Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

From "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Q1(1. MEMORIAL ART COMPETITION 1' se Half Dozen Group Art ts, in conjunction with hhe Trustees of the Queens- land National Art Gallery, has invited artists to submit drawings, not more than two each, in a competition for a prize of £25, It is the L. J. Harvey mem- orial prize --which is to be competed for biennially. Drawings. which must have been executed during the two years preceding October 1, 1951, must be the original work of the competitor and may be in any medium. All entries, which must be in by October 1. should be ad- dressed to the Director of tile Queenslai.d National Art Gal- lery. Further details may be obtained from E. Lilian Peri- er.len. Winne XW'2002 From "TELEGRAPH" "TELEGRAPH" 'If I "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane. Old. Urges sterner art selection Art lel., 11.1111 In 11101'1. ruthlcs V.11, II seleeting paint- ings for an exhibition. sold Mr. Robert Ilaines. It wits it bad mistake for recognised (Viet tea to exhibit poor quality wurks he said. Mr. Baines, Director of the Natienal Art Gallery. was unman; 1110 11111 annual 4.a - 111bition of the Half lh,en Orono of ainala at Honey in gallery. Ile N111(1,1.11 a display et Victorian Mauna. flu 7!: I 1;!. of its 11,4It ur- tail Fin I 1),111 the of 'I, ,,11 !ell tut! old, Brisbane, Old. EV11111710 OE 111.:1,11) .40 THE Jubilee exhibition of Queensland art will be officially opened by Mr. D. J. Muir iState director of Commonwealth Jubilee cele- brations, at the National Art Gallery, tonight. The exhibi- tion has been arranged by the trustees of the Queensland National Art Gallery, in asso- ciation with the Queensland Jubilee Arts Sub-committee. It will continue until October 7. Brisbane, Old. 411. 411. :MP 41141 all ern o be re -hung The display of works or the Queensland National Art Gni tory is to be completely re- arranged after the exhibition of Queensland art which opens next Monday night and con- tinues until October 7 The Director (Mr. Robert Haines) will re -hang all paint- ings, and new purchases ob- tained during the lust months will be added to the collection. The gallery staff have been cleaning and re -framing some of the paintings during the currency of the Commonwealth Jubilee art exhibition and open art competition which closed on Saturday The addition of the print room and re -arrangement of the entrance where cases have been provided for the display of art objects were designed to conform with the new plan. The gallery may be closed for a week after the rind of thit Queensland exhibition to complete the new display The Queensland works will he the largest collection al Queensland art shown here. From "COURIER MAIL," Brkhom. nig I Art neglecied From Gallery "COURIER MAIL," closin The National Gallery will he closed from to -morrow night for eight dare, l y gririsbane, Old. "COURIER MAIL," w P-isbane, Old. FEW things are more devorat ivy than the broad perforated leaves of monster's delicinsa, and 1 was In- terested in the artistic way this plant. Is used In the National Art Gallery when I went there for another look at the Jubilee Exhibition which closes to-morrow. On one side of a pine of sculpture by Queens- lander Daphne Mayo a pot of monsters makes a bold green pattern. On the other side a trail of waxy green foliage droops lightly from it container at the top of a post. The whole thing forms a composition of a kind winch has not. been seen in art galleries here be- fore, and which is most effective. From "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Old. EXHIBITION OF Q'LAND ART A Mbar' e.: Queenslarth ol: opened on Atono the Brisbane A-1 (1.,It.1. The exhibitior, at be opened at It p ., F. Muir. will ,. Queensland :, 1951. This is the tn., ,onio, pensive display is: ti/i:1:- land airl presenteo 1, i in After the °pewit: the ex - hibition will be ing-a daily from 10 a.m. to From 11, "TELEGRAPH" "ibane, Old. 1 ABOVE intcre.,t..(1,,pectator al the of hens r,1 exlitl)(tran of Queensland art on 11,2 Gallery was Mr, Russell Cuppanlyc, co lion From AT' I-,111,.1, , 11, 1, F,14,t, r1,1 propIr 11,1 X' trd oil it., opened last week. "TELEGRAPH" Group in annual art show Ih Al1:IA*1111, 11.11'40:11 an official opening by xti: Robert Elaine, Director :n tile gnrrotslnnd National Art Gallery. the lialf-Dozen Group of arti.,L, will have on view Ihen 11111 animal exhibit Mn of paintings. set111)- lure ;old cr:f moil; at, Finney. Art Gallery A pleasant atmosphere about the show is brought about by the islieving effect -tf era f work. wllirh breaths down the monotony of the 'Jointing after painting usual it exhibit ion, Nutter Buzacott is well re - !resented a, it, Margaret Client', with work from America C. 0. Bennett. W. Ettsbena Bennett and Wini- fred 'towers contribute work, up to their usual standard Being Inc a soinewlmt new note to the show is the'work of E.::crt Gudaminkon, who ohms ,91te colourful Iceland satiVase, among which "Ex- tinct Craters. leekind" is intere:!1115 E. Lillian Pedersen's "Bush Bouquel," "Putty Leftovers" and "Cherry Guavas in Land scope.- and Fronk Sheila's "Cliffs tit Shorneliffe" and "The River at Riverview" are impin. effort, Still going .,brad l Vilatin Cooper. ills "Camp Muundain Valle," has ap- peal Pere, liarries ventures lulls landscape and "To- ward Ilse Bridge. Cash's Crossing." warrants his doing sit. Betty Quelluirst's "Minium Landscape." Harry Memmott:9 "Army Boat' and Marlon Finlay's:011's "Peach Blossom" deserve alletstion. together v.-1111 "The Swamp." by Nancy Kilgour and J Noel lillgours 'Holiday Train." Doreen Harre. Flora E1os- urt and Elliot also are 1,iliaeiiiial In Paitst. A 'tindra Mackenzie erffer, a col- lection In hand -printed fab- rics Loan collections to Ihr Harvey family and Robert Haines "sq.. round off on interesting show "COURIER MAIL," Brisbane, Old, Early a ks on show-. 'Three paintings by Queensland's first prates - clonal artist will be feature of the Jubilee Exhibition of Qutensland Art. , The exhibitio,, will be officially, opened at the Na- tional Art Gallery at 8 p.m, to -night by the newly -no - pointed Queensland Meat - General in London iMr. D J. Muhl. The fist professional artist to paint In 111.:xisbnia was Conrad Marlene. The National Galle chairman of Under(' lMr E. Ferguson) said last night that little was known r Martens' association with Queensland beyond the title, and dates of the,pictures lie painted here, The exhibition, which covers art in Queensland from 1888 to 1951, will be oven daily from Tuesday ,from 10 n.m. to 5 Tim,