Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

From From "COURIER MAIL," M elbourne artist wins two memorial awards by GERTRUDE LANGER A visrr to Inc National All Gallery uuuld oorlh. while to see I he entri,-- tar two auard4, the lleurry Casein Irehard-, Me lllll Hid Prize for a landscape painl. ing in oils, and lila (sailer)'. I,. G. Harvey Memoria' prize for drawing. Entries. which include the work of local and inter- state artists, are of a gond standard generally. Mr. Charles Buss, of Nienamenr, carried off both prove.. His nil. "Near ' makes Ole Most of a nnu motif, and a restrieleri ii.,:- mony of purple. yellw'. tont brown. The atmesphete of the canefields is caught. but The chief merit of the 'sienna( lies in the ,tip,11, br.IVIira of brush work, rici a texture. and bold in stiok, ' Phyl. Waterhonse's Tish Mg Nets. Tweed River" is at- tractive. Noun" with it- unrelieved yrl low. Margaret Cilento. MoyA ft MI:. and Kenneth Jack at also represec(r(l r(lt:Cf ii work 1` ;lli ellinjpent1011 ihr rue ,...ner. "Rain Ftive.1 mount Tamborine." by lioli. (twins with innsterIN ea -r and cracertil pen work, but to my thinking has at (dose competitors. Rah Fizelle's "Interval," with its delicate analysis of planes and elegance of statement would have been my choice. Kathleen Shillam's "Boy Margaret 011ey has n seri,- :Ind Doc" mores by its warm of Magnetic Island paintinas humanity and tenderness, all based on fhr same vivid and Leonard Shillam's palette of purplish pink 'Woman Bathing her Peet" Is ' royal blue, green, and anise fine drawing. by which she attempt, t( Kenneth Jack's El Oreen catch the tropical ranio,olti,:. inspired "Agony In the Gar - and carefree ease of the place len" makes an interesting There are hints of Duty mai wittern of intersertina- shape,. also Matisse. but is emotionally une.mvinr- John Molvig's "Burnt Land- ing. scope" is a fine semi-ahstraet Minch' Martarlarm'3 tun Interpretation. T. P Eagles' lithograph.. are well con - small oil has some fine pas- sidered In shape arrangement sages of colour. ntd tone contrast. apart front Of John Rigby's three en- -aspinying a nice sense of tries, "The Dead Trees" al- Immour. tracts by simplicity of &silo. Other drawing exhibits and subtlety of colour: "Street w,rthy of note are Margaret in Wickham Terrace" also has ClIentos "Interior," M. 011ey's merit. -Guimillan." and T. P. EagleS Of A. E. Read's two exhibits. -Portrait Sketch." "Noonside Street Scene" The exhibits will be on view pleases more than "Sunday until November 12. From "COURIER MAIL," t. 661 1,4 ueensland art prize , to Melbourne .pointer MELBOURNE artist Charles Bush has won the Henry Caselli Richards Memorial Prize for a landscape painting In ells, His canvas is entitled Gallery (Mr. Robert Haines) "Near Tumbulgum." said the Judges felt the Mr. Bush has now won um, the memorial for the second "Near Tumbulguntl' caught the atmosphere a successive time on the three,the canefielda,'and was typt- occasions it has been per.- cal of that part of the coun- sented. try." It was awarded first It Is presented annually place chiefly becattse of IIF by the Queensland Vallonal technical wor, and design. Art Gallery in menuiry of Mr. Richards, who was once chairman of trustees of the gallery, and is valued at 100 guineas. This year 37 entries were received from all over Australia. Drawing prize Mr, Bush was also awarded the gallery's L. J, Harvey memorial price for drawing (worth £25) for his "Rain Forest, Mt. Tamborine No 2." Born in 1919. Mr, Bush began. his studies with the Victorian National Art Gal- lery'q is at 14; was an offichiar artist/ during World War II, and later (.ontinned Ills. (addles at the Westminster School in Lon- don. lie has won practically every maim art, prize in the Commonwealth, except the