Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

4 11 .(starsvertLr...e..... ehrr''",".114%,.., "COU I T IP a. f ; rt t41. TIOPAINTING--"Rauen Cathedral" by Australian Moe Meliruni-is in the reception room at Government House, Valued at E1000, it is from the private collection of the Director of- fly: Queensland National Art Gallery (Mr. Robert Haines) nest month. The troy is hand -painted with a design of deep pink roses. The tea service-cup, saucer and plate, tea-pot, hot water jug, sugar bowl and milk jug-Is poled pink Aynslay china with touches of gold. The spoon is "COURIER MAIL," 9 - ft,. 6 Art THE FIRST painting which the Queen will see when she arrives et Government House is this richly- coloured still life by Hans Mays*. -"Zinnias end Tropical Fruit"- I in the entrance vestibule. LECTED FOR THE WALLS OF GOVERNMENT HOUSE or the DURING her stay at Gov- ernment House, Brisbane, the Queen will see the work of 24 Australian artists. The paintings, on oon from the Queens- land National Art &Ivy,' have been selected to emphasise the character of each room in which they are displayed. Three Queenalanders- loyd Rees, Bessie Gibson nd Vida Lahey-are re - resented in the selection, hich was made by the allery director (Mr. Robert. Haines). On the right hand wall f the Imposing entrance vestibule, there is a richly I Annette Moir 27 7Tpeheooditening table will teat There are four life-like and almost paint - place is Max Meldrum'slings of former Kings and , Rouen Cathedral," owned' Queens hanging on the rby Mr. Haines, and valued walls. Each is In a massive at.. Brisbane, THERE'S a stock of letters in t h i s office from people saying that they think the lighting of the City Hall is something alto. gether wonderful. Too good, they say, ever to turn out. The director of our National Gallery, r. E'er:C-Haines, said last "an his Idea was to make tne,ity Hall appear as If it and tr reveal the fine Pau Ten lit from within, matched theMone and sym- bolised the warm architect.".. And he g ollid e nd tthithe t `tleaccaoufse the Haines in - not t him bI4 the el c But, modest ivi., slated,GIotde Golden !Si ttaht ee- 3i enddo w es Royalty, ui i ns: . Queen" two fireplaces, and above rom((r(rrsrese each a huge, square mirror. which gives 't'Illie addedroom spa- In Queen's dinner is fine white Royal Worcester china with a soft bedroom green band outlined with gold. OTHER artists whose On each piece of the set- "' work is included In vice is the Government the reception room are House crest. Darryl Lindsay, A. D. Col- The Duke of Edinburgh quhoun, Margaret Preston.Iwill use this china for his E. Phillips Fox, and Rupertearly morning cup of tea. Bunny. I It will be served on a In the Queen's hedroomicream tray hand painted there is only one painting- with tawny coloured wild R water-colour by Vida roses, Utley, whirls is a crimple- The Queen's early morn- ment to the soft pinks and ins tea service is dainty blues of the room. Aynsley china in the softest coloured still life-"Zinnias In the Duke's room there pink, touched with gold nn and Tropical Fruit" by Hans Is a Hans Heysen-"Austral- the handles and nn the rim, Heysen. Painted about 36 Ian Gum Trees"-and a of the cup and saucer, 44 years ago, it is worth about Darryl Lindsay hunting scene.To use gold spoons Its predominant colour is misty grey gold frame surmounted by a gold crown. In the "gallery" are Kinc To the left is Frederick Edward VII and Queen McCubbin's "The Glade," al Alexandra. King George V profusion of dark greys and and greens. w;flhebQeti7irie'sd4faini-: tcoerITMItocicti BOTH the Quteen Arlo uke will use gold spoons, 'the Queen's morning ten will be served on a white wooden tray painted with a gold, and the serviette rose pink linen with a white fringed the Queen and the rose design In deep pink. IN the main, reception Duke will have most. of their Her serviette Is rose pink edge end white embossed E II R in one corner. room with Its Adam meals, is a lane, impressirefilliell with a white fringed green walls, mushroom car- room, rather like an "on- edge. and a whits-tuso",,scri pet and lath century, mah- cest.ral home" s", -e- - - masters" are represented. cart "COURIER MAIL," lea ogany furniture. the paint- T i togs are mainly in subdued pat la t - colours. thr (ns Ninny of Australia's "old ban err " TELEGRAPF , 13 FE' 1:54 Brisbane, Qld. To the right of the fire- Al 0 UCO tt AuAsfragliifatnowtofrrsrof"alrutahbales FINE GIFT TO ART GALLERY Firgii.;le.:1, boeilmeliecteicir :till cogeil tEvralittIrrnexcesitiga lit T an oil portrait by Mr. Noll'ample of Dobell's art. been mode to the Trustees . 