Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

From /" A women's committee of the National Art Gallery Society of Queensland has its first meeting on March 1 in the board room of the National Art Gallery, with Mrs. Arthur Wade in the resident's chair. Mrs. Wade went to Canberra last week fur Royal Tour functions, but she'll be back to help organise the ladies into a working com- mittee. Mesdames Russell Cup- paidge, Konrad Hirschfeld, Melville Haysom and Miss Gwen Jones are among those interested in the Societ y. No definite plans have been finalised yet, because of Mrs. Vade's absence. but Mrs. Cuppaidge said that the conuntttce is planning to have a gala tint parade soon to help raise funds for the levy. "TELEGRAPH," of she 50 hate in the win- ter milliners par- ade to Ise held nil VIInnhat Inn Gumless.. tonight will be named niter a well - (.now nrti!et. Lady Layered: will at tend the show, which the first function to ht organised by the newt, formed women's uuxili i1', of llw National Geller Society. of which Mrs Arthur Wade is eltairman Proceeds will go to wards establishing an ar panel scholarship for ESO for a three years' Period and buying paintings or painting to be presente to the Queenslit Natioual. TM; normell %%omen', .111%M:its to the \aI itu.,l 1:311e0 Soviet, held it, IirA meeting in the hoard id the 'National Art halters this after - ell . ArtIIII! i 11.1 hr Inn po). ig 1111 a 1 l':!11:11'I. it a1, WIN 1;01' lit raillery and ti, slahlish ruin] fill' :WI ll1(11111 s plo nt tautly It 'Xi, decided by the 30 it onum who attended, I Ili It. 1101(1 a ..1 Manhattan lardens un A wil d. THE COURIER -MAIL WEDNESDA AP I "COURIER MAIL,' go Brisbane s !AI, I' EST frocking Spa e !intones V, I' II, sern I his week erowdect tables . . , MI's. Was PI the Women's Augil. A. ri blur Wilde in a shorter - Ian. National Art ',meth frock of dine orey ciAllery snetety tint rinrodr.isplaslied with brillient red =racer( hi Manhattan Gar-'. . Mts. Nomad Hirschfeld dens on 'Fitesilay night. m, -t ple.s. shorter-lennllt k pin-III:kr(' Ire bleu si Jose, in bin, k, with.i mum nen. xhirrierleogt It how black duet 1,"1,1 ..," `'':x box ere,. i fig wet, i x lore ict, elled houldet 'Ups .. Mrs W.tIsh in a %own et softe...t erei f :tpI -sweeping evening "it till' '11""Idel - but a S111111 11 10 m. situp, and the hoclice eat c limn the ground. 'Moldered with et v-1 a I bead Lady Lavarnek wore the . Diane Orren in bill 1,,,w winter season's favour. hem metallic cold Oat e, 1,111 v nrrkhneInuit end 'en' Tile materiel was niched all over In white aril st cokes ;Una u YOUNGER ARTISTS who acted as receptionists for the hat parade organised by the Women's Auxiliary to the Rational Art Gallery.5ociety at Manhattan Gardens. They ore 'from left), Elaine Parrett, Ann Thomsen and Pain Watkins. They helped to show 600 guests to their seats. THERE'S AN. .ART = IN SHAPING AN Eininninninim OH: Si North, in the model named "Van Gogh," which she wore at last night's hat parade. Tho close -fitting hat is made of brilliant acid yelkw feathers with a single splash at trim- ming in green suede at one side. igrassricrA. '44 DERAIN: Joy Hyyppa modelled this ha called "Oeroin.- It is made of strikin black and white cloth and hos one con cession to Easter-the teethe std+4:4,...dor. EASTER BONNET BRISBANE'S most suc- cessful hat parade was staged last night-in the cause of art. Presented by Kevin Gibney, the parade was the first function held y the newly -formed Women's uxiliary to the National Art allery Society. Six hundred women lisird a few men) attended it, at Manhattan (larch:mt. The collection of 50 "Easter bonnets.' gave a foie indication of what the well - dressed woman will be wear- ing this season. Mat. popular colour will be charcoal grey. followed losely by the "sherry" col- mrs-sherre red, benedie- tine, then the pale golds and deep bronzes and the varying colours in between. Follow the Paris line 4.k ND the shapes for winter will he the new Paris line with a definite high crown continuing down and forward over the eye . the popular pillbox with a new line swirled round well on to the forehead . . Unique feature of last night's parade was the nam- ing of every hat after a famous painter. National Art Jellery director iMr. Robert assisted Kevin Gib- . ley in naming each after he artist it most reininded Mu of. Showed nett, "art form" IDEA of the parade was to raise funds and 1, Aim "an art fnrin to which the same principles of line proportion and colour opals as to other arts." Organisers were commit- tee chairman, Mrs. Arthur 'Wady. rind members Mrs. Konrad Hirschfeld. 51r,. M. flaysom, Mrs. A. Bruce. Mt, G. Seaman and MISS Owen Jones. Lady Lavereck attended with Mrs. H. B. Sewell an In the official Deny wer 9 Mr. end Mrs. E. A. Ferguson - Mr. and Mrs. Leon Trout Mr, Robert 1111111Ps and hi I motile], Mrs. R. Reines.