Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

4IP "COURIER MAIL Poster contest ) A prize of 20 guineas 1s being offered by the trus- tees of the Queensland National Art Gallery for a nosier nublicising 3allerY eek, which will be held in ctober. Details of the competi- tion, which dos( on Sep- tember 10, may be obtained from the Director, Queens- land National Art Gallery, Gregory Terrace, Brisbane, r tele hone L4030. 9 to TO BOOST Q'LAND NATIONAL GALLERY Biggest art week opens next month QUEENSLAND'S first National Art Gallery Week, from October 25-29, will usher in the biggest art week in Queensland's history. National Art Gallery Week will be officially opened in King George Square at 1.15 pm on October 25 by the Educa- tion Minister (Mr. Dei. ries). There will be a spectacular outdoor display by hundreds of vOlnie artists. Young artists will present a City Hall pavement show and will be Seen at work paintings on the City Hall steps, the approach to the City Hall, and on buildings around King George Square. The Chairman of Trustees of the Gallery iMr. E. A. Ferguson) said yesterday the object was to make art and the Art Gallery better known. Daily talks Mr. Ferguson said that during Art Week, there would be illustrated talks each lunch-hour in the City Hall. Evening lectures would be held at the Art Gallery, Outstanding attraction of the week would be an exhi_ bition of British water 'colours, specially sent from Britain, at the Gallery. Original paintings from the Gallery would be dis- played in the windows of leading business houses In Brisbane ns well as special exhibitions on the art panel of The Courier -Mail. A prize of 20 guineas had been given by the Trustees to ti,e poster best suited to attract attention to Art Gallery Week. Winner of this poster competition. results of which were announced Yes- terday, was, Mr. Richard Werner. "COURIER IL, °CI Brisbane Art week OUR art authorities have been successful in coax- ing more people to see their treasures. The daily average number of people who now visit the Queensland National Art Gallery is three times what it was In 1950. With the announcement yesterday of a National Art Gallery Week for this month it is clear that painting is not going to be con- fined to its parlour. It is to be brought to the city. Outposts of this move, such as The Courier-Mail Art Panel, have existed for some time. Now to them .is to be added, temporarily, the spec- tacle of hundreds of young painters at work in the City Hall approaches and King George Square. Paintings in shop windows, lunch-hour talks, and evening lectures will add to the interest that already exists, and may encourage the growth of a public movement for a more spacious Gallery. A ance-t-6 see art displays National Art Gal- lery Week was being held to bring the attenfon of people to 1h2 Brisbane Art Gallery, the Minis- , to for Education Mr. Devries) said today. rhr Queensland eallem minbled people to see the twit of some of the best artists, mid people should take advantage of this, he From " TELEGRAPH," bane. Old. SPECIAL Bris 1111fil ART WEEK 11 hen Nal' I .Art Caller, DeeL is opened on October 25, the public will see two important art exbibiIiou'. under the . roof at the Nair I Gallery. Brisbane. They will be the British the 100 guinea prize given Watercolour Exhibition.;by the trustees of the lent by the Empire Art;Queenaland National Art Loans Exhibitions SocietylOallery each year for the and the Queensland best painting in oils of rn Henry Caselli Richards Australian landscape or Memorial Prize Exhibi-(seascape of a northern ton. Australian subject. Previous competitions have been won by well- known Australian pain- ters. William Rowell and Charles Bush. The British Water- colour Exhibition will be the highlight of Gallery Week, and will be open free from October 25 to November 25. Included in the British exhibillon will be works by such well- known artists as Augus- tus John. Ileum Moore. John Nash, Paul Nash, Ben Nieulson, Sir Wil- liam Orpen. Jacob Epstein and Felix More interest The chairman of trus- tees of the gallery iMr E. A Ferguson) said the Richards