Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

Brisbane, Old. 5 NEW wowK FOR GALLERY 1:IVE important works of ort by Australian pointers have bi- n added to the collection of the Queensland l`lotional Art Gallery. This vvci,, 1,cliiiiinn of trti}tcro, f , The paintings ;ire: 1 he stream, Heidelberg. by Tout Hubert,. a Anoll land...we..? 11111' ,i1111111y ,111,1 :111/121) , 9.11111111' 01 1111, The IC1,1111.. by It'llP1 11.k. 1% .111 important , we 11 1.0er manner thi. at , '1.11utrust'. Son, VI 1 011 11 1. Slut '1,01)111. .1 111,111 ,411i. Ili11110'11 1101 11'1111 at the :1111 Alexander The %Vet Ituad. by \Volter Wither it landscape lit subtle nuance,. where glow- ing' and erg)! valour:. are huil side by I(IC In perfect. lily :non 5' Still Lite. 1)N" neo..ir Gib- son, a pawl unz el dowers 10111 111111, W1111.11 I, III pre- .ent ft -attired ill the ellirent. Jubilee Exhilritiun It Queen:4311d Art al the Nat lonul Art I ;alien'. New to gallery The ,, ut 1: iil 1'11.1101a I; I McCubbin and 11'a It et \Vit her. I, nut at pre ent Il'I'llITSI . '00 In I he Queen, - land Notional Art titiller!:. The point inn - have 1.114'11 purcho,ed 11'0111 I he Nil, M. T. 'Treweeke 02000 13eque:.1. 'rhe five paintliel. win be exhibited at the Q11..en..lancl National Art (lottery in October at i lie (1,11(.1u -ton of the curlew Jubilee Eglabh, turn at Queensland Art. "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Old. 9 paint for Gallery foo ynairible paintings by Australian (let- , is hone been acquired the Quctus!.1.1.4 National Art Gallery --one ns a gilt and the other by purchase They ore: A watercolour, -Paddlers, Rose Boy, Sydney," by famous Queensland artist I. J Hilder. An oil, "Boys Bathing, Heidelberg," by So Arthur Streeton The Hilder was presented by Mrs. lefferis-Turner, of Dauphin Terrace, Highgate I and the Streeton land- s -ape was purchased from a private gallery collection in Sydney. ;he Streeton work wos painted in 1891 and belongs to the early period of the Heidelberg school. The works will be on dis- Way when the gallery re -opens next Monday after being rinsed this week. If is being re -hung with own paintings, some ,of which hove not been on :.s- lay for three or four years. From -Mt 'NIB) I.11+" Brisbane, Old. LEFT £2000 FOR ART THE will of Miss Maria Theresa Treweeke, who was a member of a well-known Goondiwindi grazing family, makes a L2000 bequest to the Queensland National Art Gallery, Miss Treweeke, who died in Sydney recently, was an art patron and gave 50 pic- tures to the gallery in her lifetime. Her will provides that her £2000 gift be used to purchase pictures "which can be regarded as belong ing to the more 'conserva- tive' type of works as op- posed to those which for lack of a better term are referred to as 'modern' works." "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Old. "' r M C. Al 13. Vkran noniron) sill e a leettite on Wed- nesday II tit at 11 o'clnek the National Galleis, v: here he Jubilee ex ion of ueto,land art is 'low being (.1(1 From "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Old. "A I rsaiil of the netA" I 1,1.:( 11'1.e. 111 lit olla al 111 t I U urn ,Iwl li01)10.1 I III .I' I 41 rr1111' 01 Ihr tpleen,l.tilit N.,11011111 Art (toile: y I,Iil, o hen "penny- all e lumil4111 ul Slii- ne.y In, III, the . It.( 11111 ( ..1 III' '400. WV Sill 111111 1.1 .1li I/11141 0111111 %then. IlI II .01 Al el, .Inn II III ',II W11111 till. 1101 11111.11111.0 1 111. 11111- tirn1 eX1111/11 11111 11111141 /M1)01'111111 idle 1111.1 0011 - SIM 111 Vt1 o .11110V 01 -11111111.111 ettll 111111/10 1111 00011 1111! 111. 011111111, 001 11 111, II I/1 1111' Older :h11(1 ..0111,01 0111111'11U 1)01 01 I, 1 hull 11,111 01'1 tau 1111,11, ' 1111,11 1011 01 0111- 1111'1." ' 1 .o I1111115'. oar ..1 ' 11111 art ;mit I In n I111/11 1111 01 Ii Ii1014 "COURIER MAIL," Brisbane, Old. ..;46 Early art - viitt ' tilt' Cl011- ,. 11,1I Oil ii 9 ./ c:;hdo- . ic,yy. Mr. as "local chosen to :neck y.1 think. have 11111,:ter at the 1,11inar School. whose works mentioned Wheelwright ii 'Ai: Vheciwright, Reilly. rill Nixon, Com- m:111(.1er Benwill niggles, Fos- ter, Marini. Mis. liughes, and iYilier colours by any father, late J. M. 11obtlity. (Ill kin were pictures of .111 ill.i.-ter, from non. Mr. l loom. Mr. John Scott, . and family portraits trom Maurice O'Connell. 01.11,1 sculpture was loaned by Mr Otto Prentice, sea. feel sore art lovers will be interested in these further filets as to the early days of art i,. Brisbane. -- (31114s1 Augusta F. 1. Holiday, 113 Queen Street, ItrIsbane. "COURIER MAIL," Brisbane, Old. Keep art train Queensland's Jubilee art train will be maintained by the Stale Government for periodic tours of the State. The A.ting Premier (Mr. iGairi said lest night that I 'inaugural tour. now in prow cress, has been "amazingly 'siiccessful." more than 90,000 prople '111111 visited it, and the train, now in the Soulli-West, had ulrll to Visit the South Coast., (with paintings MUSIC Will mix with art at the National Art Gallery of Queensland this month. On October 23, an evening of chamber music, arranged by, Mr. John Farlisworth Hall, conductor of the Queensland Symphony Or- chestra, will provide a *back- ground to an exhibition of selected pictures. The same evening winners of the Henry Cassell Rich- ards Memorial Prize and Harvey Memorial Drawing Competition will be an- nounced. The function has been ar- ranged by the newly -formed Queensland National Gallery