Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

the principal bidder for the pictures apart from the public gallery representa- tives. £861 Painting He paid 820 guineas for a small oil painting by Paul Signac, f580 for a picture by the French painter, Maurice UtrIllo. £100 for a water- colour sketch of a design fur a mural at Australia House. London, by George Lambert. and 120 guineas fur a small oicture of a woman yawning. by Russell Drysdale. Several galleries were in- terested In a small table made in 1790 from the first timber shipped to England from Botany Ray, but it was knocked down to Mr. S. Lipscomhe. n Sydney antique dealer, for his private col- lection for f115. The sale will be =timid to -dc 2 THE COURIER -MAIL TUESDAY APRIL 14 1953 Brisbane, 1000 -GUINEA OIL GIVEN F GALLERY BY LADY MURDOC ung at the Queensland rt Haines) yesterday. WITH APOL0911$TO THE FRENCH EXHIBITION by Ian Gall of Hui mediti portant addles ever 11111410 to LI Queensland Nation Art Gallery eon's% was announced yob day. It was as gift by Lai Murdock, widow of Keith Murdoch, of the a "WhimUsea Studio," I Walter Rickert. The picture which 14in high and fdlin wli Iv valued M about IS guineas. Lady Murdoch has Ow the pointing in mane of her husband. "Magnificent" Gallery Diroctor Robert Raines) said yin terday: Is a mina cent example of the wow of Slain, who is genie ally considered the mu Important English panic since Turner. "Brisbane Is fortunal to have this gift made 1/ Lady Murdoch." Mr. Haloes said that I an example of Rickert work it was second In Aug trails only to the fames "The Raising of 1.41144/111 In the Melbourne Garr The Gallery's chairms of trustees (Mr. E. A. In 'mon) said yesterday al the trustees bad hoped fi years to acquire a Sicker but had been unable to so because of the big prices. On show in Jan - "Whistlers Studio" we not Included in the room sale of ton. Mr. Murdock ail leation. Hebei al preached Ermili,....._..,11urdMi I If the leriireadoeuld 11TedWA La y Marl[ & then fared It to the gain as sift. De first *hewing L tE will be at a Jul eirlsglegtion of Whist mum slow Mr. Halmos yea same director two You aim