Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

Brisbane, W. "Cluttered homes, cluttered minds" C1'1-1"11:12ED homes Use an effect on the lives of people who live in I hem, according to American visitor to Brisbane, Mrs. eicester. are far She thought it renittrkahe what e une too preoccupied with difficultihaed be s atn thedone Queend-- r hinge instead of ideas," land National Art Gallery. Mrs. Leicester said last night. "They have tn mace Praises plan for things. around, wash them art gallery and It's darned hard work to keep them clean." "f THINK it would be Mrs. Leicester. who has ' wonderful if they could been interested m industrial go ahead for (heir plains for design and modern artist- a new gallery in which fine tecture for 25 years, said exhibits ail colonial art and that emphasis on smililwity, documents of art history usefulness, and the 1),Y--, can be so displayed that all chological effect of colour. can see them - storerooms had a definite tendency to- are not the place for art wards freeing people from reference." she said. drudgery and inherited Mrs. Leicester is also very habits of living. .active in community health On her first visa to Bris-i services. She is a member bane Mrs. Leicester has of the Board of the New been Impressed with the Jeraiy State Association for "very interesting work" mental health, and chair - being done by young nat.n of the World Health Queensland architects at Committee of ,he New Jet' - the School of Architecture. .:ey Welfare C tined. IC Judges for Bloke Prize I The panel of ludges fo the 1955 Blake price we announced yesterday. It comprises: Messrs. Rus- sell Drysdale, James Glee- son, Robert Helnees and Rev. Alan Dougan and Rev. J. P Kenny. Closing date for entries for the 1955 competition will I be noon on February 15 next, at the exhibition gal- leries of Mark Foy's Ltd. Sydney. "COURIER MAIL," Queensland Notional Art Gallery director (Mr. Rob- ert Haines) will be one of the judges for the 1955 Blake Prise for religious painting. Other memoers of the judging panel will be Rus- sell Drysdale, James Glee- son, the Rev. Alan Dougan, and the Rev. J. P. Kenny, .J. Entries for the 1955 coin- etition will close at noon n February 15 at Mark oy's Exhibition Gallery, ydney. Rules governing the award f prizes are available from he hon. secretary, Blake rice, c - Miss Z. °kitten - Foley. 823 St. James' Build- ings, Elizabeth Street, Syd- ney. First prize of 200 guineas in the 1954 competition was won by Adelaide patine! Charles Bannon, with a por- trayal of Judos Lea riot. It ill 1.5 11.1,F 11 51 1051. Ihuen,Iand ri 1- t of ..,na mil .1E1 Innen ail. at 15'11' and It.. Nlettiorial Com- p, n ant iirot idt. much i r,.11 of interrxt, the iflattalti()n of It -dish e a 111.1' Ii1i1C1.111 4.11111.1.11,111. 1(1111o1 '1 111 ;1 ...era.. of ,.11, 1111/It 1,11; .I rite 1111111 ,11 1 ht. ,,ow. .1 1110111111,1, 1, 1.11" .11 ilu "1'1 "1 C 1,111, '111 l's (1011 ,11111i 1.1 1?,.;, ',Arles nue, is .1 coot! esantelt It los 11 or 1. I mi. ,,11 (III' 11, 1.111. 11.,.11% '1.111111 J.11 '; LH. I fl Ica, been :itinaii alai) , might, Melbourne, Vie sbane the 11.111s, to he held on Ihieenther bring railed a Christina, I - unready or a 'Tonle .1. You Sren't" Caro. It as esiacimai Iliat it will be aitembal Fir 300 represen- tatites of all 11.1,1E11w I;r..tins interested in I he Ark. 1111' committee inelittl. NIS. Art Ion Ian - Mr te-1 1. Po 'rig Cup - 1,1 \L K11111'11(1 1111' .1. A. lVe kla thry tVrager. Ruby Dent. Aunt Thomson. ,Itiriv Gordon. Iittbcrt Ila mei., Ronald rice: r Crldlatuh Ras- Lianiiev, and Blair Wil- " MAIL," . radio ;bane foursome IcEOPLE are bull trying If, sort out who was who it fancy costume at the Bris- bane Arts Ball enmmittec*: Christmas party, held in the Victoria Park Refectory on Friday. The Russell Cuppaldges went as King Farouk and Eva Bartok Mrs, CuPPaidSe wore long tight black pants. black and white striped sweater, anti an orange Italian hat bought on her tour abroad this year. A portly cushion and a moustache were important parts of her husband's ens- n! and Mrs. Fergus ''rates were there as Par- atv., and Robert, Haines as a Greek 'in Ifffffel wreath, white tunic. brown Hoak.. Dr. and Mrs. D Watson told Mr and Mrs. Dion Wheeler went as the four - 'tame from the radio show "Take it from Here"-"Mr. Mumma. Ron, and Et h." Chairman Mrs. Arthur .5.ide dressed herself as Mexican woman, ram- itete with darkened skin. 31rs. Konrad Hirschfeld was a witch. In the younger set-Blair Wilson (as a "Boy from Si.. Swithin's") partnered Beth Moxon ("St. Trinian's girl"). Steve Trotter was "Hitler." Dim Wilson a "Convict." Sandv Foote IN NATURE'S GALLERY After enjoying morning tea at the Hobart Botanical Gardens. yesterday, time directors of Mainland art galleries here for their annual conference set mat to enjoy the scenery. From left to right, Messes. L Thomas (Perth) and D. Lindsay (Melbourne), the thief Sec- retary (Mr. Mitch Messrs. H. Missincham (s)sine3 I and K. Campbell (Adelaide), Dr. W. 0. Dryden itiobarti. and Mr. IL Haines (Brisbane). For art panel A st afr flu an. SI II. 1.).1111I,1:011, 0' CCT 1954 300 SEE ART SHOW OPENED ("LEMENT McCALLIN, k- member of the "Door Charles" company, opened an exhibition of the British watercolours 1 9 I 4-1 9 5 3 at the National Art Gallery lost night .:1 3111/ 1),,,p1/. :11 - NI: li:111'- . :`,110,111 1i,11111V (4111,111:111(1. tin' with it hulas 111:111' V,'11111, "