Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

ART SCHOLARSHIP A PLAN to establish a major overseas art scholarship for young Queensland artists was announced at the National Art Gallery last night. In security comparable with Mr. George Scanlan. Na- tonal Gallery Society execu-that guaranteed by scholar- s ipsIn tive member. made the an -I states iouncetrient the ouening! Last night was describes of the British Water Colours Exhibition. 1914-1933. by the Gallery director sir First contribution to a' Robert Haines) as theofficial beginning of National Gallery Week, which opens officially next Monday. He revealed that 50 of the Gallery's best Australian paintings had already gone out to stores in the city' area. for window displays during Art Week. ibition of been made available by. Dr. Is P. Winterbotham, curator k i. of the Anthropological Australian Art ,VItiseum at the University of Queensland. These provid,e a The Warwick Schools' As -I nest interesting contrast with iodation of Music the., section of pictures from the Arta was formed four yea Namatitra school, introduced ago to foster the develop- oy one from the brush of Rex ment of cultural balms qatternee, the teaches' of Al- and activities among the ,t Namatjtra, and the in - pupils of the schools of . atlon anq sponsor of his Warwick. The third term wOek. project this year Is an cx-fi 1 front a very wide hibition of Australian ar range of artists will be shown which will be shown in the .hcluding Sir Arthur Stree- Morrow Hall at the Presley- ton and Max Meldrum terian Girls' College, Locke amongst Viotorian artists, Street. next week. Milder, Lionel and Norman Mr. C. M. B. Van Homrig ,Lindsay., Queensland painters enior Lecturer in Art at th 'too are well represented by risbane Teachers' Coilfg Kenneth Macqueen, Douglas 111 make a special visit t Annand, Patricia Prentice arwick to open the exhibi and many others. en on Tuesday evening at Although the mehlbition .45. has been arranged especially The showing will compiles with the students of the Wai- ver 50 pictures on loan from wick Wheals in mind, the pre- Wens of Warwick and tits- sident of the associati lot together with further 'Miss I. A. W. Taylor), sa tonnes loaned from the pri, yesterday that members e collections of Mr. Robert the public were invited to a es, director of the tend the official opening. Ti Qtlesnaland_OlationalArt Gal- Morrcw Hall would also sery, and 01 Mr. and Mrs. E. open to the public on W a of Brisbane. nesday and Thursday eve: ings at 7 to 9 p.m. and o Friday afternoon from 2 5 p.m. L , From t ic Two ban:. pal fund for financing the schol- rship, made by the women's auxiliary of the National Gallery Society, was also an- ounred. For 3 years Mr. Seaman said It was hoped to make the scholar- ship tenable abroad for up to three veers. The National Gallery The Gallery Trustees Society Women's Auxiliary hairman (Mr. Edgar Fer- chairman (Mrs. Arthur son) said the scholarship Wade) announced her would probably be known ds group's gift of a painting by he Queensland Travelling Walter ()reeves to the Clai- m Scholarship. lery. It would probably be Greaves was a pupil of worth £500 a year. Age Whistler, and the paliolng, ange for artists entering entitled 'Thames. Winter" for it had y5et to be fixed. h is Whistlerlan in mood. It The scholarship will en -1 hangs near the Gallery ep- tat artists to study abroad trance. roils "COURIER MAIL," 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I = HE'S A MAN WHO NEVER GIVES IN PLAN FOR MAJOR', PLAN FOR MAJOR Brisbane, Qld. Innisfail grocer, 43, . art prize winner ART SCHOLARSHIP-r r44N3,1SwFAinliLivjtooftetirieAlr9t151u4rWEvyannneRperaizde, A PLAN to establish a major overseas art " scholarship for young Queensland artists was announced at the National Art Gallery last night. Mr. George Seaman, Na- tional Gallery Society execu- tive member, made the an- nouncement at the opening of the British Water Colours Exhibition, 1914-1953. First contribution to a fund for financing the schol- arship, made by the women's auxiliary of the National Gallery Society. was also an- nounced For 3 years Mr. Seaman said it was hoped to make the ,scholar- ship tenable abroad for up to three years. The National Gallery The Gallery Trustees Society Women's Auxiliary chairman Mr. Edgar Per- chnirmtin (Mrs. Arthur guson) said the scholarship Wade) announced her would probably be known as group's gift of a painting by Ate ScQhol ueehnsland Travelling Walter Greaves to the Gal - It would lery. would probably be Greaves was a pupil of worth £500 a year. Age Whistler, and the painting. range for artists entering entitled "Thames, Winter" for it had yet to be fixed. is Whistlertan in mood. It The scholarship will en- hangs near the Gallery en- able artists to study abroad trance. in security comparable with that guaranteed by scholar- ships In other Australian States, Last night was described by the Gallery director (Mr. Robert Haines, as the un- official beginning of National Gallery Week, which opens officially next Monday. UCTOBER, 1 9 