Archibald prize, and Is rep- resented 'in all Atea rallan act cutleries. Yesterday the Director of .tw ()mew:land Natioual From From "AGE," - Mihnurne, Vic. Prize IN spite of geography, "BULLETIN," Sydney, N.S.W. Charles Bush, the most indefatigable prize-winner among Melbourne artists, has done it again with both barrels by winning the Henry Caselli Richards prize for landscape in oils given by the National Gallery of Queensland as well as the L. J. Harvey prize for drawing. Last year, too, he won the Richards prize, which has the condition that the subject of the painting should be north of the 30th parallel. He painted a bit near Tumbul- gum, on the Tweed (N.S.W.). the Melbourne artist Charles Bush has just een awarded the Henry aselli Richards prize y te trustees of the ucenhaland National Art allery. The prize is given annu- ly for the beat land or eascape in oils. Geography omen into it because the object of the painting hould be north of the 30th rallel for preference. This gives Grafton alnters an edge on those ho practise In the vicinity of Coif's Harbor. Bush played safe by painting a landscape near Tumbul- gum. The L. J. Harvey prize for drawing was also won by Charles Bush, Prize tor the oil Is 100 guineas, for the drawing EA Prize winning ts becom- ing a habit for Charles Bush, He won the Richards prize last year. "TELEGRAPH," Brisbane, Q'Id. Memorial prize *paintings shown Ity 3113.11.1.1.: l'aint,ner, Lind (In-V.4111.T, elli.ted I III,. Henry kit irictre.rtol to2 Ond the I ) Harvey. acne riot prize OW el « m it view nl llie Not ii nil Art Goll.ry Qucer)..lonti. 'Fite ichar prig,. TI d Pr. e tvnrut whirl) is for a painting. wits awarded to Charles Bush, last year's winner of Mc prize. Mantle., entry. "Near 'flintbul- gam." is a good example (.'alt(r.ItisisfMite' prrind tail(la than his othut orferina. "Rain Forest " of A. Real s Work Plem, brut he appears rather earelesr with perspective in certain parts. John Rigby is cleyclopur, and H. W. Reynolds slam. promise. K. Jack's "Cen- tral Station. Brisbane," a w(Il painted. The L. J. Harvey bi- e 'al award went to AloYa liyrinc. Xliirmacct Charles for his client°, and A1arrarrl tinted drawing, "Hain 011ey present works in Forest, Tainhorine." an glowitic colour. while excellent piece of work. John Malvin turns his The artist is to he con- j 'Burnt Laittlicape- into gratulated oil winning almost an abstraction. N. the double event. Johnston', paintings clic Amon!z the many oilier a natural representation, good drawings are to he and L Pedersen and 0. found those of Percy (Irani show sound pie- 'Bugles. Kenneth Jack, tutus. Fiat:lie and Stanton. "COURIER MAIL," Child art interest 'THE first exhibition of 11 children's work to be shown at the Queensland Notional Art Gallery hos attracted a steady stream of school children since it opened on Monday. The exhibition of 150 drawings, including designs for stained glass windows, was selected by gallery director iMr. Robert Hainest from the work of school children who attend einsss at the gallery every Satur- day. Mr. Haines said the ex- hibition showed the develop- ment In child art from the early stages at the age of seven to 13 years. Submit work Children who attended the classes were selected front State metropolitan schools and taught by Brisbane artist Miss Vida Lahey. The exhibit ion will be open until February b. Dur- ing the exhibition, children from metropolitan schools are invited to submit their holiday work to the gallery with the poigilbIlity a their being selpefFd for elatses. QId. "SUN," PAINTIN(ig. These three children. Ifoitglax Heather and lohi dimes. snood cousins of artist William Ii.ucir, showed keen interest in pic)eres displaced al tite Children's Art at the (illeele,131111 National .Art Gaiters.. 'ydney, N.S.W.