Prize was nos atti acting the attention of artists from severs States In N.S.W. public terest in the Archibal ropolski. loortraill and Wynn, The Richards Memorial (landscape) prizes was Prize Exhibition will tremendous. and public comprise the entries for interest in the Queens- " MAIL," Brisbane, Q'Id. LRT IN ANZAC SQUARE 1' ART student Nyrie Elcock, second from left, ketches in Anzac Square yesterday in prepara- tion for her display in Art Gallery Week opening on October 25. Onlookers, from left are: Peter 'riffiths, John Orr and Don Bruer, all of Brisbane. . MON., OCT. 25, 1954 Mr, Devries was o - 'dolly opening the week, whirit is the first to be held in Australia. The function was held In Ring George Square as Young artists worked fr Vantage points in front of the City Hall. Minim,. the week special I i %bib,' tom: and Me - ?hit, aill be hr id .11111 , W:, I rail el talks will be i i il in Hui City Hull lunch hour. , h. Art Gallery the . I,,,t am inelucles a ells - ,,,c iii watcreoloura sent ,in Britain. I,' .111,11 ' business howc- dl display neriiiiii I liii.i'll anis from the mil - It i y. glaloieompetition was hlr. Ferguson said the trustees hoped that thousands of Queens - handers would make a point of seeing the Richards Prize competi- tion entries this year and thus to see "Australia as our artists sec it. Gallery Week presented a chance to the public to learn to appreciate ai't, and every evening from October 25 to 29 inclu- sive, there would be talks In the National Gallery un art subtects Queensland Country Life, October 7. 1954. National Art Gallery Week A VISIT to Brisbane during October /1 25 to 29 is indicated for country art lovers to coincide with the first National Art Gallery Week to be held in Queensland. Its object is to bring to the man in the street the oppor- tunity to view works of art during his normal daily round, and to see for himself the importance of art In everyday life. - " MAIL," U.K. art display An outstanding exhibition of British water colours will be displayed at the Queens. land National Art Gallery, Brisbane, from October 25 to November 25. The director of the gal- lery (Mr. Robert Haines) said yesterday the exhibi- tion would show British water colours from 1914 to the present, and comprised 125 works. It had been sent to Aus- tralia by the Empire Art Loan Exhibition Society. WEDNESDAY OCT 27 1954 TO -DAY'S RADIO GUIDE Talk gives history of State's Art Gallery THE story of Queensland's National Art Gallery will be told by Peter Clarke in to -night's presentation of "Looking at Brisbane," from 4K0 at 8.45, The, um ,:1- neri to mill ,f 1,11n I III present "Gallst W,11: Br ul I IA-et:APR iiVE.1). OC 1:/.11 '.t t. I foal and OW I , so lousy- ' is liai inti thee one this itlilt Week. Fire Pre- % en( Ho Week it II CI Nalanial Gallery Week. The trustees and the iirector of the Gallery lave said, in effect, "If Wahomet won't come to he mountain, the mouna sin must go to Mahomet," I mad no extensive pro- ramme has been arranged o that sonic knowledge of 'hat the Gallery offers will be gained. The hub around which the Gallery Week revolves will be the exhibition of British watercolours in the Gallery itself. In addition, there will be lunch-hour talks in the City Hall by knowledgeable well-known ripple: exhibitions of the 'cvork of Queensland artists, and a pavement show when linore than 100 young artists will present them- selves on the City Hall steps and hi King George Square, complete with painting paraphernalia, so that the public may see them at work. Original paintings from the Gallery will be on dis- play In leading business houses, and the Johnstone and Moreton Galleries will play their pert with show- ings of paintings and sculpture. The official opening will be performed by the Minister for Public Instruc- tion t Mr. Cowles). "COURIER MAIL," Brisbane Talks on Art flit shanman nl Ire s the National F. A Ferguson I is of city batiks, ofile, end the police to attend Wks On art In t he lunch-hour at the City Hall durina (lathery Week the first talk will hr nn Nr:rtar, Or!nhri. Oft. "slit, r!: oh Atis it Pluto hi C at. Ii. 1lati litionmh