Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

You Have Asked For Them-Well? THE old order changeth." What is popular in one generation, frequently Is disregarded in a later one. This change inn ,irtlook can possibly be due either to greater knowledge goined, or the blind following of fashionable trend,. In (Tr, as in everything eise, if it be advancement .,1 al, tight, the change will be founded on basic principle>, but if the Individual change is brought about by the following of fmnion, the result can only be a dismal negation of effort. It is with thrughts of this nature that one should approach the apprecintion of the current special eshi bition at the Queensland National Art Galley id popular request paintings. These pictures in former years enjoyed popularity, and, as some of them hay. not been on view for some time, the reactions of their one-time admirers will be most interesting. It must be remembered that n National Art col. action is really the property of the people, and the works collected lluoughout the years --at the discretit.ri of the governing bodies-are therefore on an equality for exhibition to the people. If Davey Jones gets pleasure from "Home Wind," fn.. C. Napier Hcmy, ICA.. and Sally of our Alley sobs over "Eviction," by filandford Fletcher, well let them. These things really belong to them and their favourites should see the light of day more often, They have their merits as well as demerits when one views than in the perspective of their peri,..d Certainly some r,f them do not at all give what they should, but that can be said of the major portion of man's efforts through the ages. -MELVILLE HAYSOM 11444144444141444446~441A1444441444444,1M1. AT TOP: "Eviction," by Blandford Fletcher. RIGHT: "Care," by Josephine Muntz Adams. BELOW: "Home Wind,' by C. Napier Hemy. 1/.