1./tEriolmtm by Tom Roberts. The Donald Friend wa. of the Quesesleed National The chairman of trustees typical of the artist's work, art s aNI t:,,L7'doT,eireettrey,-t Neil oCtopsitoci! ofthe Ilwraith, McEacharn Lim- -This gift in much appre- acquisition for the Gallery. FergutiOlIGo elated and will form n. The paintings will be des - tinsel( )yesicErila Ay elnid fired , London. ;,t=le addition to our col- is,rlifitsised from London in "COURIER MAIL," c Briskets'', , 'I:. F0, ! 7,r,fit: QUEEN'S visit 110,0 h , Government Brisganre's "r the grapevine, Valli e orightrned A van will take selected Npanitt it otinttazia from the 13) Oppositeis_ Sid Long's 'The Spirit of the Plains," which was included in the last. Commonwealth Exhibi- tion of Australian Art. Old masters represented In the Royal sitting room are "The Grand Canal" by Beside Gibson, an Austral- ian landscape by Lance Solo- mon, who won the recent Wynne Prize, and "Pink and White Camellias" by A. E. Newbury. THE dining room, where "COURIER MAIL," Reich Art gift to gallery The Queensland National Art Gallery will soon have its first English pointing by the Australian artist, Si, Arthur St ,,,,, n. It is "Chepstowe Castle," a study of an historic fortress built about the 11th century. I. was painted in 1900. treeton died In 1943. Purchased at an auction in Melbourne, it will be given to the gallery trustees by Mr. Edwin M. Tooth, of Elder- nell Avenue, Hamilton, chair- man of directors of four motor and tractor companies in Brisbane. Dean D. E. Taylor an- nounced last month that Mr. Tooth had given £10,000 to- wards the Queen's Visit Ap- peal fund to complete St. John's Anglican Cathedral. The painting will be pre- sented through the National Gallery Society of Queens- land. PER: La( a m .,... cross metropolitan branches at Red Cross House this morning, and tonight at 8 o'clock she will visit Manhattan Gar- dens fur a hat parade in aid of the Queensland No. tonal Gallery Society'. Mr. R. Rowe, Federal ,ocretary of the Associ- ated Chambers of Com- merce of Australia, will orrice in Brisbane to- morrow night this year will be providect,;1,v.,,'.1;m1;nviatitri, Lake Wig- "The thanks of the Gal-: Mr. Ferguson said the gift tooyrTorfomMss returned from the South, anl.,isl.tormEgrcl..r. )Tminnttlitgiv, and It is hoped his ex- C. L. Harden, of be followed by Brown and Sons, Limited the Royal visit, will preS,-.113ridae." an oil by William others," i Brisbane. dioramas entitled, "Australia's Links rabmn4t. as a result of a The Wo.rks are --"Flight N Veitaeirn- irreClemes I eirc.E,naoriemersotenfrioerdirtins land's Clothilde Highton, with the Crown." These 1101.11113, mill he shown v t he Moreton other exhibi- tions to ((mite ( lie Moreton will or by Jame. R. IticVs1111, R111101'y Ben- nett Viciii 1. they Sir Lionel Lindsay. O. K. l'uunshend, and 14.1110, 'Cite Johnston,. Gallery 0,o has .in imposinu amine Alan Sumner, sew ly-appointed hood of Ise Nat tonal Gallery tichool In Melbourne. will fie :unarm the exhibitors. (mold Friend. Arthur oyd with oils and tile Sidney Nolan. A.110 is sending hack an ishibit ton from Europe. Ind Ora hunt and Inge Kula with their oil paint- nes. tel plaques, end ewellerv. Included in he Potters Klytie Rtle and r'etspison item others 'Sr yho will hold Mow.' at the .1.iluiNione Towards 'h.. n(i yolir will come ftnm ateibourne eX hibit:on of contemporary embroidery. Blair tlitglie3-Stanton, liNtinguished English wood eueraver. who M3C ried Queensluncl artist, Anne Ross. also Intents to send an exhibition of hr. work. The National Art OM - bay. which bottoms early Milt a display of chil- dren's art. can also he depended upon to present ;pedal exhibitions. Loral art groups will oresent varied and in- teresting shows at Phi - 1 ey:i and other centres. Topical touch in Brisbi , - nin Farlirrn lives