Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"COURIER MAIL, Nnk/ 11-,E,4 Brisbane, Qld. PERSONAL Mr. E. A. Ferguson has been re -appointed chairman of trustees of the Queens -I land National Arl Gallery' for a further term of six years. I VIII You Have Asked For Them-Well? THE old cider changeth." What r> generation, frequently is disregarded in a one. This change in outlook can possibly be due either to greater knowledge gained, or the blind following ct fashionable trend... In art, as in everything else, a a be advancement el theught, the change will be on basic principle., but it the individual chore,. brought about by the following of fashion, the n can only he u dismal negation of effort. It is with theirghts of this nature that one si. approach the appreciation of the current special r .t' bit ion at the Queensland Notional Art popular requeb pitt,nengs. These pictures in 1,, years enp.yed Popularity, old as some of them ; nor been on ,,ew for !.eme lime, the reactions el t; one-time admirer, ss.tl 1.0 most interesting. It must be ,,,,cied that t3 National Art :.. lection malls 'I. ;,,tarty of the Pc,Plu, works critter ie: I .1 .; the years-at the of the orerin ; .-ore therefore on CT, for r ,, IF I:. weiebire from "Home C. I ., . ,. el our Alley Fletcher. well let Tr/ e . rot mid their fuvour.,, Sri- often. IS well as demerit err ... tip. /.1 the , t ri oil " TELEGRAPH," 0110.--- in art panel THE single painting on view In The Courier - Mali Art Panel this meek Is the last work of a brit - Rant Australian painter who died in his twenties. Hugh Ramsay began the painting, a portrait of "Lily Lock" (Mrs. Robert- son), In 1906. The portrait was unfin- ished bemuse of illness, and Ramsay died the same year at the age of 29. The portrait was re- cently presented to the Queensland National Art Gallery by Dr. Norman Behan as a tribute to his mother. It has been lent by the Gallery Trustees. Ramsay was born In Glasgow in 1877 and set- tled with his parents in Melbourne. lie studied in Paris and exhibited over- seas before lie was com- pelled by illness to return to Australia. ..v.'ate. sing 4^'