5 4 THE ROAD AHEAD OCTOBER Concerts, Displays: . Late October (exact date uncer- tain t : Q1d. National Art Gallery: British Watercolour Exhibition and Japanese Woodcuts Ex- hibition. He revealed that. 50 of the Gallery's best Australian paintings had already gone out to stores in the city area for window displays during Art Week. for landscape with a painting of a Cooktown street scene, is a man who never gives in. A former N'ietorldn. It., also lived in tiney for 10 scare, lens been trying to 11 the Vyinte Corn- = no t it ion for seven = years without success. = Ills swap-. wa- 1,", = of two InaiOr art ti up, = announced yes! e 111.o , = the other being South = Australian Itor He:, = third win in the Arent - bald Prize for portreii tire PL.10E Bead IlVes et a 11,,Lee = a coconut plantation - at Plying Fish Point. In- = install. with his site and = two yom't eluklren. = In a telephone conver- = sation yesterday, he salt) = that he had to rely on week -ends to paint. as he = was usually tired out = after a day In the = grocery shop. = "But niter living here = rot three years. I = wouldn't live anywhere = else in Australia." he = said. = "Innisfall has the right atmosphere for a 0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11E painter. It's a town that . _ . would take 50 men ten years to pain), so I've - got a long way to go." = BICYCLE TRIP = Read visited Cook- town in June last year. and made preparatory sketches of the insih street-Charlotte Street He rode a bicycle from - Cuoittown to In fa (about 140 tiniest, slan- - t:nig to sketch land- = scopes which caught his - Rend wins about f40. The president of the = N.S.W. Art Gallery Board tilt. la U) awardy), to the best hu :1;), entry or -,111pture. and at - ,1 331 entries. Eighteen painting, ty, Read will be on display at The Johnstone Stud- ios, in Brisbane Arcade. in March. Et f,rt,.. will be made to twice the prize-win- mita painting flown from Sydney for the display. A PORTRAIT OF MENZIES SYDNEY.- South Aus- trolion drrist Ivor Hole yesterday won his third Archibald Prise with a portrait of the Prime Minister )Mr. Menzies). Hele's prize is valued at more than .1500 and depend, upon the In- come front investments. 'rite prize-wmnins panning tva'. a presen- tation to Mr. Menzies by Ills Cabinet colleagues leadershpreip" apciaanttdon will re- main lets personal pro- perty, COOKTOWN street scene with which Innisfail artist. Arthur Evan Read, has won the Wynne art competition. aummulumiummumpuluminiminininiummiummiumninimininimuluininiumminiumini THE COURIER -MAIL FRIDAY OCTOBER II 1954 ART PRIZE TO CHARLES BUSH THE Henry Casein Richards Memorial Prize, 1954, for a landscape or seascape In oils painted "preferably north of the 30th parallel" has been won by Charles Bush. This is his third suc- cessive win. The winning painting Is Spring 11111 Evening. The prize, vitich is worth 1110 guineas, is given by the Trustees of the Queens- land National Art Gallery as a memorial to the late Professor Richards, and the winning painting becomes use property of the Nation's! Gallery. WON MOST PRIZES Charles Bush, a Mel- bourne painter, was horn in 1919, He was a war artist in Timor and New Guinea. He has probably won more prizes in com- petitions than any other Australian artist. The only major prize he has not yet semi is the Archibald Prize. A selection rf Casein Richards prize etirrks will he shown al the Queens- land Gallery front October neen Mother lends painting The Queer Mother has lent her water- illuadrimple Looking roamer painting by time noted artist John riper, to he Adores in the exhibition of British oraiereofours at the Queissiond National Art Genera from October 23 to November 25. The painting is one of .E. A. Ferguson) said the 123 watercolours arranged the gallery was indebte by the Empire Art Loan to the Empire Art Loan Exhibitions Society to en- Exihntions Society fo able Australians to see mating arrangements some of the best British wits well-known British watercolour paintings. ,net galleries for loans of The exhibition will th;se original pictures. be open to the public I The Corporation Art from October 25. the Gillery, Rochdale, has first day of Art Week. left John Nash's "Stoke - Included in the exhibi- by.alayland": the Whit - :ion are paintings by such earth Art Gallery, Man - famous names F.pnstaernine.s %aisle Sirre its John's "The Black clester, has lent Angus- Adam:" Augustus Jtcob Epstein's "Pen- alise of his sculptured ihnwl": the City Art del'lays oust Sir 'rived woi Id publicity be- ;rMIOul iliGialmasgAoVwilsoAni:St Wilson Steer. renowned "dye Shore, Mousehole": waterct'laurist: art the Harris Art Gal- an:stet*: Felix Topnlskl, lelY. Preston. Dame Ethel rienry 'l'onks. noted art vise Is noted for his Wveallkear's bie:'Lady at Dress - finial and watercolour work in Brit:tin: Sir mi.( This exhibition may be ham Omen. one of ,seen free ttt. the nit 14111 - Britain's niost noted port. levy. Gregory Terence sal 1.alaters. each day from 10 a.m. t B:istihaslongbeen5 aIdC.Y e"'i"1 Inman.. l, I ll ti107.m.durn LI Ile '