain pot,1 "COURIER MAIL," 1000 -GUINEA OIL GIVEN TO GALLERY BY LADY MURDOCH ONE of Itto most im- portant additions ever wade to the queensiand National Art Clattery collection was ao iiiiii need yester- day. It was the gift by Lady Murdoch, widow of Sir Keith Murdoch, of the oil. "Whistler's Studio," by Walter Sicker*. The picture which is Orin high and 28in wide is valued at al I 1000 guineas. holly Murdoch has given the painting in nielnory of her husband. "Magnificent" Gallery luireciur Itobert Heftiest maid yes- terday: "It is a magnifi- cent example of the work of Sicken, whip Is gener- ally considered the most Important English painter since Turner. "Brisbane Is fortunate to have this gift made by 1,,,dv Murdoch." 31.r. Haines said that as sit example of tilekert's work it was .are I tentha only to the fa iiiii u24 -The ltalaing of Lazarus" iii ille Melbourne Gallery. The liallery's chairlinin of trustees (Mr. E., A. Fee- guennl said yesterday that the trustees had hoped for rs to acquire a Slekcrt. Lon hail been unable to do twosast or file (((glI prices. On show in June stud., not Included in the reeeni sale ..1 ihr 31m -duel' col- lecl ion. 31r. Halite,' au- 1,,,,achet1 Lady llturiluela to p it tbe Queensland Gal - '12111(1 boy It privately. I ,1111, MOrdill'il own at. I.,.4 it to I lr gallery as to Its first showing in the gailery will be at a Julie exhibition of add li Ions made since 312., halm, be - value Iiirrci Iwo 14get,