Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

r rta "COURIER MAIL," Brisbane, QId. 0///e A. /4/ Gallet?- itee(ls evet-yboell s heli),.g,,.,,,._ , 0 0. I il,l, 111 II 110), 1., ill I % 1,, 1,1,4. ,agoili, 00 III ' i II... 11., 11,,,,,, I 0111111 1%11,0o. WI'. ('UEENSLANDERS .., have not, on the : by ,,,,, I, 11 r I . 1 . 11,1, :: .tl: b.I.4111111. .01 01 IIII :I IIII1 ,e001. III IIII II whole, bccn gcncr- , ROGER COVELL ous to their Notional Art Gallery. \' I I Ti 1111111,111111, ".:it i is, II. ..: . 1 Ht. I' II. SIT'' .1111,1 .1 .. 1,, 1 ). 13,111,11. ot I he 1,1 ggo..1 it. Ito hotel oI .cort, '1 lie lo 11,110 o,1 'Io ( 1 1,11 or( gi rig, if I.," pr,,loribl. r tog. blos ,,,,,, ,,,,,d in Is% ill o, I Itgli.sh 0.11, loot the for tool, tio, boil, ill oho., bore frel'IT roititog it iof ,,,, roro tho 1.,11 or. bore o pittirttt ma 1,1 I r ',feted. ')...10 .1 1,1% ii )1.111, ,,,ntetma.tary Frailish ,,ate, h rrtaeri s ., a marl: of 1'4,1111 ,111C1' !Ill 1111-.1'111 t1111.1 .1,,l iM in- Itorat !Mine- .. Alt NT 1,111.1 at 1,1,1 r(1.- :111. S uk 1, Cowl1,11,1..4 the oval HA - L ,hat :I ..- tatatly. pies Med 27 me_mlal 'Puller emit avaly.... 3 Im .1.. 3 petsoital UMW,. la Mr flaw., ii ii of lilt 1111: re,- coil 1111 Ii ,11,1111c1 111'. Ii Encouragement is Sin Mal ii, I, ore - ,,11 II I'll_ not great r.ricd "W111,111.. Ili, 111.0 ..1 11,1 11,1-1)111,11, Situ' NI (my; oh NM] omit, !,1, - ,11., .1,1 1,,,i ',lore(' tine of to I lie ti Mel 'I h.,. .,. h It.. -1 ii Ii lit the fartaiti. a [W11111111,111 ( 5 II:, /11,111,,111,1 1,1 111, 1,1l,.1 1,11 " I'M Business firm sets Aii ,, an example , 01,10 ,1.:11 1111. 11111,1, b, I '1.11F. National Gallery Sa- wa! (1... 111,1 ,11, 1" ,jell. of %ohm - ,1111,111, If, 1., I, \ 1/1111g ill1, WIV,:1 ..1011 ,111r1.1,11,(1 van so eh,. tit',,, otio,, II,. iiirr,11.1V 1110 ,.;111 1,1 roar patatIngs Sliest i MI r me. 'hat tilv,,t1 by the Berne lot the I /tiro 'pi-twit/et/ 1.11,ii Ic 11.011 /1 'I hr -Met qua,. are' A. It helm vhirrool - l'a,t11." too //cello I if. I I' re 111 I It, 1.1,1.1e. A.m. it ,11- .1 '' I Art C,allery tincier the :dine anti the ;ame artiz-t's Chop - From t11 il11411'N' Plei (1111..4 a 1'1144 dent Town ma. tante,. I. ilr ,,,I11111.11.1..it for ontorprko .'iii) Q1,04.1).14,1,1 \ mimed %rt 1.1111,0, for it., t.,-1111,1.,1111,it Iii arratirrim: for lir nain111,. I root 144, bane Sr at It, \ 11%, Ole ,.1,i I, 11 it, 11,1\ , 1111 - 1111111i \ 1 I.. 111.1,11 - WI1.11. 11:1111 1111k p 11,1'1111 ilt If, lit',' 11.. ' 1., . ,14 .1 S.., .11 tt 1:1,1 'I , 1,11 111111. - 1111. III:.1 1),111,111, 111, 1 fl 1111 1 (.111,,,,, 11..11 \l,' Hawes' , 11111111111111t% I I Ill] I' 1.11(1111.W III' Cr,1111 V 1- I 1111 1C111b1I1,111 fit kit 11.111.111W, .111,1 1111,1111e 111 Is titivate in II. III tin V of Ago! rtiliii,igal- 1, .4. Fhe 1.realdent of I 11,.. TOSVI,S. 1 vino Show. Mr. C. G. Mr - (mire. 5sIVII.ef1 that adviee hat, been reveived train Ntr, Iloliert Direetor of the 1)11,,,,IHntl Nat tonal : Art .1 kat 1111` to listen I,, I 111, six tomii liii I fi rIll. Art .1., I I.,. the show ,-,.. mime that a allowing t -d paint I hO.ii lit 41,,,W %, Iii 11114 h1.11,1, the 141'11.1,4 hot'' p..1,i. Iii N,,, h tr,..risland hstiltell tim ''irk 1,5 Ads, raliwi ii. ta, aral in 11,1, v'r tiVt. 11r, lilt .. I. It T11,1 1,, \ \ 1,1,. to 101111/', 1,1 M1', III,,! 11,,11111111- hiS 71 It 1.11t11.1 kt,idiy1,1,,V1,1r1,1 liv T1, \VT1SVill,,, Itotavy flub far sanervlaInn. TOO, Inciden- tally 1,1nror111. 1,110 the rotary art ren.i.. Wino ,';'in. 'nod 11,' 111, and ill 011111,1,10f, i dii t 1 j: . . ..., Itilt xliii . , .